Sephardic Jewish Genealogy Family History of the Spanish and Portuguese Jewish diaspora. A legal team that is friendly and cares for a superb result History of the Jews in Venice, by Cecil Roth. Spanish and Portuguese Jews Congregation of Bevis Marks (London. They are always answering questions and support during the process. Joshua Pex was both an amazing human being and an inspiring human rights attorney. The publication explains how and where to conduct research and can be names of the Sephardim (and their residences) mentioned were, sometimes, THIS SITE ARE TAKEN FROM THE FOLLOWING REFERENCES. The island was duty free and allowed them to import and resell to local businesses. There is no such thing as a Sephardic surname. He has helped our family with many battles over the years. (~). family trees, well detailed, are provided in the three volumes. The book stirred up the feeling of being discriminated against for something that you did not do, but because of whom you are, Bonnin says, But it also brought great satisfaction as readers asked how they could return to Judaism and how to find their Jewish ancestry.. Names keep genealogists going. We recently received our permanent residency after 23 years in Israel. Beside each listing is a number or series of numbers Additional traces of Sephardic families are found in even more languages across Western, Central and Eastern Europewherever a Jewish community might have existed. Only those names that were identified as Sephardic Jews or In addition to chapters on Judaism and Spanish Jewish history, the book includes thousands of Sephardic surnames found in Inquisition and other records. contains tombstone inscriptions and dates of death from 1663-1880. (~), List of (mostly) The reference code is listed below. More quickly to me. Personally, I am grateful for support in visa issues as a foreigner living now in Israel for many years. I have been receiving services from this Law Firm for several years now and I want to say THANK YOU to the team, especially Joshua Pex. We definitely recommend using them. I have needed legal advice and assistance with immigration due to a complex situation of mine, and he has been extremely available and responsive, honest and clear about my route and how to proceed. Louisiana had the highest population of Flores families in 1840. Hundreds of rare photographs, family shields and illustrations. I highly recommend this firm, especially Oded Ger. He helped us several times to understand what was likely and unlikely to occur as the next step. Helping us manage our expectations was extremely useful to us. You can read more information about this in the most comprehensive guide we published on our website. Liebman. are We highly recommend Advocate Joshua Pex! Connected to the website was also arguably the most popular and active forum on Sephardic genealogy on the web. A wonderful Updated on April 08, 2019. Many family names are ancient and have deep roots in Sephardic genealogy and history. deserve your research. How To Get Tax Refunds on a Donation to an Association (Israeli Amuta) or Public-Benefit Corporation? Diamanta This girl's name means "diamond.". This answer is: Helpful (0) Not Helpful (0) Add a Comment. A fine resource for those with Youll find these online Jewish genealogy resources essential to tracing your roots. Aiming to give their clients the advice possible regarding the normative and the law of Israel. This book (~), From the book, Somehow they managed to translate the law lingo into language we actually understand and their outstanding YouTube videos helped us to have a better grasp of what process we had to go through. (~), From the book, New Yorker Judy Simon discovered her male cousins Y-DNA matched Ashkenazi Jews from villages in Latvia, Belarus and Lithuania, as well as two Hispanic men in Texas and Mexico. The service is amazing! The list covers the period 1759-1813 with all the names of the poor Sephardic Jews who were granted Sedaca (charity) - an amount in Dutch florins- against the promise to leave Amsterdam and not to return within the next 15 years. A big thank you to Irina especially from the Jerusalem office. Some communities have very fixed systems with the first children named after specific grandparents. 43 (C) indentifies converso anmes .The site is In Sure Dwellings: A Journey From Expulsion to Assimilation, by Margot F. Not all the people with a surname from the list that we show, could have a Sephardic origin. Spanish archives, especially in the small town of Girona, publish books of Jewish documents. Highly recommend. I really appreciate his courteous and direct approach. Most of these names, if not all, The books fourth edition includes the city and year of a document discovered for each name listed. I reported directly to him for various activities I performed as in intern. 2013-09-15 15:39:05. Abensur. A much lesser number were composed of a first name and a geographic location, many times the result of conversion. There are several ways to identify a persons roots, including a list of sephardic last names, which indicate a persons origin. Today, many Sephardic names bear the original form or a variation, indicating descent from a particular family. So, whats the truth? A really excellent firm. Contact us - Your law firm for a Portuguese passport This book provides genealogy Jewish genealogy, as for other groups, grew from the popularity of the Roots TV series in the 1970s. Extensive work on the family names of Sephardic Jews of Morocco. The best books for getting language assistanceand doing Sephardic research in generalare Malkas Sephardic Genealogy: Discovering Your Sephardic Ancestors and Their World (Avotaynu, first published in 2002 and updated in 2010) and Sangre Judia: Espaoles de ascendencia hebrea y antisemitismo cristiano (Jewish Blood: Spaniards of Hebrew Ancestry and Christian Anti-Semitism) (Flor del Viento), fourth edition, by Pere Bonnin. I've got Austrian citizenship in 4 months for all family members which consists of 12 people! Someone called Sarah Mendoza in 18th Century London will probably have been Jewish. Ariel did a superb job of leading us through the process, helping us to understand which documents were essential, which would most likely be required, and which, though included on the list of required documents, were rarely required. We had started the process on our own back in November 2020 via the Jewish Agency and Nefesh BNefesh, but soon became entangled in the delays and often-changing regulations due to Covid-19. I recommend to everyone. The best lawyer firm Ive had dealt with. So, for example some Ashkenazi communities will name a child aftera recently deceased relative, whilst some (not Western)Sephardicand Mizrahi/Magrebi Jewishcommunities name the child for a living one. The book covers the Wild Coast of the Americas and adjacent islands of Martinique, Guadaloupe, French Guiana, Tobago, Pauroma (an old name for Pomeroon, a region in Guyana, South America), Surinam, Curacao, St. Eustatius, Barbados, Nevis, Jamaica, Tucacas, Danish West Indies, Haiti, and the liberated colonies of Spain in the mid-17th to the 20th centuries. A common surname in the Iberian Peninsula adopted by Jewish families and a reference to the Germanic Franks who invaded modern day France during the first millennium AD. Once this certificate is in your hand, the legal authorities in Portugal consider you as a person eligible for citizenship. We have published a comprehensive guide on our website that will allow any reader who thinks that they may be eligible for a Portuguese passport by way of Sephardic ancestors verify whether they are eligible for Portuguese citizenship. (~), From the book, Outside of liturgy, they speak Judeo-Spanish, aka Ladino. So, you do not necessarily have to be considered Sephardi to be a Spanish descendant. I would like to thank Anat Levi and Ariel Galili from the Jerusalem branch for all of their efforts and patience, we could not have been Able to reach to where we are now without them. Lists of surnames allegedly accepted by the Spanish government for their former citizenship scheme are hoax. Amsterdam, this book can be most valuable. More than three-quarters of the participants have found Sephardic or Converso Y-DNA matches in the Family Tree DNA database. When most genealogists think about Jewish ancestry, theyre probably thinking of Ashkenazimthose who generally lived in assimilated Europe, speaking secular languages, or in Eastern Europe, where Yiddish was the lingua franca. While the terms have often been used interchangeably, "Sephardi'' derives from the Hebrew word Sepharad, referring to the Iberian peninsula, and in its strictest sense refers to Jews descended from fifteenth-century Spanish and Portuguese exiles, whether they went to . List of names provided by David My soul darkens, suffering from love. These converts (known in Ladino as conversos and in Hebrew as anusim, forced converts) often maintained their Judaism in secret. It is possible that some Sephardic Abravanel meaning "priest". Published by Laurence Abensur-Hazan and Philip into Sephardic families are listed here. Sephardic Jewish records come in Hebrew, Ladino, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan and other languages associated with their geographic location. A legal team that is friendly and cares for a superb result Some Jews moved to the former Ottoman Empire, some to North Africa, and some to Europe, carrying on the Jewish faith to future generations, alongside the Ladino language and unique Sephardic last names. names. book, El Libro Verde de Aragon (The Greenbook of Aragon) by Isidoro de las I couldnt dealt with my situation without their professionalism and effectiveness. The most common and strong connection is through sephardic last names. that converted to Christianity. Sephardic Jews (Sephardim) are descendants of the Jews who lived in Spain and Portugal from the last days of the Roman Empire until the 15th-century persecution and expulsion of Jews from those countries. be purchased form Seaview Press. The best lawyer firm Ive had dealt with. Registering a Public-Benefit Company in Israel, UAE NGO Permits to the Palestinian Territories, Registration for Foreign NGOs Operating in Israel. I'm super glad of choosing Joshua Pex of Law office for immigration solution, lawyers to advise in my case, to me, it is remarkable. You were a calming energy during a storm - always breathed a sigh of relief after speaking with you. Lists occurances of the names with summary of data and documented sources making it an indispensible source for Sephardic research even if not from Morocco. As New Mexicos state historian, Hordes focused on Crypto-Jews on the northern frontier of Mexico, today the US Southwest. I looked down at the coastline and understood the longing Sephardim took with them on their exile in 1492. (~), Sephardic Connected to the website was also arguably the most popular and active forum on Sephardic . Here you can exchange information about relatives, books, language, history, migrations, local customs, research techniques and the . Register of Isaac and Abraham De Paiba (1715-1775) from the Achives of the I didnt know who or what that was. He learned that Abravanel is akin to royalty in the Sephardic world. (~), Sephardic names Others who want to obtain a passport of Portugal will have to make an effort to prove that they are connected to the Spanish expelees; those Jews who were expelled from Spain and Portugal in 1492 and 1496. You can read more here about the process of receiving the recommendation of the Jewish community in Porto or Lisbon. (~), Sephardic names from the site TARAZONA JUDIA. Surnames in Dictionary of German-Jewish Surnames. Family names include those circumcised, God fathers, and God mothers. My Sephardic friends kept telling me how lucky I was to have married an Abravanel. Some Sephardim name children after their own living parents, considered a great honor. As they responded with more data, Farhi built his database. The name FLORES has been indentified by the Holy Office of the Catholic Church of Spain as a Sephardic (Jewish) surname.If you are interested in researching this aspect of the FLORES family line, you are invited to visit, located at More Replies: Re: FLORES as a Sephardic name 10/29/01 Our law office has much experience in immigration law in general and a specific expertise in obtaining the certificate to prove Jewish heritage from the Jewish communities in Portugal. . We contacted Mr. Pex and he was ready to help us when he heard of our situation. I admire the Austrian citizenship team in Tel-Aviv branch! 1, A Mr. Joshua Pex is knowledgeable and Professional. Hope to work with you in the future, and will send everyone I know in need of legal aid your way. appear to be original Sephardic names not changed by conversion. Most were expelled from their homes on the Iberian Peninsula in 1492, when the Catholic monarchs of Spain issued the Alhambra decree. Both the Nazis and the Catholic Church were considered a threat. You need genealogical evidence. A truly incredible development and one which brings me deep joy. Intentamos cubrir muchas facetas de la cultura Sefard e intentaremos agregar nueva informacin que se encuentre o se descubra en la red. We recommend all those looking for immigration lawyers to get in touch. information about many of the more famous Sephardic families of Iberia, England Always ready to assist without regard to the time it takes. On embracing Judaism in Amsterdam it has been arguedthat many first generation male returners took the name Abraham, with their sons being Isaac. Apparently Catholics using the same surname didnt count! A really excellent firm. No one in my Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazi family from Mogilev really believed we came from Spainuntil I began finding genealogy records and other Sephardic families in Mogilev: Abravanel, Don Yahia, Pines, Aboaf/Abugof and more. describes in detail the adventures of Sephardim in escaping the inquisition With well trained and professional secretary at the front desk to the lawyers team, I could say that I had one of the most professional services possible. The Jews of Rhodes, by Marc D. during the period the expulsion. Find clues to your Jewish ancestry with this guide to surnames, including commonly used Jewish naming traditions, prefixes and suffixes. The names have been provided by the author. Obviously its recommended to go through the entire process accompanied by a law firm specializing in the field. These numbers correspond to the references listed below where the names were found. entry point into Argentina. Ferdinando Thank you, Joshua and Itamar for your help with our Joint Life Application. Of particular interest to Hispanic families of converso origin are passenger lists of Spaniards who left for the Americas between 1500 and 1800. In Spain and Portugal there seems to be a myth that Jews adopted surnames from trees and fruit. (~), From the Ph.D. the Sephardic community of greater Amsterdam. Cohen, Nof Ayalon Israel). We bless and thank the entire team at Decker Pex Tal Ofir Law Firm. The names are extracted from the research of an Austalian, Ms. Salom, BTW my favorite Sephardic name. They prospered under Roman rule especially in the areas of slave trading, crafts and finances, and were allowed to move freely within the kingdom. Be prepared In 1840 there were 7 Flores families living in Louisiana. from the book, A Origem Judaica dos Brasileiros, by Jose Geraldo Rodrigues de This book contains names of Sephardim A big thank you to Irina especially from the Jerusalem office. There are said to be more than 24 million people of Sephardic ancestry in the American Southwest, and South and Central America. Today, his online forum has 2,800 global members and has received nearly 2 million hits. Adi Berger was a wonderful advocate for me and I am deeply grateful for her help! She was very professional in all her dealings and kept us informed all the way. I couldnt dealt with my situation without their professionalism and effectiveness. It is reportedthat the most common surnames of people accused in Portuguese Inquisition documents of being Jewish are: These are also common names amongst Portuguese Old Christians. The Inquisition was alive in the New World into the 19th century, Stein adds. The service is very professional and efficient, the price is right. I've got Austrian citizenship in 4 months for all family members which consists of 12 people! Salom. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Sephardic Story Is One Forgotten By White Jews. Ariel did a superb job of leading us through the process, helping us to understand which documents were essential, which would most likely be required, and which, though included on the list of required documents, were rarely required. Although Ashkenazim name children after only deceased relatives, Sephardim name children after the living or dead. before the inquistion and were secret Jews. Adi Berger was a wonderful advocate for me and I am deeply grateful for her help! (~), From the book, Franco: A variant of the Latin 'Francis' meaning 'free one' or 'Frenchman'. Jewish communal vital records were likely written in Hebrew, Ladino, Yiddish (for religious records) and other secular languages (for civil records). Email [email protected] Many of the victims were They really care about helping their customers without any other interest Sangre Judia Por suerte, ese viaje de ida y vuelta que es la historia permite la revisin del pasado para apreciar en su dimensin y alcance una herencia que guarda un tesoro de ideas, creencias, vivencias y saberes una cultura latente que la tenemos encriptada en lo ms profundo de nuestras races sociolgicas y genticas. There are many hundreds of other names in the glossary that Each name is I have been receiving services from this Law Firm for several years now and I want to say THANK YOU to the team, especially Joshua Pex. Sephardic surnames The information below used to appear on the ( Las siguiente lista de practicas y costumbres les ayudara a dar indicativos de una herencia u origen hebreo. also short sections of additional circumcisions 1679-99 (40a), Marriages transfer point for Sephardim and Morranos leaving Iberia. Aach Aal Aale Aaron Aaronheim Aarons Aaronsohn Abarbanel Abarbanel Sousa Abarbanell Abarlea Abas Abbas Abbe Abderode Abecassis Abecassis Cortereal Abel Abeldt Abeles Abelt Abelsdorff Abenatar Abenatar . King Manuel of Portugal made a similar order in 1497. What does Sephardic mean? Conversos: Connecting Iberian Peninsula Ancestors to Long-lost Jewish Roots, 10 Essential Online Jewish Genealogy Resources, Best UK, Irish and Commonwealth Genealogy Websites, Family Tree Templates and Relationship Charts, How to Find Your Ancestors US Military Records, Preserving Old Photos of Your Family History, Surnames: Family Search Tips and Surname Origins. The 'de Fonseka' surname (spelled da Fonseca in Portuguese) is a Jewish (Sephardic) name. Youll also find a Consolidated Index of Sephardic Surnames on (click Databases). Josh has been helping me on and off for a few years now. The Law of Return for ancestors of the Sephardic Jews has expired during October 2019. These numbers correspond to the references listed below where the names were found. This site is no longer available, so I published the information here. In case your family name does not appear in a sephardic last names list, this does not indicate that you are not eligible for a Portuguese passport. We found Decker, Pex, Ofir & Co. On the internet and began working with Ariel in late November 2021. SEPHARDIM, The Spirit That Has Withstood the times. Contains the names of Judios de las familias Argentinas. Sefa Santa Cruz de la Sierra es el centro econmico de Bolivia y su ciudad ms poblada, es tambin uno de ms rpido crecimiento en las reas ur SEPHARDIM.COM A Research Tool for Sephardic Genealogy / Jewish Genealogy by Harry Stein Una Herramienta de Busqueda de Genealogia S Esta lista que encontramos en Internet, donde se encuentra fuentes correspondientes y debidamente citadas al final de la lista, es un docume Durante mucho tiempo pens, como afirman algunos estudiosos y el sentido comn, que el apelativo marrano era un trmino peyorativo que co En Inglaterra, el rey Eduardo I decret la expulsin de los judos en 1290 (algo ms de doscientos aos antes de que los Reyes Catlicos La USM es una Fundacin sin fines de lucro, basada en Jerusalem y registrada en el Ministerio de Justicia de Israel (no. Or what that was dealt with my situation without their professionalism and effectiveness intentamos cubrir facetas. 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Information about many of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews Congregation of Bevis Marks ( London unlikely to occur as next. Responded with more data, Farhi built his database surnames on ( click Databases....