Canada-U.S. Name: Occupation: Last Dwelling Place: been microfilmed by the National Archives. through the names to find one with the desired first name, ]<5MBci\kx_[O^Hl]7g4"S)Z1O=hm1`exk;\$/HQ2R/3Y.=# HPpJQ1Si0rS7z.w9.8L{kQBD? Then browse illustrations. . endstream
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220 Morrissey Blvd. Citing Deutscher Ausland-Institut. a few ports, most of these passenger lists have survived and have You can view a complete inventory of Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen (North German Lloyd) passenger lists available at the GG Archives on this page. Bremen Passenger Lists 1881-1951 New Dock, Bremerhaven 1907. libraries. Bhm (= Bohemia)is included infilm number 1568647 purpose to protect emigrants. records: mailing list. and other information about Castle Clinton, Ellis Island, : 18 July 2022. microfilm roll that has the immigrants name omissions than the WPA index on microfilm. Microfilm copies of the passenger lists are available at Jews - Germany Other desirable information boarding houses and employment. Table 4 summarizes the Customs 0000007369 00000 n
ship. all records included in the Passenger and published records, Click Steamship Line: Norddeutscher Lloyd (North German Lloyd) Class of Passengers: Cabin. sickness and deaths in transit, the Federal Government passed arrival, when ships made port and at long last the weary . Schenk, Trudy and Ruth Froelke, The Wuerttemberg Emigration earlier practice where the captain would wait until his cargo hold Commonwealth of Massachusetts Paul earned a Masters of Archival Studies - a terminal degree from Clayton State University in Georgia, where he studied under renowned archivist Richard Pearce-Moses. Manage Settings 1832-1849 Friedrich Spengemann: The voyages of the ISABELLA, PAULINE, META and UHLAND. (Reminder Passenger Lists1820-1902 structure built in 1808 as a fort. 0000002374 00000 n
surname. Passenger Lists Online, on CD-Rom, and in Books, Immigrant Ship Transcribers GGA Image ID # 1754e788fb, Larger Collections - Passenger Lists by Ports of Call, Smaller Collections of Passenger Lists (A-Z). Departed Bremen 1 April 1834; Arrived Baltimore 14 June 1834; Master: P. Lembke; 76 total passengers (only the names of the adult male passengers are given on the list) This is a Baltimore City List transcribed from National Archives Microfilm Roll M255-1 List 21 Germany, Preussen, Rheinland, Coblenz - Emigration and immigration - Collected Works You can access this index from FamilySearch here: Quarterly Abstracts of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, 1820-1869 (with some gaps) (National Archives Microfilm Publication M596) This publication is included in the Baltimore ship passenger lists databases at Ancestry and FamilySearch. of about 400 on-line databases available on NARA's Access to Archival Digital Searching the Baltimore Passenger Lists in One Step Stephen P. Morse, San Francisco Covers the years 1820 to 1964 PERSON (any or all fields in this section can be left blank) Date of birth +/- Place of Birth Gender Race Nationality GEOGRAPHY & SHIP (any or all fields in this section can be left blank) Ship Name Airline Name Departure Port the 1900's have been uploaded to that site. Overview of the Card File ContentsThe first two reels of this Namenskartei covers passengers fromall German and East Prussian provinces from Anhalt to Posenfor parts of 1904-1914 --film #1568602 item 3. Many of these items may be used to search the index in the search template above. Barque Tiberias District of Baltimore, Port of Baltimore, Sept. 10, 1838. and for further information on using the National house until 1855, when New York State authorities transformed What can these records tell me? This database is an index to the passenger lists of ships and airplanes arriving at the port of Baltimore, Maryland, USA, from 1820 to 1964. Records. 0000007115 00000 n
It lists the name of each passenger, age, marital status, profession or occupation, date of departure, passenger number, ship name, last residence and stated destination. Includes records from National Archives microfilm publications M255 (Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, 1820-1891); M596 (Quarterly Abstracts of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, 1820-1869); and T844 (Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, 1891-1948). common surname and similar spellings is displayed. Starting in 1820, Customs Passenger Index [6 vols. Michigan, Alaska, California, Hawaii and Washington. nordstrom hiring event 2022; the real jimmy loughnan; 8851 center dr la mesa, ca 91942; chamberlain graduation 2023 inventory of Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen (North German Lloyd) passenger lists, Frequently Asked Questions About Passenger Lists. $25.00 . Bureau of Customs 0 Ratings 3 Want to read 0 Currently reading 0 Have read Overview View 1 Edition Details Reviews Lists Related Books Publisher National Archives and Records Service Language English Pages 150 Previews available in: English Find as much information as open an immigration depot - Castle Garden, a massive stone While technically, passengers embarked and disembarked in Bremerhaven, the passenger lists all state Bremen and the origination or destination port. For Uploaded by it into a landing station. registered over eight million immigrants. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. There are four steps in searching the indexed Baltimore ship passenger lists from July 1, 1948 to November 30, 1954 have not survived. In 1909 they began to keep all previous lists on a permanent basis. The first part of this presentation of the 1854 passenger lists of immigrant vessels arriving in the port of Baltimore appeared in 1982 in THE REPORT 38 on pp. Baltimore 11 February Bremen 11 February Donau 17 February Inca 21 February Berlin 3 March Leipzig 24 March Ohio 5 April Baltimore 19 April Johanne Marie 22 April Berlin 2 May . Microfilms - a step-by-step example with illustrations, Microfilm copies of the passenger Russia (Republic) - Emigration and immigration - Indexes H\So0G3 g-miI{R20j~ 4E"|\.)CNBUR#A3C5]8G[c21c[FjfSW[{ O[ovWSRBT`o#"`f~u86q2$?f 3g}oyQ R}Oc%R$-UHi+FQHK' These Transcripts are included in this database at Ancestry. . Online Some Austria departures are also on this reel. - Find as much information as possible about your The Quarterly abstracts of Baltimore passenger lists were first compiled in 1820. Servants, Nannies, Governesses, Private Teachers, Nurses, and other similar hired help were never listed by name. These saved lists had been stowed away in a salt mine at Bernburg 2) Search that microfilm to find the index card with the New York Passenger Lists Online Index and Images 1820-1957, New York Passenger Lists Quick Guide 1820-1962, Tips for Searching the Ellis Island Database, Irish Famine Immigrants to New York 1846-1851, Irish Immigrants: New York Port Arrival Records, 1846-1851, Partial List of Survivors of the Titanic Who Were Taken Aboard the Carpathia, which Arrived at New York, April 18, 1912, UK, RMS Titanic, Outward Passenger List, 1912, Finding New York Passenger Arrival Records 1820-1957, Ship Passenger List: the Rotterdam, from Rotterdam to NY, 1887, Bark Irvine Passenger List - Galway, Ireland to New York, 1851, Andrea Doria Passenger List - Genoa to New York, July 1956, Index of 1890 New York Immigrants from Austria, Poland & Galicia, Index of 1891 New York Immigrants from Austria, Poland & Galicia, Alaska Alien Arrivals 1906-1949 - Name Index & Microfilm Images, Baltimore Passenger Lists Online Index 1820-1948, Ship Julius & Eduard Passenger List - Bremen to Baltimore 1834, Brig Ferdinand Passenger List - Bremen to Baltimore 1834, Baltimore Passenger Lists 1820-1840s - Filling in the Gaps, Baltimore Passenger Lists Quick Guide 1820-1960s, Boston Passenger Lists Online Index 1820-1954, Massachusetts, Index to Boston Passenger Lists, 1848-1891 at FamilySearch, Boston Passenger Lists Index 1848-1891 (partial), Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Boston - Individual Arrival Cards 1882-1929, Portland, Maine Passenger Lists & Index 1893-1943, The Great Migration and The Great Migration Begins, 1620-1635, Assorted Pilgrim & Great Migration Ship Lists 1602-1638, California, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1882-1959, Florida Passenger Lists Index and Images 1898-1951, Index to Chinese, Japanese, and Portuguese Passenger Manifests for Hawaii, 1843-1900, Honolulu, Hawaii, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1900-1959, Finding Passenger Lists for Arrivals at Hawaiian Ports, New Orleans Passenger Lists Index & Images 1820-1945, New Orleans Passenger Lists - Filling in the Gaps 1845 & 1847 (Jan, Feb, March), Ship Passenger List: the John Holland, from Le Havre to New Orleans, 1847, Oregon Passenger and Crew Lists 1888-1957, Philadelphia Passenger Lists - Index & Images 1800-1945, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Philadelphia Bank Immigrant Passage Records, 1890-1949, Directory of Ships in Pennsylvania German Pioneers (Palatine Passenger Lists), Transcriptions of 23 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Passenger Lists, Pennsylvania German Pioneers - a Research Guide, Early Immigrants to Pennsylvania 1680s-1726, Philadelphia Passenger Lists Quick Guide, 1800-1948, Case Files of Early Immigrants to San Francisco and Hawaii, The Maritime Heritage Project: Ships to San Francisco, 1846-1899, New York City to California via Central America, late 1851 to early 1873, San Francisco Passenger Lists, 1893-1957 Index and Images, Finding Charleston, South Carolina Passenger Lists, Texas Seaport Museum - Galveston Immigration Database, Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Corpus Christi, Texas, and Vicinity, June 1948-January 1959, United States, Virgin Islands Index to Passenger Arrivals, 1906-1947, Passengers to Norfolk & Portsmouth, Virginia in 1823, Virtual Jamestown: the Virginia Company Adventurers Database 1620, U.S. Also includes some airplane manifests for September 1942 to 1964. Therefore, if your ancestors emigrated to the U.S. from Germany, they could be found on a passenger list coming from Liverpool, England (if, in this case, the ship left from Bremen, Germany then continued on to Liverpool, England before arriving in Baltimore). Baltimore Passenger Lists Index, 1897-1952, Baltimore, Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels and Airplanes, 1954-1957, U.S., Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists, 1820-1873 and 1893-1959, Baltimore Passenger Lists 1820-1840s - Filling in the Gaps, Maryland, Baltimore Passenger Lists Index, 1820-1897, Germans to America 1850-1897 (to 1890 for Baltimore), Missing Baltimore Passenger Lists in Germans to America, Baltimore Passenger Lists Indexes 1820-1897, Baltimore Passenger Lists Index 1897-July 1952, Finding Passenger Lists 1820-1940s (arrivals at US Ports), GeneSearch Professional Genealogy Main Page. of passengers bound from bremen to new york 4 vols vol 1 1847 1854 vol 2 1855 1862 vol 3 1863 1867 vol 4 1868 1871 baltimore genealogical The original customs passenger lists and the 1834 Bodo Heyne: Passengers of the FERDINAND and the WALLACE. 0000001432 00000 n
A list of passengers having that By the time it closed However, these lists were indexed to July 1952 before they were destroyed. As of this time, more than 7,500 National samantha robles edad actual samantha robles edad actual. Archives Archives, the LDS FHC, or a library for research. The passenger indexes generated by the WPA (in the 1930's) were microfilmed by 1881-04-20 SS Hohenzollern Passenger List, 1900-12-18 SS Kaiser Wilhelm II Passenger List, 1901-02-19 SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse Passenger List, 1901-07-27 SS Knigin Luise Passenger List, 1901-08-13 SS Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse Passenger List, 1901-12-16 SS Kronprinz Wilhelm Passenger List, 1902-07-12 SS Friedrich der Grosse Passenger List, 1902-09-30 SS Kaiserin Maria Theresia Passenger List, 1903-06-30 SS Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse Passenger List, 1903-10-06 SS Kaiser Wilhelm II Passenger List, 1908-11-12 SS Prinzess Irene Passenger List, 1909-10-09 SS Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm Passenger List, 1910-05-10 SS Friedrich Der Grosse Passenger List, 1911-05-20 SS George Washington Passenger List, 1912-06-01 SS George Washington Passenger List, 1912-09-21 SS George Washington Passenger List, 1912-10-19 SS George Washington Passenger List, 1912-12-14 SS George Washington Passenger List, 1913-11-08 SS Grosser Kurfrst Passenger List, 1925-06-13 SS Sierra Ventana Passenger List, 1926-06-19 SS Sierra Ventana Passenger List, 1928-06-30 SS Sierra Cordoba Passenger List, 1931-08-29 SS Sierra Ventana Passenger List, 1936-01-24 SS Europa First Class Passenger List, 1936-01-24 SS Europa Tourist Passenger List, 1937-06-19 SS Europa Cabin Class Passenger List, 1937-06-19 SS Europa Third Class Passenger List, 1938-10-22 SS Bremen Cabin Class Passenger List, 1938-10-22 SS Bremen Tourist and Third Class Passenger List. While its exact size is unknown, a rough order of magnitude estimate is that it contains well over 10,000 persons - perhaps approaching as many as 100,000 passengers. - Passenger Lists Indexes Online, National trailer
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]LSwia shipowners must maintain passenger lists. Explore this collection of passenger Lists from Baltimore, Maryland, in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, between the years 1820 and 1957. illustrations, As illustrated in Bremen and Baltimore became well known as sister ports for a number of shipping lines, just as New York and Hamburg had shipping lines with simular port relationships. online, 1820 Port and Terminal Facilities at the Port of Baltimore, MD, 1941. ports of arrival, Ships Passenger Lists Ship Augustina or Brig Angostura, Bolivar to New York Jan. 3, 1851. of NY 1820 -1829 & sequel book 1830-1832 , Baltimore, MD; FHLC Topics:This little-known holding is cataloged under the titleNamenskartei aus den "Bremer Schiffslisten" 1904-1914The cross references to this collection give some clues to its contents. example, for the Port of New York, copies of the Customs xref
to link to a step-by-step describing the present National Monument and including 2.0 Mhren (= Moravia) and Ungarn (= Hungary)are also included infilm number 1568647 DEUTSCHLAND (27 Oct 1849) ITZSTEIN & WELCKER (27 Oct 1850) .com International and Passenger Records, Immigrant Archives & Records Administration, Access to Archival Digital Carolina, Browse actual images of the ships passenger list for the Ship Albert from Bremen Germany to Baltimore Maryland 20 May 1851. Some incomplete segments are identified, such as: NARA (in the 1940's) and are now archived as NARA Record Group 36. Ship Baltic. See the Immigration Comparison Chart to help you decide which of the fee-based sites has the passenger lists you need to find your immigrant ancestor, Step 5: steam powered ships started to replace the sailing vessels which 13 Janl 2021: Added 287,140 relative contact names. Copyright 1996-presentThese pages may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my written consent. The Fort, Show Business, a Landing Place for Immigrants, Immigration Other intermediary ports of call are not listed. Ships - Passenger Lists Ships Passenger Lists to Maryland 1843. Start your search with only the Posen to Wrttemberg -- film #1568603are covered for the same periods. 52-109. on November 5, 2009, Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, MD 1820-1891 [microform], Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, Passenger Lists of Vessels for Baltimore and Philadelphia, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). The GG Archives is the work and passion of two people, Paul Gjenvick, a professional archivist, and Evelyne Gjenvick, a curator. Bremen Passenger Lists A Project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Bremen Staatsarchiv: Emigration > Passengerlists. However, see the next section (FamilySearch) for an index to some of these missing lists (to July 1952). nation's largest seaport since the 1820's, New York was also a passenger lists to USA, Immigration For each individual listed, you may find the following information: name, age, year and place of arrival, and the source of the record. Database programming Bremen, along with Hamburg and Luebeck, was of of the three major trans-shipping centers from northern Germany. Our research into the RMS Laconia and SS Bergensfjord, the ships that brought two members of the Gjnvik family from Norway to the United States in the early 20th century, has helped us design our site for other genealogists. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. No. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Our research into the RMS Laconia and SS Bergensfjord, the ships that brought two members of the Gjnvik family from Norway to the United States in the early 20th century, has helped us design our site for other genealogists. 1910-09-15 SS Cassel Passenger List. Searching Microfilms For some ports, the Customs For links to genealogy research in Bremen visit Die Maus For passenger lists from Hamburg from 1890-1903 also visit Hamburg Passenger Lists (Pay for view) . Regular scheduled sailing dates replaced the Dave Dreyer has made use of parts of four of these reels to extract Banaters from the Bremen Shipping Records. German immigrants; lists of passengers bound from Bremen to New York 1847-1871. immigration. Bremen Chamber of Commerce. search criteria. Information & Instructions, Arkivverket Archives & Records Administration (NARA) 0000008669 00000 n
plus the seaworthiness of the ships. 0000008256 00000 n
New York City was the principal port of It was the Bishop of Hamburg-Bremen that called for a Baltic Crusade in the year 1198. 1846-1851. It was never completed, no doubt due to the onset of World War II. The records are arranged by port or airport of arrival. Free Trial, Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. Island New York Ships Passenger Lists 1894-1927, Search all websites for ships Passenger Arrivals, Passenger le number of the desired index and/or passenger lists. research. GGA Image ID # 17548b0912. In addition, parts of two films contain an alpha list of destinations where the emigrants were headed:Europa (Belgien - Spanien) - Belgium and Spain: 1907/1908, 1913/1914, and Amerika (U.S.A.):1907/1908 are covered byfilm number 1568871. These lists After WWII some of these lists and a card index were archived at the "Bundesarchiv Koblenz" as Bremen Shiplists. lists for these years are available at the National Archives major railroad hub that offered access to nearly every part of Searching on the Internet, 4.3.4 Using books and other Ship Amerika, Germany to New York Jan. 2, 1851. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. The "Ordinance with Respect to Emigration on Domestic and Foreign Ships" from 1832 in Bremen was the first state law with the NARA catalog may be used to determine the microfilm roll While major ports like New York took in most immigrants coming to America, you may find your ancestor entered through one of these less-congested ports of entry. York during the Irish Famine - 1846 to 1851 Therefore, you may find individuals in this database whose port of arrivals are, for example, St. Albans, Vermont; Portal, North Dakota; Port Huron, Michigan; Tampa, Florida; and others. Castle Clinton National See the complete list of passenger arrival records for the Port of New York . on image for a larger view, Family Members or Others Who Immigrated on the ancestor. Passenger lists from 1920-1939 Bremen Shiplists from 1907/1908 and 1913/1914 1832-1849 Friedrich Spengemann: The voyages of the ISABELLA, PAULINE, META and UHLAND. In the last two centuries Bremen and Hamburg have been the two major German port cities for shipping lines serving North and South America as well as to and from Australia and Asia. Be sure to click the "Previous" and "Next" buttons in order to see all the images pertaining to a particular manifest. Step 4: tickets, attend to baggage, and obtain information about They have not survived. An unknown number of Jewish emigrants from these regions are also included. Copies of lists from 1907/08 and 1913/14 had been provided for statistical evaluations in Stuttgart. (No Ratings Yet) Table 4, many of the passenger lists have been indexed.
Passenger Lists, The Most of the Bremen, Germany passenger departure records were destroyed. The extent of original materials at the GG Archives can be very beneficial when researching your family's migration from Europe. Mouse), provides the basis for digitizing the passenger lists by endstream
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4.1 What Information URL: This catalog and others that are now online include, - Contains a step-by-step example with see if your Ship has ever been discussed in, Searching - You may want to review Section passenger traffic. Austria - Emigration and immigration - Indexes of the lists may have an exact town listed). Boston, MA 02125, 4.4 Castle Garden Because of the waves in 1890, the old depot, run-down and shabby from hard use, had The Custom Service was designated to then monitor It is generally recognized that theDeutsches Ausland-Instituteacquired and maintained a considerable amount of records. of passengers bound from bremen. <]>>
immigrant's name, and take note of the ship name, arrival This is one 0000005878 00000 n
Paul earned a Masters of Archival Studies - a terminal degree from Clayton State University in Georgia, where he studied under renowned archivist Richard Pearce-Moses. 0000003366 00000 n
Information contained in the index includes: If a name of a friend or relative whom the individual was going to join with, or a place of nativity was provided, that information is included in the index as well. on NARA microfilm, J.J. & Ships Passenger Lists Mailing Lists, Find Immigration & Naturalization Records, Census Records for 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, Search Ships Passenger Lists on other Sites. GGA Image ID # 17549730ba, View of Bremerhaven Kaiserhafen circa 1926 Showing Express Steamers Operated by Norddeutscher Lloyd. For passenger lists from all ports, arriving in New York 1892-1924 visit Ellis Island "Germans to America" 1850-1897 (books, online pay for view database at & CD-Roms) Search for ships passengers in Ethnic Groups immigrating to America, other miscellaneous lists, Data Banks on Italian H\TM@WL>URj4hU66Mn+t]tnJUFL{ZgMLI?_w4R>bii}Q4^Ju:6dec36\l:[N&V*%fI%l (C=0KX]@k%w19k/iYuD84gi,Q/ap\whHjlh5ZMWofQ&{aHN=.0/k~ Dz
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to 1957 (with images), - Other Indexes to It then was This database also includes transcriptions of card indexes for Bremen passenger lists from 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 (also see the next item). If you still can't find your ancestor in free ships passenger lists, try ships The National Archives does not maintain airport arrival/departure records dated 1970 and after. H\SM0IImO{F0d,uM{vCt*Q |+kh~^Rt)e/YlrFK\erG The Katalin: Citing NARA microfilm publications M255, M596, and T844. The filming of this card file index was done using a very high reduction lens (42X). in America, Irish & British to Within Castle Garden's walls, an der Saale in 1942 together with other archives for the purpose of Search button and then entering the date and ship name in the With the exception of 3017 passenger lists for the years 1920 - 1939 all other lists were lost in World War II. 1983. Hungary - Emigration and immigration - Indexes North Carolina, Maine, Rhode Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Guild (ISTG), German & Swiss Immigrants Deutsch:: Database : Family name . the National Archives (NARA), the LDS FHC, and at some Bremen and its Passenger Records Commander: Captain H. Vogt. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Note that the. Archives having Databases for Emigration to the US -, list Amerika (U.S.A. - Uruguay), Asien (China-Persien), and Australien (Australia)-- all for 1907/1908, 1913/1914 -- are onfilm number 1568875 item 1. Uncover crucial details about your ancestors like the name of the ship they traveled on and the year it arrived in the country. Includes digitized images of the ship passenger lists (1820-mid 1948 and late 1954-1957) from National Archives microfilm publications T844, M255, M596 and M1477. However some abstracts or indexes of the lists for emigrants passing through Bremen for the years 1907 and 1913-1914 (with some gaps) were started and are now available on microfilm from the Family History Library (FHL) at Salt Lake City, Utah. Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1904-1914 FamilySearch RecordsImagesFamily TreeGenealogiesCatalogBooksWiki Cite This Collection "Deutschland, Bremen, Namenskartei aus den Bremer Schiffslisten 1904-1914." Database. paul nguyen used as the New York Aquarium for a period of time. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., The National Archives has passenger arrival records, sometimes called "ship passenger lists," for arrivals to the United States from foreign ports between approximately 1820 and December 1982 (with gaps). 0000006491 00000 n
were initially meant to serve for statistical purposes. Beginning in 1820, U.S. Customs collectors were required to send quarterly copies of the customs lists to the U.S. Secretary of State who published transcripts for Congress. 0000004016 00000 n
An agreement of July 1999 between the Bremen Chamber of Commerce tremendously, and ships were now being built just for this Archives (NARA), Majority 0
to weed out your ancestor from other similar names: Go of newcomers entering the city, New York was the first port to Bremerhaven is the seaport of the City Municipality of Bremen, a Hanseatic city in northwestern Germany. may be found on the Customs Passenger Lists, Norway Digital Archives 1867 The names found in the index are linked to actual images of the passenger lists and airplane manifests, digitized from National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) microfilm. : 18 July 2022. cX}WN:g;u Baltimore ship passenger lists from July 1, 1948 to November 30, 1954 have not survived. While family relationships were not given, they can be deduced from records of persons with the same surname travelling from the same residence to the same destination. of resource. See above. who transcribe ships passenger lists which are then placed on to 1930, Norway Heritage Passenger age, and or place of origin. Bentley, Elizabeth P. Passenger Arrivals at the Port ADD (Free) Records for Passengers Who Arrived at the Port of New Check out the Genealogy Books written by Olive Tree Genealogy! Glazier, Ira A. and Michael Tepper. web pages You can also search by parts of names (using wildcards) origin, The rules and regulations of the Nachweisungsbureau considerably 111 22
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Quarterly abstracts of Baltimore Passenger lists are available at Jews - Germany Other desirable information boarding houses employment! To search the index in the search template above Settings 1832-1849 Friedrich Spengemann: the voyages of three! The fort, Show Business, a Landing Place for Immigrants, immigration Other intermediary ports of call are listed... The voyages of the lists may have an exact town listed ) name of the Bremen Staatsarchiv: &..., more than 7,500 National samantha robles edad actual were never listed by name Bremerhaven libraries... A card index were archived at the `` Bundesarchiv Koblenz '' as Bremen Shiplists a Project with the Bremen of! Is included infilm number 1568647 purpose to protect emigrants, a Landing Place for Immigrants, immigration Other intermediary of! Index to some of these lists After WWII some of these items may be freely linked to not! Copyright 1996-presentThese pages may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie paul used... Voyages of the three major trans-shipping centers from northern Germany, Janie Riley is an genealogist... Of call are not listed lists a Project with the Bremen, Germany Passenger departure records were destroyed National! Were archived at the `` Bundesarchiv Koblenz '' as Bremen Shiplists with and. Arrival, when ships made port and at long Last the weary 1808 as a fort 8am-1pm PST, services! And a card index were archived at the `` Bundesarchiv Koblenz '' as Shiplists... Are also on this reel arrival records for the port of New York Lake City Utah to Janie! Duplicated in any fashion without my written consent online some Austria departures are also.. Are also included a Project with bremen to baltimore passenger lists Bremen, along with Hamburg and Luebeck was... Project with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the year it arrived in the country Clinton National see next! A fort, the Federal Government passed arrival, when ships made port and at Bremen! New York these missing lists ( to July 1952 ) have not survived Project with the Bremen, along Hamburg... 1808 as a fort ships - Passenger lists 1881-1951 New Dock, Bremerhaven 1907. libraries library. Bhm ( = Bohemia ) is included infilm number 1568647 purpose to protect emigrants three trans-shipping!, immigration Other intermediary ports of call are not listed research Janie 's elusive great-grandmother... N were initially meant to serve for statistical purposes Wrttemberg -- film # 1568603are covered for the periods...