For me, whenever I tried to play BF with just steam on, it couldn't open up origin so my game never launched. Show. When clicking on a server in the browser to join it, half the time the game refuses to launch, with an error message saying "Could not start, please verify that you have the latest version and can start the game from Origin." Like it says joining but the game just doesn't launch? Go into LocalContent folder and delete Battlefield 3's folder 5. Both launchers display the game and title card of "Battlefield 4 Premium Edition" but after clicking install in the steam launcher and completing the installation, the origin launcher still only has the "download" option available. "During initial release, Mass Effect 3 will be available on Origin and a number of other 3rd party digital . If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Battlefield 3 . This is an inconvenience that is usually occurring as soon as we start a game, we will see that it is not possible to stop shooting constantly . Hold the Windows key + R. 3. The bugs continue in Battlefield 2042 which makes it necessary to explain to you How to fix 'Can't Stop Shooting' auto fire. Try incognito mode on the browsers too. well the game bf3 stuck on initializing i tried multiple broswers i look even on forum nothing happes reinstalls orgin and game does not help, i tried even compatibility mode everything i tried as admin i tried launch game at low resolution nothing helped to be honest. Besides, nothing much I've done fixed it, I will leave a list of the things I've done and what I have told the EA Help team.I suggest you to talk to EA Support in Twitter or Facebook (search for Help EA) as they answer and can try some stuff to see if it fixes. Tried multiple fixes like "clear origin cache", "verify game file integrity", "reinstall origin", "Update punkbuster' etc. I still can't launch game. For me, whenever I tried to play BF with just steam on, it couldn't open up origin so my game never launched, Just reinstall bf3 and launch from google chrome (for me its working) if its not working reinstall directX and visual studio (Sorry for my bad english). Install the newest driver for your video card. Any tips? 0% of 0 players found this article helpful. Kind regards, avidnarutofan 6 + XP #7 December 2017 Options 1) Right-click on origin in the taskbar and click 'exit origin' 2) Log out of battlelog 3) Log in to battlelog 4) In battlelog, click 'play campaign' 5) In the prompt it brings up, click 'open origin' 6) Wait about 15 seconds and the game will start. Don't warn me again for Battlefield 3 View Page Cancel Battlelog is a free social platform that ties into Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 3 and lets you socialize, track stats, plan your next game, and more from your web browser! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. THANK YOU! When I try to start campaign via Battlelog It keep saying "Initializing" and it never ends. This runs the EA app as an administrator account and should let the game install. Battlefield 3 Enjoy instant unlimited access to Battlefield 3 with your EA Play Pro membership Get unlimited access to the best editions of our latest games on Save 10% on EA digital purchases Unlock member-only, in-game rewards Play select new releases days before launch. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. relocating origin to C didnt help after all, in the debug.log from the install directory is the line, anyone knows how to fix crashes when i'm ingame now it's more worst.. when the game pop up it crashes within that pop up .. WEIRD LIFE, Uninstalled Origin via the official uninstall guide (the hard way), running the game in windows safemode with network capabilities makes the join button work flawlessly. Click on the EA app and uninstall. Why anyone would buy this on steam is beyond me, works perfectly fine without any crashes through origin, so, yeah, it is a steam problem. We recommend re-enabling UAC as soon as youre finished troubleshooting. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. The mods will probably move your post to an old entry which talks about this issue (even tho they aren't the same and you clearly have done something about it). Checked origin and it says go through steam to access the DLCs. Try running the EA app as an administrator Close the EA app. Don't warn me again for Battlefield 3 View Page Cancel Here is what worked for me after previous troubleshooting that involved reinstalling the game didn't work: 1. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Steam Community :: Guide :: Battlefield 3 Not Launching With Prior Origin Install Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. My friend and I have been trying to play battlefield 3 on pc the other day but it would not load. Sometimes origin flashes up orange one time in the taskbar but nothing happens. I've been having trouble playing Battlefield 3 recently: the game won't always launch through the Battlelog, and doesn't even appear to launch from Origin. 3. Don't you love it when you just bought Battlefield 3 on Steam and itdoesn't launch? :: Battlefield 3 General Discussions Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Learn more about drive formatting and disk management with Microsoft Support, Learn how to adjust the protection level in your User Access Control settings with Microsoft Support, Open the Control Panel (find it by searching. All rights reserved. Discuss BF3 and share content with the community. Are you now not able to launch the game? Learn more about drive formatting and disk management with Microsoft Support. Battlefield 3 - Easy Fix for Non responsive Mouse and Keyboard HippCelt 1.06K subscribers Subscribe 12K views 2 years ago Here is a quick solution for BF3 players who have non responsive Mice. Here are some possible reasons: Outdated game client or drivers If you are trying to launch the game with an outdated game client or drivers, it may not run properly or at all. Launching BF3 on Steam launches bf3.exe and the bf3webhelper.exe. Please be aware, before doing the following to make sure Battlefield 3 is NOT running in Task Manager (sometimes the .exe can be hiding in Background processes). Did everything suggested and still will not launch I get "launching campaign" and "initialising campaign" notifications but will not launch. currently troubleshooting for disruptive programs and extensions. Not sure if this is the same, but I found the issue to be the browser I was using. Once they are both up, open up your browser and play from battlelog. I recommend you doing one or multiple of the following. You are a life saver! I have the contents of the Origin folder, copied from a different PC. Need browser Chome or Firefox for launch the game Battlefield 3. after trying to play a day after i have the same error. At first, please check your latest video-card driver and check what version of the origin client is installed on your computer. I'm actually considering buying the Steam version of the game, although I don't know if that will resolve things entirely. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. Clear your browser cache and/or try a different browser. Forums - Battlelog / Battlefield 3 I bought the game on steam with all the DLCs. After reading countless guides and reading typical troubleshooting dribble, I think I may have discovered the reason. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. You may need to check the install directory of BF3. This took me hours to get to work but finally figured it out, no thanks to the dickwads at ea. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Did you once have Battlefield 3 installed from Origin? the Battle log on the browser loaded up grand but when we try to join a server it will say on the bottom 'loading server'. So to play Battlefield 3 from Steam or even from Origin (which still works with Steam . It could be several reasons; I try to give you several steps which might help to solve your problem. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. That's it! Login under and launch the game from the browser. I have Battlefield 3 on PC and I have played the game for several hours but when I try to start it, it says launching bet it never does anything past that. i tried with diffrent broswer nothing happend still same problem. There's a whole list of generic fixes which everyone will suggest you but in the end there's no precise fix.The last time I checked they admitted that it was a common issue among BF3 players and that their team was working on fixing it. Cookie Notice The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. 1) Right-click on origin in the taskbar and click 'exit origin', 5) In the prompt it brings up, click 'open origin'. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Had the issue since I bought the game in 2020. Valve Corporation. When in the battle log in a browser does it let you join a server but nothing happens? I haveuninstalled and reinstalled it and in addition to doing repair installs. if you have brave or add blockers you gotta turn it off for the website. September 2013 See for details.. By clicking "Check out", you agree to the game's and . March, Hello i need help with Battlefield 3 im running on windows 11. i done everything and its still not working. Battlefield 3 gets stuck on "initializing" whenever I try to join a server using battlelog. Please see the. I just got tired, bought BF4 Premium for 9 EUR (it's on sale till 25th of Feb) and started playing the game.Best of luck for you with it and honestly, expect a few more weeks, maybe months of nothing till it somehow fixes itself after a random update they made :D. Thank you for your answer! For anyone who has been having issues launching Battlefield 3 lately, this is the guide for you! Are you playing on Origin or Steam? It was that simple. Battlelog doesnt like Firefox or Chrome. Use Internet Explorer or Edge to launch BF3. I will definitely try to contact EA Support. When the download was finished I was eager to get in game, but for some reasons it can't launch. Hopefully this works for everyone! I've been having trouble playing Battlefield 3 recently: the game won't always launch through the Battlelog, and doesn't even appear to launch from Origin. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. I don't even see them on this thread. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Reinstall your webplugins for battlelog. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. A game window pops up but its just a white screen and battlelog is stuck on the same initializing notification forever. Did you decide to repurchase it on Steam because reasons? Discuss BF3 and share content with the community. And the steam version still has the same initialization problem. Make sure to use the local data when the information box popping up. If that helped, you can try to enable the cloud storage after a restart; it might work after with the cloud storage function. Could not start, please verify that you have the latest version and can start the game from Origin." This worked perfectly for me. I had the same problem but I fixed it easily. What method\browser are you using launching via Battlelog? I clicked on join game, anything - singleplayer or multiplayer thru Battlelog the it'll say initialize, the BF3 icon on the taskbar appears but after few seconds the game closes. Yeah, me too. I don't know what else I could do, @grumpycat60 That is a recent common problem with multiple entries in this forum. Didn't work. Hope this works for everyone!!! Tried multiple fixes like "clear origin cache", "verify game file integrity", "reinstall origin", "Update punkbuster' etc. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. When it launches from the browser the games launches but does not open till you click it on the task bar. Origin will say its running in compatibility mode but thats fine. Steam Community :: Guide :: Battlefield 3 Not Launching Fix Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. MY SOLUTION: LAUNCH THE SINGLEPLAYER USING THE DIFFIRENT BF3.PAR FILE SO THAT THE GAME ACTUALLY LOADS AND THEN JUST GO ONTO BATTLELOG AND GET INTO THE GAME (I SIGNED INTO ORIGINS ON THE SITE ITSELF, THEN SAID NO TO THE "UPDATE THE GAME" POP-UP). Don't warn me again for Battlefield 3 View Page Cancel Then you go to the cloud button on BF3 and uncheck the enable cloud storage for all games box. Battlefield 3 Not Launching With Prior Origin Install. No, I havent tried installing official origin. I started PIPE.exe This is the output. A few times I've even launched Origin and the game just won't have the "Play" option, instead it'll just show me "Details". 1 yr. ago. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), I bought the game on steam with all the DLCs. I tried turning the plugin-free launch option off and no, but the problem persists. Battlefield 3 wont launch on Win10 :: Battlefield 3 General Discussions Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Could anyone please help me? All rights reserved. I hope this works for everyone!!! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Didn't work. See you on the Battlefield! Recently I tried to play a DLC map and battlelog gave me the message that I didn't have the DLC. Didn't work for me requested a refund and uninstalled Origin. Thank you so much! If the above steps didnt help you, head over to our. What is the use of marketing a console on its ability to be backward compatible if the game makers don't support their older games? When trying to join a Back To Karkand server, the game doesn't acknowledge the fact that I do own it - I have the Limited Edition as well as the Premium - and another message appears basically telling me to buy it. If you start having trouble when your download reaches 4 GB, you may have a problem with your hard drive formatting. . This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Also being logged into Battlelog in your browser before opening seems to help accelerate the process. Battlefield 3 Not Launching There can be several reasons why Battlefield 3 may not be launching on your device. It is only visible to you. Some hard drives have FAT32 formatting, which can have issues with files larger than 4 GB. I requested them to acknowledgeit in their twitter as to show players they were working on it but they just ignore it and forward you a link to the for you to "meanwhile search for alternatives". I noticed it was happening to others as well but didn't know this was such a common issue within the Battlefield community, such a shame. - last edited I just re-downloaded Battlefield 3 for the sake of nostalgia. Try re-installing the EA app Close the EA app (formerly EA Desktop). In the command box that opens, type %ProgramData%/Origin then click OK. 4. Also you can do several things. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), All rights reserved. I think i have problems with my PC, i think my programs don t detect internet, but i have on browser and another gamesand in bad company 2 don t recognize punkbuster..he kick me after a wileand bf3 stuck on joining server You need to sign in or create an account to do that. @coldgrenadex please describe what happens, any error codes or popup messages that you receive. I use Firefox. Don't warn me again for Battlefield 3 View Page Cancel I had the same problem, and your suggestion worked! Launch "Battlefield 3" without Battlelog with help from an experienced video game professional. When trying to join a Back To Karkand server, the game doesn't acknowledge the fact that I do own it - I have the Limited Edition as well as the Premium - and another message appears basically telling me to buy it. If this didn't work for you please let me know in the comments and I'll gladly try and help you to the best of my knowledge :D. I created my EA ID but it just doesn't work on this WHY? Valve Corporation. Valve Corporation. By clicking View Page, you affirm that you are at least eighteen years old. Right-click the EA app icon on your desktop (or in the EA app directory if not on your desktop) and select. Did you already do step by step as I explained in the guide? i had the issue where battlefield refused to launch. @LOLGotYerTags do you still use Win11, are you having any issues playing BF3 or solutions to issues that you can share? Once they are both up, open up your browser and play from battlelog. You are not alone, i think most of the BF3 players have problem launching it. Disable origin in game overlay, disable it in geforce experience. Battlefield has bee running fine since i made them both run as administrator. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), Please see the. I've been playing Battlefield 3 on PC since 2017 and never had that before. Battlefield 3 installed from Origin ( which still works with Steam and have! 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