1.52 Failure to disclose this information may result in suspension or disqualification of the vendor. Suppliers Previously Contracted there are suppliers that have been used by other schools and departments of the University and may provide the products and/or services you are seeking. The identification and selection of appropriate suppliers from which competitive bids/quotes/proposals can be obtained can be accomplished through a variety of acceptable methods. It is the policy of Columbia University to obtain competitive proposals, bids or price quotations, as reasonably practical, on products and services used by the University. This form provides a record of the selection process. In either case, the final resolution will be reviewed and approved by University Purchasing. GF-2023-R-0009 | Work awarded without a written proposal will be audited post award utilizing the Vendors and the Facility Management Groups documentation. 3.30 The bid list will be prepared by the Project Manager and submitted to the Director for approval. ARC replaces all the Procurement legacy systems as well as the P-Card WORKS system for transaction sign-off and approval. 403 (11)shall contain contractual provisions or conditions that allow for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances in which a contractor violates or breaches the contract terms, and provide for such remedial actions as may be appropriate. 2.27 Project Managers and Directors are to develop the bidders list for each project based on these policy goals in a manner that is consistent with their understanding of the projects sensitivities and complexities and for which projects it would be appropriate to introduce new firms. To maintain strong business practices, ensure compliance with various regulations, promote the best possible value, service and pricing in the sourcing of goods and services at the University, competitive sourcing should be used whenever possible. If, in the instance of a single proposal received through a formal bid process, the formal bid process can be cancelled and a contract price is negotiated directly with the sole bidder, a cost breakdown must be obtained and a cost or price analysis performed. Fair and reasonable pricing is based on supply and demand, market indices and general market conditions. It is important to note that when requesting quotes from potential suppliers, they must be presented in writing on the companys letterhead. If additional information is required, Purchasing will inform the Project Manager or Project Administration of the required documentation. PURCHASING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR CONSTRUCTION/FACILITIES SERVICES, 1.00 QUALIFIED VENDORS 2, 1.20 TASK OREDER AGREEMENT VENDORS 3, 1.30 QUALIFICATION PROCESS 3, 1.40 TERMINATION OF VENDORS 4, 1.50 DISCLOSURE 5, 2.00 VENDOR SELECTION 6, 2.40 MWL OBJECTIVES 8, 2.60 CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 9, 3.00 BID LIST PREPARATION 10, 4.00 BID PROCESS 13, 5.00 BID SUMMARY 15, 6.00 RECOMMENDATION TO AWARD 17, 7.00 LETTER TO LOSING BIDDERS 17, 8.00 AWARDING WORK PROCEDURES 18, 9.00 REQUISITION FOR PURCHASE ORDER 18, 10.00 CONTRACT AWARD LETTER 18, 11.00 VENDOR EVALUATION 18, 12.00 FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS 19, (see related Facilities policy PA 001-01). Residents must keep all furnishings in their room, including bed frames and mattresses. Moreover, OMB Circular A-110 .48 requires the University to include additional provisions in contracts when certaincircumstances are met. Columbia University Medical Center provides Human Subject Clinical Trial participants Prepaid Visa Debit Cards as compensation. All information supplied by vendors in their bid, quotation or proposal must be held in strict confidence by the Columbia employee evaluating, approving or discussing the bid, quotation or proposal and may not be revealed to any other vendor or persons that are directly or indirectly involved in the bid. Notification should be sent within one week of the award decision and approval of the requisition for a Purchase Order. Bids estimated to result in awards over $1 Million, require that four (4) Columbia University Officers must be present with at least one being AVP or designee. While engaged in the bidding process at Columbia University, it is imperative that all information given to those bidding, as well as the information received from those bidders is safeguarded so that it remains confidential. 1.44 The subject firm will be notified in writing by Purchasing that their contract has been terminated, and their name will be removed from the Qualified and Task Order Agreement listings and the Accounts Payable and Purchasing vendor files will also be updated as required to reflect the change in standing. This policy ensures that confidential information is safeguarded and prevents any potential conflict. Small Dollar Purchase (Micro-Purchase Threshold). Thisprogramutilizes a Visa card to make purchases of goods and some services (limited by policy) of $2,500.00 or less. Fair and reasonable pricing is based on supply and demand, market indices and general market conditions. ), Completed through an accepted cooperative agreement. 1.38 Vendor Qualification Committee meetings for vendor qualification will occur on a quarterly basis or as needed to meet the Facilities Groups requirements. 1.22 Task Order Agreement Vendors will be selected by the Purchasing Department on a periodic basis with the input of the Facilities groups. Refer to Appendix A for an example of the Vendor Qualification Listing data profile. Noncompetitive proposals may only be utilized in the following situations: In these circumstances, the school or department seeking to purchase the goods or services must provide justification for the Sole or Single Source procurement decision. To achieve those goals, Facilities and Operations works with a broad range of contractors and suppliers. at 2 C.F.R. DSAs These are Departmental Select Agreements and are for goods and/or services that are competitively bid and negotiated on behalf of an individual or group of department(s) or school(s) with the intention of awarding a term contract. Purchasing will prepare activity reports on an annual basis for comparison with stated objectives. The analysis must be conducted in accordance with the published evaluation criteria and documents on the standard Purchasing Checklist and Bid Summary Form Sponsored. The first step in shopping for the goods or services your department needs is to identify or create a supplier/vendor using Columbia's purchasing tools and procedures. 3.14.1 All work greater than $20,000 for individual trades and $50,000 for general contractors and up to $100,000 for both categories, require a minimum of three written bids. We also assist in the processing of Purchase Orders as well as the monitoring of compliance relative to the requirements of various Federal agencies. Residents must keep all furnishings in their room, including bed frames and mattresses. Acquisition of Software All requests for software, including upgrades, must be submitted to the respective ITG technical support specialist. We provide support through ourPurchasing Teams. All accepted modifications and alternates should be clearly indicated. If necessary, we will conduct an electrical evaluation to determine the appropriate size heater. Where bonds are required in the situations described herein, the bonds shall be obtained from companies holding certificates of authority as acceptable sureties pursuant to 31 CFR part 223, "Surety Companies Doing Business with the United States.". Please refer to the Purchasing Matrix in Appendix II for specific process requirements by category and dollar threshold. The corporate card is managed through billing to cardholders, who directly pay the corporate card bill and are reimbursed through the Universitys employee expense reimbursement process. With a few simple steps, you can ensure proper recordkeeping and timely payments within your department. 3.10 For all contracts a list of prospective bidders shall be prepared in advance of a transmittal of an Invitation to Bid, in accordance with the following schedule of minimum requirements: 3.11.1 Work less than or equal to $5,000.00 can be awarded to Task Order Agreement Vendors without a written proposal or bidding. The P-Card Office also manages the Universitys Corporate Card Program. Conduct validation protocols on vendor and payee profile creation and modification requests, including validation for tax compliance. Skire), and prepare a requisition as is required. Members of the Facilities Management and Campus Services team frequently work with outside vendors and contractors to provide key services to the Columbia University Irving Medical Center community. Additionally, all analysis, compilations, studies and other documents prepared by the bidder or its officers, employees, agents or advisers which are submitted by the bidder, must also be kept confidential. The vendor is currently qualified and not suspended or terminated. Plans, specifications and other pertinent information shall be sent to all vendors on the bid list, at the same time. Competitive procurement requirements are dependent on the size of the purchase as well as the source of funds used to make the purchase. When goods, and particularly services, do not have standardized specifications or complex requirements the competitive sourcing process best employed is the Request for Proposal (RFP) process and the following conditions apply: The RFP process brings structure to the procurement decision, with the establishment of a document outlining requirements, articulation of evaluation criteria, and often formal communication activities such as a bidders conference. The Recommendation to Award is to have a written approval by the facilities group AVP, or designee, indicating approval of the analysis and decision. For the RFQ process a contract award must be based on the provision by the suppliers of the specified products or services. The RFQ process entails requesting and obtaining written quotes from an adequate number of qualified sources that include a full description of the goods and/or services and any other specifications/requirements provided by the requester. WebColumbia has a long and distinguished history in the discovery of knowledge. delivery schedule, freight costs, return policies, warranties, etc.) 4.61 In some situations it may be necessary to provide additional information to all prospective bidders during the bid interval prior to the opening of bids. The universitys contracting and procurement is organized into four primary components: Administer Contract (Joint Agency (COTR)/OSSP responsibility) For a more complete view of the OCP Process, please click here to open OCPs process flow charts. This policy promotes access for suppliers to competitive opportunities by requiring that either bids be obtained for goods and services or that appropriate justification is provided when a competitive process is not followed. In order to upload documents to Procurement, or to check the status of a current order or All contracts in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold,which is currently $100,000 under 41 U.S.C. MU seeks artists or artist teams to create new site-specific art for two spaces on NextGens first floor, one with a $50,000 budget, the other with a $40,000 budget. The Sealed Bid Process is to be utilized in instances where a contract will be awarded based on the provision by the suppliers of the specified products or services. If a supplier other than the lowest price is selected, a justification is required to indicate the specific rationale. In addition, such contracts shall describe conditions under which the contract may be terminated for default as well as conditions where the contract may be terminated because of circumstances beyond the control of the contractor. WebNeed assistance from accounts payable or want to follow up on payments and remittances? Task Order Vendors will exist in an environment of dynamic competition. WebColumbia University School of Professional Studies Career Design Lab Facebook LinkedIn Instagram 729 7th Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10019 (212) 854-1102 careerdesignlab@columbia.edu Visit Procurement for instructions. December 13, 2022 The Procurement Card (P-Card) Office provides administrative support for the Universitys P-Card program. Purchasing will work with the School or Departmental business owner in ensuring the aforementioned process is completed in accordance with applicable Federal guidance and regulations. 2.51 Project Directors are responsible for ensuring that the bid list is consistent with the intent of the policy to encourage use of a diverse vendor base that is subject to competition from qualified new vendors. 1.35 Purchasing will present the Vendor Qualification Committee with the names of candidates for qualification for comment and review prior to vendor placement on the list for use. WebBefore you buy or use a space heater at CUIMC, call Facilities Management at 212-305-HELP (4357), option 3, to request a heating assessment. 2.14 The qualification profile as well as ongoing evaluations should be considered for the vendors suitability prior to each request for proposal being sent. WebFacilities Management's Office of Design and Construction, and the Office of Institutional Real Estate on the Morningside Campus, or the Office of Facilities, Medical Center 2.10 Only Qualified Vendors should be selected for work with Columbia University. be specific in defining Bid period (interval). Design Build Services, Van Ness Modernization Buildings 39, 44, and 71. 1.18 Vendors must be qualified prior to being considered for Task Order Agreement Contracts. University Review You will then be able to log in to the catalog and search for your quote number for purchase. We work to foster the continuation of those creative endeavors and to promote an environment that sustains the highest standards of scholarship, learning, and safety. 2.29 Some considerations for selection are: 2.41 Minority Women Local (MWL) firms should be given opportunities on each bid list for which there is a Qualified Minority Women Local firm in the appropriate trade and specialty with sufficient expertise and capacity to perform the work being bid. Accounts Payable (AP), within Procurement Services,is responsible for the processing of: The P-Card Office provides administrative support for the Universitys Procurement Card program. LDEO Purchasing Staff determines best source of supply using University -wide Purchasing Agreement, (UwPA), competitive bidding process or sole -source procurement in accordance with Columbia University Purchasing P olicy as described below: Policy for Competitive Bids o $1-$2,500: Minimum of one oral or written bid, quote, or proposal An RFP should include both standard University requirements and requirements specific to the product/service being sought. WebPosted 6:53:56 PM. Process requests by University departments to create a vendor and other payee profiles in ARC. This senior officer is acknowledging their support of the exception request and through their signature is attesting that the request is appropriate and complies with the policy. 2.12 No payments should be made to any vendor until the qualification questionnaire is completed and approved and the vendor is established in the system. Upon indicating that the purchase is not competitive, the requester will be prompted to complete a web-based form. (212) 851-7271[emailprotected], Columbia University in the City of New York, Sponsored Projects: Post-Award Financial Administration, Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing, EVP of Finance and Information Technology. Please reference the Request for Proposal Guidelines below for template examples and process guidance. WebColumbia University SAT Requirements Many schools say they have no SAT score cutoff, but the truth is that there is a hidden SAT requirement. Process requests to update and modify vendor and payee profiles. Ultimately, the goal is to enlist those suppliers that have the products, capabilities, deliverability, service levels, expertise, resources, and knowledge of the University environment that will afford a successful outcome for the University stakeholder(s). 403 (11)awarded by recipients shall include a provision to the effect that the recipient, the Federal awarding agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, papers and records of the contractor which are directly pertinent to a specific program for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts and transcriptions. The Purchasing Office is responsible for reviewing construction procurements for compliance with purchasing procedures and for issuing the Purchase Order or Change Order for the procurement. Adequate documentation must be prepared at the earliest possible time following such occurrences. WebCompetitive Procurement. then the lowest priced supplier should be awarded the contract. In the event multiple bids are not available, a sole source justification must be completed providing details as to the reason a competitive bidding process was not utilized. 2.19 Task Order Agreement Vendor selection should be distributed among qualified Task Order Agreement firms based on the number of projects and the total dollar volume of work within the relevant trade or specialty. 2.23 Task Order Agreement Vendors performance on bidding and work will be an important factor in determining whether they remain on the Task Order Agreement list. Please reference the Request for Proposal Guidelines listed below for template examples and process guidance. After proposals are received, evaluated, and negotiated the contract(s) can be awarded to the supplier(s) presenting the best combination of price, delivery, compliance to specifications, the capacity to perform, and quality of service. Generally Task Order Agreements will have; 1.31 Purchasing will be responsible for maintaining the Vendor Qualification process in close consultation with the Facilities groups. If all factors are equal (i.e. Look up our team in the Finance Organizational Charts. This number will be required to make any updates to your vendor profile, such as address and company information. For an RFP process, a proposal evaluation matrix that assigns weighted values for each criterion identified for a particular RFP should be used for the selection process. if any of the above have done work for Columbia University or its affiliate schools and hospitals, under any vendor name other than the current vendor name. If all factors are equal (i.e. OMB Circular A-110 contains the uniform administrative requirements for institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations with Federally-funded grants or cooperative agreements. It is important that when comparing prices to determine fair and reasonable pricing that the evaluation of the goods and services must be evaluated using the same criteria for each bidder. 1.37 The Vendor Qualification Committee will set objectives for vendor selection. 2.11If a vendors services are required and they are not qualified the requesting manager is to contact Purchasing Department or Project Administration who can assist the manager to find an appropriate substitute who is qualified or take action to qualify a suitable vendor for the area of work not available on the current list. WebProcurement Services. WebProcurement Services Vendor Management Vendor Management (VM) is a unit within the Procurement Department responsible for maintaining the vendor file utilized for WebColumbia University School of Professional Studies Career Design Lab Facebook LinkedIn Instagram 729 7th Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10019 (212) 854-1102 careerdesignlab@columbia.edu AVP, Procurement Services These vendors will be called Qualified Vendors. 1.17 Utilization of vendors prior to qualification will result in non-compliance with CU Purchasing Policy and each such instance will be reviewed by Purchasing and the Vendor Qualification Committee for appropriate action. A University buyer making a purchase with funds from a Federal grant or cooperative agreement must comply with the sponsoring agencys regulations that implement OMB Circular A-110. The bidding policy requirements shall apply to all rebids. E&I, VHA Novation, etc.). 2.25.1. Applications for admission to the M.A. The Purchasing Office is also responsible for soliciting and awarding all Task Order Contracts in consultation with the Construction Departments, Policies and Procedures for Vendor Qualification and Purchasing of Facilities Services for the purchase of Construction/Facilities Services. The links to the policies are provided below. 1.13 Vendor Qualification is intended to establish: the value of work a vendor is capable of performing for the University, insurability, performance with Columbia University and that the vendor agrees to the terms and conditions of Columbia Universitys contractual agreements and obligations. Approval The RFQ process entails requesting and obtaining written quotes from potential suppliers that include a full description of the goods and/or services and any other specifications/requirements provided by the requester. 11.20 Facilities Directors will participate in a meeting convened by Purchasing at least twice a year to review vendor performance issues. Archived solicitations and awards will still be availble for public inspection on this website. Small Dollar Purchase (Micro Purchase Threshold): Goods and Service Purchases under $10,000 require one quote/proposal, Request for Quotation (RFQ) (Simplified Acquisition Threshold): Goods and Services Purchases between $10,000 and $249,999 require multiple written quotes obtained from an adequate number of qualified sources, Competitive Procurement Process (Sealed Bid/Competitive Proposal Threshold)*: Goods and Services Purchases of $250,000 or more require multiple written formalized public bids through either a sealed bid or competitive proposal process depending on the goods or services being procured (see below for further details) solicited from an adequate number of qualified sources, pricings found in published journals, advertisements, internet sites, and auctions, UWPAs Central Purchasing has competitively bid and negotiated an agreement on behalf of the University that provides the best overall value for commonly used suppliers. 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