Scottie Slippen. Also, as a new Vegan how can I get enough Iron? Team Name Puns 2023 Did you hear the Atlanta Hawks dont have a website? Whats the difference between a basketball player and a dog? 3. We'll be waiting in anticipation. Fish dont like basketball because theyre afraid of the nets. The Minnesota Timberwolves. Ive been a basketball Iverson-ce my first game. 4. 7. I saw a man walking through an airport holding a basketball. It's not how tall you are, it's all about your dreams. Basketball is a serious sport but these puns are just funny! Did you hear about the Basketball who sued Tennis for no reason Now they have to go to court. 58. Shoot: Throwing the basketball towards the hoop is known casually as "shooting" the ball. 62. 27 Delicious Food Puns. 6. So we hope youre hungry because we have a smorgasbord of hilarious funnies thatll fill you up with laughter! If you love to taco 'bout Mexican food puns then come on in, grab a tortilla, and let the pun begin to roll. A basketball players favorite place to eat is Dunkin Donuts. A score-pion. 19. Baseball Puns Basketball Puns Bowling Puns Diving Puns Fishing Puns Football Puns Golf Puns Hockey Puns Running Puns Ski Puns Soccer Puns Swimming Puns Tennis Puns Volleyball Puns. Skeleton Puns Getty Images "Lazy bones." "Bone to be wild." "Laughing 'til I'm coffin." "Some people have no guts." "Bugs and hisses." "Do you play the trom-bone?" "Dying to have fun." "Bone appetit!" "You can't skele-run from my skele-puns." "I would make a skeleton joke, but you wouldn't find it very humerus." "Let's have some skele-fun." I invited my flat-earther friend to play basketball. Why arent birds allowed to play basketball? What does a hunter do with a basketball? We go together like biscuits and gravy! Tacko Fall. 17. If you know of any puns about basketball that were missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! 86.78 % / 825 votes. , Read More 15 Rapper Pun Cat NamesContinue. 33. 12. I still play Basketball. You can basket questions. Whats the difference between Basketball players and Soccer players? I used to be addicted to basketball, but I rebounded. Why do basketball players wear bibs? 4. Because he was always putting on Airs. I stayed up all night wondering where the sun went, then it dawned on me. Are you looking for word play for text messages, Facebook, Twitter or some other social media platform? .After such a long time of always having that pressure of staying in shape and keep doing stuff, it's kind of been nice just to sit and enjoy the kids and enjoy some good food and some drinks and just enjoying life.". 138. How do you keep a Milwaukee Bucks player out of your yard? What do you call a pig who plays basketball? What violation do ghosts get called for the most in basketball? The Detroit Pistons. You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill. But he gets money, a car, and three credit hours for it. Cheesy puns make me all gooey inside! Missle toe! A list of puns related to "Basketball Food". 46. Just dont get too crazytheres too much at steak! Low-wage workers play basketball. . She said shed rather settle out of court. My tennis career has taught me I can be the best basketball player ever. I take b12 and b6 supplements, but I want to know some tips for Iron instead of supplements since I keep hearing how vegans don't get enough Iron. 10. Root. I couldnt figure out why the basketball kept getting larger and larger. What did the player on the Bumblebee basketball team say after making a foul shot? If a basketball player gets athletes foot, what does an astronaut get? 35. He goes out into the hallway and sees a fire, so he fills a trash can from his room with water and douses the fire. 13. 3. Would you like to see some funny basketball pun pictures? San Antonio has a spontaneous basketball team. I fell asleep beside the kitchen sink. You're the wine that I want! All rights reserved. Cats arent good at basketball. Staying hydrated might be the most important goal of any basketball nutrition program. Make it rein, deer. seymour guado 2nd fight; how to plant water lilies in a deep pond; chs mylife phone number; what to do when legs are weeping? What do you call a monkey that wins back to back titles? Turn NBA player's name into food/food related stuff. What is it called when two Mexicans play basketball? What do you call a monkey that wins back to back titles A chimpion. 49. Why is a referee like an angry chicken? Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. The quickest way for corn farmers to be successful is to corn-er the market. Q: A ninja who is good at basketball is called what? 11. A bass fishs favorite sport is bass-get-ball. 35 Hilarious Basketball Jokes to Make You Laugh In Court A Collection of Basketball Jokes That Will Make You Laugh On the Court by - 12 Jan 2022 Sports Basketball jokes are a great way to bring some laughter and levity into a game. Sushi started dating him again? I donated my old basketball hoop to a school for the blind It will be missed. 31. What do you tell a person who's on a diet but keeps on eating cheese? They shoot too many hairballs. A: Donkin' Doughnuts. Where is a basketball players favorite place to eat? My parents will go nuts if I do this. Where do players take their dates to party after the game? Swiss! Why is it annoying to eat next to basketball players? Theyll give you three-pointers. What do you call a Knicks player with a championship ring? Basketball players are the most upstanding members of society. Don't be rude, donate some food. Olive you 16. If there's any other vitamins or minerals some experts on a vegan lifestyle please give me some tips. What food is good for getting demon waifus & after playing basketball? Batter up! Ghoul tending. All in all, if you love dad jokes and funny jokes involving Tim Duncan, Scottie Pippen, and Tacko Fall, then this is the list for you: 1. If youre interested in other sports, we also have baseball puns, golf puns and running puns. 18. Did you hear the scores of the African basketball game It was Eight-Nothing. 20. 3. Why does every retired basketball players open a brewery? Bit** peas Corn farmers are not good comedians because their jokes are always corny. What do basketball cheerleaders drink before they go to a basketball game? You don't know jack 22. Because her coach was a pumpkin. What do you call a dozen millionaires watching the playoffs on TV? His 4 friends were found dead from starvation and hypothermia 20 miles from their car in a cabin stocked with food and heating materials. Fast shipping, Satisfaction Guaranteed! 59. 27. However you use these hilarious puns, they're sure to get a corny smile on someone's face. In his free time, Willis likes to Reed. Shoot.. 65. Basketball is in our blood Every shot counts. 73. What do basketball cheerleaders drink before they go to a basketball game? Basketball players wear bibs because they dribble. 40. Enjoy food and entertainment while sipping on a brew or two. The basketball player made mistakes but felt no rim-orse. A turkey that plays basketball says, Double-double.. Photo by David Em/Humor Living. Ill be right back. The engineer wakes up and smells smoke. - Because it heard the referee was blowing fouls. Basketball soul. Oh, he bald. Toronto missed out on an opportunity to call their basketball team the Torontosaurus Rexes. 2023 Humor Living. Basketball players are messy eats. Its a great way to connect with others, share your culture, and explore new flavors. A tall tale. "Strike" is also another versatile word that can be weaved into just about any sentence if you try hard enough. What do you call a bench with all white men on it? T-Shirt Design Maker Featuring Periodic Table Graphics with Funny Puns 5408 Why dont basketball players dont like to leave their hometowns? Because people were dribbling on it! "I know for a fact we are gonna win," said God. 13. The only difference between time and a ball hog is that the former passes. Hive Scored! Rewind the VHS tape. Basketball is the only sport where the basket is filled but never gets full. 6. What do you call a fantasy show about basketball? 20. 15. These 101 best puns are guaranteed to get you giggling. 5. 27. 3. These are meant to inspire your your own enjoyment over the beloved sport. What do you call a piece of cheese that likes to shoot hoops? Youre like my favorite candy bar, half sweet and half nuts! [15M] wsg its me benagain bc im bored and dont feel like studying for exams. 82.54 % / 2073 votes. Please try to buy at least $40 or more. Blender Carlisle. Wright's or Sassy's for pre-basketball game food? You can play basketball indoors or outdoors. You wanna pizza me 23. They're funny because they're true in both interpretations of the word, and they are best understood when read. Why cant basketball players go on vacation? Overall Big 12 Basketball Product: Big 12 Media Day Food Selection: . 1. Shes got, Read More 30 Funny Jellyfish PunsContinue, Top results: The 90 Best Laundry Puns And Jokes To Get You In A Spin Author: Date Published: 25/10/2021 Ratings: 2.51 Highest Ratings: 5 Lowest Ratings: 1 Excerpt: Apr 28, 2021 1. Why is the basketball arena hot after the game? When basketball players miss a basket, they say, shoot!. Why are college basketball players so excited to make it to the last hole in golf? We hope that no matter what youre after youll find it here. Because he broke a record. Mustve been traveling. 2. They are people to look up to. How many NCAA basketball players does it take to change a light bulb? 4 Full Court Basketball Drills for Improved Offense & Defense, 3-2 Zone Defense: How it Works, Pros/Cons and Alternatives. Cinderella was kicked off of the basketball team because she ran away from the ball. If a basketball player gets an athletes foot, what does an astronaut get? Why is the basketball arena always hot often after games? (Youve been warned!) You know you love puns. They cant string three Ws together. Because they always make jump shots. 61. His checks were all bouncing. Chicken twins are also called a double foul. 29. "I wouldn't count on that, God," said Satan. Q: Do you know what fast-food chain would make a great basketball player? 13. All rights reserved. Never make plans with croissantstheyre flakey! Why was the basketball court wet? Hi. . Though Ive never played a game, either. 13. 33. [US-SELLING] Large Manga/Anime Lot- One Piece, Bleach, Food Wars, Kurokos Basketball, Seven Deadly Sins and more! 75 Hilarious Basketball Puns and Jokes That Don't Suck Author: Date Published: 25/09/2021 Ratings: 3.83 Highest Ratings: 5 Lowest Ratings: 1 Excerpt: Laugh your way to basketball pun master on the court. He leads the league in Arby eyes. Switching was indeed a marbleless idea. 1. 72. The New York Old St. Nicks. The baby will stop whining after a while. He shoots it! 4. Everyone on there says they love traveling. Troostapalooza - Live Music, Food Trucks, Basketball, Pickleball, Craft Vendors, Mural Painting, Kid Zone + More! 19. Why couldnt the basketball player listen to his music? A brawl took place in a basketball game. He has three-pointers. 1. Mike has been involved with basketball for over 30 years as a player, coach, and bettor. A blue whale is so large that if you laid it end to end across a basketball court, the game would be canceled. Youre pointless.. Many basketball players fail their tests in school because they do not want to pass. 4. 53. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. 40 Orange Puns To Make Your Fanta Sea Come True. 21. Food Puns List Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. We also discussed last year's MVP (he thinks Harden should have won), food he's helping get to families in Boston & St. Louis, and if he's on board with the new nickname "The Problem", "I love re-watching Marvel movies and cheering on basketball teams on TV, but I enjoy the food commercials the best." So girls can't like basketball, video games or food, be small, have short hair or deep voices apparently. They stand near the fans. Doughnut take us lightly. Now both have to go to court. Did you hear that the basketball coach is dressing only 7 players for the tournament? 94. For funny and bad puns, even funny, Read More 11 Funny Appropriate PunsContinue. What did the triangle offense scream at the ball? You can share them with other viewers or teammates to make everyone laugh. My friend Tim the basketball player is so stubborn! You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill. Because the players are always dribbling everywhere! One liner tags: puns, sport. What do you call a basketball player with allergies? I used to be addicted to basketball but I rebounded. [#4|+19559|186] In Japan, the noodle brand Nissin Foods sponsors the National Basketball Championship with an original mop! What do an angry bunny and a pro basketball player have in common? 19. My father is really good at basketball. They both get negative returns. 9. It was counterproductive. Did you hear about the baseball player who can spot a fast food restaurant from miles away? Twelve millionaires gathered around a TV watching the NBA finals is called what? 135. What basketball player would be a great spokesperson for autumn? - Because they can dunk them!. Birds arent allowed to play basketball. Son, stop swallowing the whole corncob or you might get corn-stipated! If you give a hunter a basketball, theyll shoot it. Are you dine with your food sir? Saskatoon businessman raises money for food banks in basketball-thened campaign, Basketball trashcans outside every drive-thru fast food joint. Because theyre extinct. 16. Why was the basketball court wet? A fantasy TV show about basketball is called what? Oh crab, it's Monday ! 2. A basketball players favorite hobby is net-ting. 8. He has a degree in Sports Psychology and enjoys following both the NBA and College Basketball on a nightly basis. 57 Basketball Puns to Spread More Laughs on the Match Basketball is a sport that is loved by many people, and it has been around for a long time. I went to a seafood party last week. Get inspiration from this list of catchy basketball slogans: Making basketball more fun Basketball redefined. Why are frogs so good at basketball? Why did the basketball team join a craft club? Why did the basketball player visit the bank? Scott Epipen. However, once you commit these funny food puns to memory, youll bound to crack more than eggs at your next foodie get-together. Learn more about Box of Puns. What do you call a basketball player who smells really good? 26. Juan on Juan. If you make a mistake of playing basketball with pigs, they will hog the ball. Why has Europe never won Olympic gold in basketball? Lettuce pray for the meal. Cake is just bread that believed in itself. Laundry puns are not as bad as everyone thinks they are. How Long Do College Basketball Games Last (Start to Finish)? 39. Hooper-natural. Happy as can be. Dog puns are the perfect way to put a smile on anyone's face. Take a look at the list below to get inspiration for some of your own! 64. What do the stock market and Knicks season ticket holders have in common? 96. Everyone gets to leave work 12 minutes early. 20. Did you hear about the basketball player who tried to shoot hoops on a hockey rink? Homographic pun examples include: After hours of waiting for the bowling alley to open, we finally got the ball rolling. 53. I'm Richard Edwards. How did the guy with no hair do during his basketball game? They always use the worst pickup limes. 8. I like to prank people with hoop-ie cushions. The only time a basketball team chases a baseball team is five after nine. 44. 62. And finally, although the Nets have moved to Brooklyn, here is a classic NBA joke for those fans of the franchise from the state that sits on New Yorks border: 75. Whether youre looking for jokes, puns, memes, or funny stories, Humor Living is the place to be. Root beer! Lettuce us celebrate! Why are babies good at basketball? - Kids Basketball Poster By Dallas-Artworks Which basketball player wears the biggest sneakers? I made a robot basketball player. Little Big Burger workers challenge YOU to the First Annual Food Service Basketball Tournament. David Emis the founder of Box of Puns, which he created to add more laughter and humor to life. 28. Thieves can be basketball players because theyre good at shooting, stealing, and running. I pulled a mussel. My father is really good at He always told me Ive been Duncan all my life. 10. What does a basketball player do when he loses his eyesight? The main difference between a dog and a basketball player is that one dribbles while the other drools. What would a basketball game set in heaven be named? A-pear-antly not! Time passes. 9. A friend of mine used to install kitchen work surfaces, but they arrested him for counter fitting. What do Bulls fans do after Chicago wins the championship? List of The Great Food Truck Race episodes. Check out our complete list of team names with puns. You're not alone in your search for slam dunks in the joke department, either. away from their car having died from starvation&hypothermia, despite an ample supply of food/heating materials. Why are basketball players good at handling breakups? Sky rim. Because theyre always dribbling! The world needs smore people like you! If you're more of a Harlem Globetrotter than a Michael Jordan, you'll truly appreciate these super funny basketball jokes and puns. Why did the fish refuse to play basketball? You've got a peach of my heart! 8. I donut know what Id do without you. Why cant you play basketball in the jungle? The sport is full of analogies and word plays, which makes it the perfect target for anyone who loves to make jokes. 79. "I like re-watching Marvel movies and cheering on basketball teams on TV, but I enjoy the food commercials the most. Basketball is the only sport where the basket is filled but never gets full. Pigs arent fun to play basketball with because they hog the ball. You're berry cute! 55. Check Out: Top 100 Michael Jordan Quotes & Sayings. The lake trout didn't try out for the school's basketball team because it was afraid of the net. 11. What does a basketball player say when he misses? Because the players kept dribbling on it. 7. It's called "Verdugo". He stands near the fans. 2. 1. Where do players take their dates to party after the game? He goes back to bed. What is the difference between a Suns fan and a baby? Says, Double-double.. Photo by David Em/Humor Living, but I rebounded is that One dribbles while the drools. Why couldnt the basketball kept getting larger and larger his basketball game it was.! From starvation and hypothermia 20 miles from their car in a cabin stocked with food and entertainment while on. 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