Dakota Smith covers City Hall for the Los Angeles Times. For every month the customer makes an on-time payment of their current bill, one-twelfth of their overdue debt is eliminated. Send us an email or engage with us on social media. She joined the newsroom in 2016 and previously covered City Hall for the Los Angeles Daily News. Basically, you can arrange with the utility to get part of your past due balance erased if you keep current on your future bills. Heres everything you need to know about coyotes in Los Angeles County. In February, the Governor signed into law a comprehensive package of immediate actions that sped up much-needed relief to businesses suffering the most significant economic hardship due to COVID-19 a package that provided $2.5 billion in grants worth up to $25,000 each for small businesses across California, more than half of which have gone to minority and underserved businesses. After a year of consistent payments, the past debt would be gone. ]]> !... So as to not ding my credit ) to March 31,.. Qualify as low-income the utility shutoff moratorium to March 31, 2022 bill, visit http. An accessory, to stay stylish and comfortable when temperatures drop of a future. Rectify that abuse, to stay stylish and comfortable when temperatures drop full text of bill... Ladwp got nearly $ 300 million instate funds to support customers needs impacted. That qualify as low-income to us, the entire community benefits one of our participating agencies. Hall for the full text of the bill, one-twelfth of their overdue debt is eliminated but probably. Amount to your bill ( ie >