1-877-634-6361. Assistant Attorneys General: E. Fremont Magee; Sarah E. Sette. Elizabeth Lee (410) 872-8769; e-mail: elizabeth.lee3@maryland.gov Vacancy, Special Assistant Attorney General (410) 576-6337. Karen Alderman, Supervisor (301) 316-3328; e-mail: karen.alderman2@maryland.gov Assistant Attorney General: vacancy (410) 819-4452 e-mail: krowe@oag.state.md.us. Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center Assistant Attorneys General: Jennifer R. Bowman; Matthew P. Clagett; Ellen W. Cohill; Christopher S. Corzine; Andrew Gaudreau; Matthew C. Koning; Julie B. Kuspa; Gayarti Mastaghini; Jonathan E. C. May; Anand N. Parikh; James S. Phillips-Farley; Jean K. Pope; Rebecca B. Reske; Mary R. Sheppard-Walker; Matthew D. Standeven; Michael F. Strande; Lawrence A. Thrower; Patricia V. Tipon; Cynthia Weisz; Matthew S. Zimmerman. ; William B. Dulany, Esq. Andrea Grzechowiak (410) 864-6333; e-mail: andrea.grzechowiak@maryland.gov Kimberly Lewis (301) 316-3324; e-mail: kimberly.lewis@maryland.gov (C81C0018, formerly Michael J. Salem, Senior Counsel (410) 260-7658 Catherine Schuster Pascale, Senior Counsel (410) 576-6530; cpascale@oag.state.md.us Christopher L. Fontaine, Deputy Counsel (410) 865-1110; e-mail: cfontaine@oag.state.md.us Sean L. Coleman, Counsel (410) 729-8240; e-mail: scole@menv.com Travis W. Poole, Social Services Attorney (240) 420-3266; e-mail: travis.poole@maryland.gov Kevin M. Cox, Counsel, (410) 576-6388; e-mail: kcox@oag.state.md.us Vacancy, Counsel (410) 767-7829 Nancy Johnson (301) 316-3327; e-mail: nancy.johnson@maryland.gov (C81C0016, formerly (410) 576-7918. Joel Munses, Senior Assistant Attorney General (410) 576-7217; e-mail: jmunses@oag.state.md.us. State Lottery & Gaming Control Agency www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/Pages/CPD/Homebuilder/index.aspx Consumer Protection DivisionConsumer hotline: (410) 528-8662En espaol 410-230-1712Attorney General's Main Switchboard, Toll-free 1-888-743-0023FAX: 410-576-7040. In
Assistant Attorneys General: Priscilla N. Carroll; Eric A. Hartlaub. ; Eric Schaeffer, Esq. Assistant Attorneys General: karl.pothier@maryland.gov Shelly E. Mintz, Deputy Counsel (410) 230-3135 State Health Services Cost Review Commission Assistant Attorneys General: Sophie I. Asike; Hillary A. Baker; Jean H. Baker; Catherine H. Bellinger; Andrew J. Brouwer; Kimberly H. Carney; Justin S. Dunbar; Leza M. Griffith; Sarah P. Harlan; John D. Hart; Shara Hendler; Jessica B. Kaufman; Sloane Fried Kinstler; Kenneth F. Krach; Matthew A. Lawrence; Eric B. London; Kevin W. McGivern; Jessica S. Praley; Hope D. Sachs; Kenneth Sigman; Nicholas C. Sokolow. Joel Munses, Senior Assistant Attorney General (410) 576-7217; e-mail: jmunses@oag.state.md.us Kimberly Lewis (301) 316-3324; e-mail: kimberly.lewis@maryland.gov Assistant Attorney General: Lisa O'Mara Arnquist (410) 585-3079 Sophia L. Swope, Counsel (410) 527-4010; fax: (410) 527-4011; e-mail: sswope@mdsif.state.md.us Ask Agent Mary, http://www.mymarylandauto.com/site/contact/, fpaaworkflowcoordinator.commerce@maryland.gov, https://health.maryland.gov/pages/contactus.aspx, http://dhs.maryland.gov/about-dhs/customer-service/, dldwdworkforcedevelopment-labor@maryland.gov, dloplmarylandracingcommission-labor@maryland.gov, dluiemployerassistance-labor@maryland.gov, https://insurance.maryland.gov/pages/contacts-at-mia.aspx, https://mpa.maryland.gov/pages/contact-us.aspx, https://customerrelations.mta.maryland.gov/#/feedback, frederickcountyrow@registers.maryland.gov, montgomerycountyrow@registers.maryland.gov, http://marylandsha.force.com/customercare/request_for_service, Governor's Office of Performance Improvement, Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), Prevention and Health Promotion Administration, Office of Controlled Substances Administration, 410-838-1500 (Bel Air) or 410-617-1779 for (Edgewood/Woodbridge), 410-313-6284 Medical questions (8am-5pm); 410-313-2022 County public information (8am-5pm), 410-778-1350 8am-6pm, M-F) or 2-1-1 available 24/7, Employer unemployment insurance bulk claims, Office of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation, Office of Small Business Regulatory Assistance, Maryland Health Working Families Act, also known as Safe and Sick Leave, Office of the State Superintendent Ombudsman, Emergency Business (obtaining a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) or registering fleet vehicles needed to bring resources to Marylanders), 410-848-2586 or 410-876-3158 or toll free: 888-876-0034, 410-770-8160 Emergency Services; 410-819-5600 Health Department, 410-912- 6889 Covid-19 Call Center; 410-543-6996 24-hour emergency hotline; 410-543-6943 Notifiable/Reportable Conditions Line, 410-632-1100 option 8 (8am-5pm M-F); 410-632-4321 General information on COVID-19. Jessica Kaufman, Senior Assistant Attorney General (410) 576-6577 Maryland at a Glance TTY users may use the Maryland Relay Service to contact the Department of Legislative Services or the Maryland General Assembly Maryland General Assembly Switchboard: 410-841-3000 301-858-3000 1-800-492-7122 State Phone Directory . Assistant Attorneys General: Mark H. Bowen; Brent Schubert; Ephraim R. Siff. Assistant Attorneys General: DIVISION OF SECURITIES HEALTH EDUCATION & ADVOCACY UNIT Robert J. Gilbert, Deputy Counsel (410) 767-5860; e-mail: rgilbert@oag.state.md.us Please do not send original documents. Katherine A. Dorian, Chief (410) 576-6458; e-mail: kdorian@oag.state.md.us Amanda C. Horn (410) 864-6315; e-mail: amanda.horn@maryland.gov Assistant Attorneys General: William J. Chen III; Ilene S. Garten; W. David Rawle. Benjamin A. Harris, Deputy Counsel (410) 576-7294; e-mail: bharris@oag.state.md.us Sean L. Coleman, Counsel (410) 729-8240; e-mail: scole@menv.com Allegany County Office of Child Support Jennifer L. Tosky, Deputy Counsel (410) 230-8822; e-mail: Jennifer.tosky@maryland.gov of Social Services Daniel J. Jawor, Chief (410) 687-6415; e-mail: djawor@oag.state.md.us Assistant Attorneys General: Damon A. Bown; Steven R. Brown; Renee Dyson; John Fredrickson; Patrick M. Martyn. (C81C0012) Assistant Attorney General: Kasey M. Miles (410) 386-3406; e-mail: kasey.miles@maryland.gov Robert J. Gilbert, Deputy Counsel (410) 767-5860; e-mail: rgilbert@oag.state.md.us Karl A. Pothier, Principal Counsel (410) 230-3138; e-mail: Assistant Attorneys General: Paul Halliday; Kelly Hooper-McCamey; Theresa Morse; Zachary A. Norfolk; Mack J. Swan; Erin Wrenn. Keri Kelly (410) 872-8771; e-mail: keri.kelly@maryland.gov Edgar A. Ocampo, Supervisor (410) 386-3400; e-mail: edgar.ocampo@maryland.gov Maryland Teachers & State Employees Supplemental Retirement Plans OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Time: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m., by appointment. paul.cucuzzella@maryland.gov James Becker, Principal Counsel (443) 378-4141; e-mail: james.becker@maryland.gov of Social Services (C81C0018, formerly Lisa P. Snyder, Social Services Attorney (410) 386-3494; e-mail: lisap.snyder@maryland.gov Governor's Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs kris.king@maryland.gov Assistant Attorneys General: Mary C. Chalawsky; Sonia S. Cho; Craig H. DeRan; Jason R. Potter; Patrick Sheridan. Steven M. Sakamoto-Wengel, Deputy Chief (410) 576-6307; e-mail: ssakamoto@oag.state.md.us of Social Services Office of Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison Tel: (651) 296-3353 (Twin Cities Calling Area) or (800) 657-3787 (Outside the Twin Cities) (800) 627-3529 (Minnesota Relay) Representatives are available to take calls during the hours listed below. Please note that we are unable to accept
Department of Veterans Affairs Assistant Attorneys General: Murray Singerman; Jessica Wisner. e-mail: awarmack@oag.state.md.us Maryland Environmental Service Assistant Attorney General: Josaphine B. Yuzuik (410) 260-3855; e-mail: Assistant Attorney General: one vacancy Assistant Attorneys General: Michael Fox; Benjamin M. Grossman; Cecelia G. Traini. Suellen Wideman, Assistant Attorney General (410) 764-3326; fax: (410) 358-1311. e-mail: fschantz@oag.state.md.us PEOPLE'S INSURANCE COUNSEL DIVISION INVESTIGATIVE UNIT Maryland Department of Health web: 2023 County Office. web: Lisa B. Maryland at a Glance of Social Services Maryland Health Care Commission Attorneys General Carroll County Office of Child Support (410) 576-7918 e-mail: awarmack@oag.state.md.us, FALSE CLAIMS UNIT of Social Services Anthony J. Mohan, Principal Counsel (410) 429-7477; e-mail: Department of Natural Resources Assistant Attorneys General: Daniel W. Baker; Erik J. Delfosse; Alan P. Goodwich; Laura S. D. Tilley. securities@oag.state.md.us Michael Geleta, Social Services Attorney (410) 713-3904; e-mail: michael.geleta@maryland.gov Catherine King (410) 864-6314; e-mail: catherine.king@maryland.gov www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/Pages/PIC/default.aspx (C81C0004, formerly Dale E. Cantone, Deputy Commissioner (410) 576-6368 kris.king@maryland.gov Jessica M. Whitney (410) 864-6311; e-mail: jessica.whitney@maryland.gov e-mail: mdmanual@maryland.gov. Anthony J. Mohan, Principal Counsel (410) 429-7477; e-mail: Elizabeth Dennis (410) 222-1566; e-mail: elizabeth.dennis1@maryland.gov Maryland Energy Administration CENTRAL MARYLAND OFFICE Department of Human Services Elizabeth Dennis (410) 222-1566; e-mail: elizabeth.dennis1@maryland.gov Susan E. Parks, Supervisor (410) 561-8435; e-mail: sparks@maryland.gov e-mail: jkaufman@oag.state.md.us Assistant Attorneys General: Timothy S. Lake; Michelle M. Martin. Wicomico County Dept. Melodie M. Mabanta, Deputy Chief (410) 576-6983; e-mail: mmabanta@oag.state.md.us Assistant Attorneys General: Tracee Orlove Fruman; Gregory Jennings; James McHale; Raja S. Mishra; Andrew Schell. Lynn E. Pickens (410) 864-6309; e-mail: lynn.pickens@maryland.gov Please note that this is for non-emergency contact communication and is not monitored 24 hours a day. Maryland Universities & Colleges Worcester County Dept. Andrea Saum Baker, Principal Counsel (410) 537-3055; e-mail: of Social Services Peter C. Ismay, Deputy Counsel (410) 545-0040; e-mail: pismay@oag.state.md.us State Retirement & Pension System Kimberly Smith Ward, Deputy Counsel, Litigation (410) 230-6123; e-mail: Elizabeth Lee (410) 872-8769; e-mail: elizabeth.lee3@maryland.gov Assistant Attorneys General: Juliana Bell; Trevor H. Coe. William Zak Shirley, Director (410) 576-6864; e-mail: zshirley@oag.state.md.us The phone numbers provided below will connect you with an Administrative Law Judge's assistant. Beverly M. Pivec, Director (410) 576-6442 GENERAL ASSEMBLY COUNSEL Sean L. Coleman, Counsel (410) 729-8240; e-mail: scole@menv.com Sophia L. Swope, Counsel (410) 527-4010; fax: (410) 527-4011; e-mail: sswope@mdsif.state.md.us Jeffrey H. Myers, Principal Counsel (410) 767-1110; e-mail: Steven M. Talson, Counsel (410) 537-4088; e-mail: stalson@oag.state.md.us Cheryl A. Brown-Whitfield, Principal Counsel (410) 865-1109; e-mail: cbrownwhitfield@mdot.state.md.us Rachel L. Eisenhauer, Deputy Counsel (410) 260-8355 Maryland Manual On-Line Assistant Attorneys General: Jessica V. Carter; Menelik P. Coates; Andrew Costinett; Andrew J. DiMiceli; Brenda Gruss; Todd W. Hesel; Virginia S. Hoverrmill; Brian Kleinbord; Conor McCarthy; Peter R. Naugle; Gary E. O'Connor; Sarah E. Pritzlaff; Karinna M. Rossi; Derek Simmonsen; Jeremy H. Welter; Zoe G. White. Assistant Attorneys General: Jennifer R. Bowman; Matthew P. Clagett; Ellen W. Cohill; Christopher S. Corzine; Andrew Gaudreau; Matthew C. Koning; Julie B. Kuspa; Gayarti Mastaghini; Jonathan E. C. May; Anand N. Parikh; James S. Phillips-Farley; Jean K. Pope; Rebecca B. Reske; Mary R. Sheppard-Walker; Matthew D. Standeven; Michael F. Strande; Lawrence A. Thrower; Patricia V. Tipon; Cynthia Weisz; Matthew S. Zimmerman. Caroline County Office of Child Support Ice; Antonio V. Rivera. Assistant Attorneys General: Brian L. Oliner, Principal Counsel (410) 260-7808; e-mail: (301) 791-4780 Kimberly A. Millender, Counsel (410) 537-1012 Assistant Attorneys General: Teresa B. Carnell; Jigita A. Patel. Sharon S. Street, Counsel (410) 547-7378; e-mail: sstreet@oag.state.md.us Barbara Curnin Kountz, Deputy Counsel (410) 767-6456 Assistant Attorney General: Rajni K. Sekhri