Welcome to the World, Jayden Ray Kelley, born this morning at 1:03 a.m. A research firm he hired to study it repeated the message, but he was an iconoclast and ignored the information. Betty is alive @ 96. ~Kathy. Finley colored everything. Thanks for posting this. I'm still planning to contact you via past stuff. You're welcome. and our In 1971, Oakland Athletics owner, Charles Finley introduced Debbie Sivyer and Mary Barry, two local teenagers from Oakland's Bishop O'Dowd High School stationed along the Oakland Coliseum foul lines fielding foul balls and, between innings, serving the umpires lemonade and chocolate chip cookies. The standoff went on for six weeks, with dwindling attendance in Blues absence crippling the team. Gotta hurry to post this, power keeps flicking on and off, even though there's not a cloud in the sky. Schwarz said that after the negotiations were resolved, Blue was uncharacteristically bitter and would complain about pitching while icing his arm and talking to the media. (. I'm really gonna miss Penny. The floor is history. Kevin Von Erich -- Surviving Von Erich brother. I'm okay, but family health problems abound, Yep, I'm grossly underappreciated at home. IMDb says Sandra remarried and moved to Hawaii. (, I find almost all the information I post by using Google. But in the early 1970s, baseball enthusiasts celebrated three-in-a-row World Series championships and relished or were roiled by owner Charlie O. Finleys penny-pinching tactics and wildly creative marketing campaigns. I've been trying to find something out, but, Where are they now Missy-Jo and Kathy?! There will always be people like Barry, whose memories and devotion to the team only sweeten and solidify with the each telling. They are both very real. My teen "memories" messed that up. In 1971, Mary Barry dressed in hot pants and took her position near first base, scooping up foul balls and attention from fans and national media as an Oakland A's ball girl and one of the first . (, Brenda Joyce is alive at age 96 (not in best of health) this according to her daughter Beth Ward (. Schwarz said that after the negotiations were resolved, Blue was uncharacteristically bitter and would complain about pitching while icing his arm and talking to the media. (, Abel Fernandez - a star of "The Untouchables", Abel Fernandez - a star of "The Untouchables", Best thoughts and prayers to you Missy-Jo (, Thanks y'all and thanks to Kathy for keeping the board going. IRS delays tax deadline for Bay Area, but California hasn't followed: What should you do? So very sorry to hear all of this. ( NT) -- jlp, Fri December 16, 2016 5:00pm CST. One charged with murder, second suspect released, in mass shootout that killed teen at Oakland music video shoot, Garamendi's bill would extend water treatment facility permits, Alameda County Supervisors allow eviction moratorium to remain until end of April. If you haven't already located herBest of Luck jlp (, Actress Ruth Warren?? (, Thanks so much for your message, Kathy! Saw Kevin On WWE's RAW Earlier This Year (. I don't know if you'll be able to get on to see it, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (1972 photo by Ron Riesterer) (. 17K views, 383 likes, 39 loves, 51 comments, 54 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Oakland Athletics: Last weekend, Major League Baseball's first ballgirls returned to the Coliseum to throw out the. The teams mule mascot, Charlie O., won fans oddly fervent devotion that Barry still feels, but cant explain. Anyone know the whereabouts of actress Lydia Bruce? Contact your. I'm not "trolling" you or your board--I'm just trying to badger "Kevin". I'm a little late on the wishes, 'S'ok. I knew Gerry was having health problems but not Jack. (, So.who is your favorite wrestler of all time? That's the beauty of being a paid member editing! Turbow, (also author of The Baseball Codes) inconversationwith former sports editor of the San Francisco Chronicle Glenn Schwarz, said Finley was the maelstrom at the teams center. She's a favorite of Hubby & me. Privacy Policy. Betty is alive @ 96. (. (. In 72, it was Vida Blues holdout for higher pay. The standoff went on for six weeks, with dwindling attendance in Blues absence crippling the team. He never moved here from Chicago. That really cost him.. Finley colored everything. Can you e-mail me your snail addy again please? But Finleys oddities and frugality didnt guarantee prosperity; it often hurt the team and fans, according to Turbow. Anyone know the whereabouts of actress Carol Ohmart?? Happy 4th Birthday to Mommy's Sweetie, Eric Owen Lee Black. Explain, please. But fans need not worry that As history will be lost. Billy is a fave of mine and hubby's. He shot out ideas right and left: designated hitter, colorful uniforms but he also pushed for an orange ball. Innovations that stuck included night World Series games and opening the series on a Saturday. subjects, the Hager twins, are gone and I've been depressed. VonErich autographs and old WCCW merchandise, Kevin, I've found some on eBay but I never win the auctions. It was 5:52. ( NT) -- jlp, Sat October 17, 2015 4:49pm CST. In 1971, Oakland Athletics owner, Charles Finley introduced Debbie Sivyer and Mary Barry, two local teenagers from Oaklands Bishop ODowd High School stationed along the Oakland Coliseum foul lines fielding foul balls and, between innings, serving the umpires lemonade and chocolate chip cookies. (, James, Kathy is one of my guardian angels. Since no one has been using it for its intended purpose, I am closing the board, at least temporarily. Oakland Athletics ball girls Debbie Sivyer and Mary Barry. She was Danny I found the address for Lydia Bruce! Doing my best, let me know if I cross the line. To write most of the book, Turbow interviewed former players conducting interviews in rental cars, home offices and with Dick Green in sub-zero weather near Mount Rushmore and sports journalists like Schwarz, historians, and Finleys son, Paul Finley. Show your support by donating any amount. The Athletics defeated the Mariners 4-3. I'm so sad to hear this. It's almost like having someone send them to you. I'm assuming she is still married to R. Marx. Sivyer, who came up with the idea to serve the umpires her homemade cookies, later married and became Debbie Fields, eventually opening her cookie shop in Palo Alto in 1977 Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chippery. Flash forward to 2017, the Pleasant Hill professional massage therapist dresses more conservatively, but is no less enamored by her favorite Bay Area team. Grow your brand authentically by sharing brand content with the internets creators. (, Makes sense to me. But Finleys oddities and frugality didnt guarantee prosperity; it often hurt the team and fans, according to Turbow. (, We should open our own funeral home and give people a contract before they die so they can be dressed and made up how they'd want to be. WEH2 Clark Gable's only child/son? Love, Bubby. (, Michael PS Hayes Went By The Doc Hendricks on WWE (, I Saw Somewhere About The History That Kerry Von Erich Had Match Against Ric Flair A Few Times, Handsome Jimmy is one of my myspace friends. (, It's your board - whatever you say goes. (, Saw this on RAW Monday. Ultimately, it was because he never integrated with his team into the fabric of the community, Turbow said. David was ref in Fritz Von Erich's WCCW in the 1980s. All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! Always liked B. Brian. (, You're welcome. Dear Abby: Why do they imply my husband is a freak? The cute pair was clad in tight white shorts, green or gold fitting shirts (depending on the uniform of the team for the game), gold knee socks and white shoesin an era when the majority of other major league teams relied on wiry teenage boys to field foul balls on the playing field ball boys, on the other hand, are rarely seen wearing tight shorts. I find it odd they didnt capture the imagination of Northern California. I watched them every. Jean, I watched them on cable out of Dallas. (, Sorry to hear about Retha - if you need anything, let me know (, Beautiful graveside service. (, Happy 19th birthday to my precious, Dustin Gene Shelton, who shares his day with the late Andy Gibb. But in the early 1970s, baseball enthusiasts celebrated three-in-a-row World Series championships and relished or were roiled by owner Charlie O. Finleys penny-pinching tactics and wildly creative marketing campaigns. She became Mrs. Fields Cookies of the empire cookie chain? said Barry. All advice, including picks and predictions, is based on individual commentators opinions and not that of Minute Media or its related brands. Other costly mistakes involved scapegoating second baseman Mike Anders for a team loss, refusing to comply with contract terms for Catfish Hunter a mess that ultimately set the stage for todays free agency and opening only one ticket booth, resulting in long lines for fans. (Photo by Michael Zagaris/Oakland Athletics/Getty Images), 3456 x 5184 px (11.52 x 17.28 in) - 300 dpi - 6 MB. (, Anyone hear how Barbara is doing? You're SURE, and positively know this? But Vida knew he could get more.. (, Just came here to post about my cousin and now this? Sivyer had a habit of serving cookies to the umpires between innings that led to her opening a small cookie shop in Palo Alto in 1977. Cookie Notice Whatever happened to Christine Nelson and Cathy Carr? I'll see if I can find anything else. All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! I don't remember so much sickness in the world when I was a kid. Actress June Vincent ? What a great first present to give your mommy for Mother's Day! I'm going to send you a message on Facebook and MySpace and e-mail, hopefully you'll get one of them lol Love you (, Sorry to hear this. (. I got one 3 days after my birthday in 1989; great gift. Missy Jo, you have my prayers and love during this trying time. Mom's got a big hole in one room, termites have been dining on it forever, Barbara called Peggy!! Found out today that Mary Brodel Russom passed away on June 3, 2015 @ 98. (, Kathy. The content on this site is for entertainment and educational purposes only. My thoughts are with his family. (. (, Be sure to check out Heroes of World Class and the WWE's WCCW DVDs. I know its painful to talk about but how did you lose him? 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. You know I'm here for you, whatever you need! Amen. (, Grad to report after 7 years I along with some help have located Joan Leslie sisters Mary and Betty and obtained their autographs. He had remarried. (, Sheriff concludes wrestler Chris Benoit murder-suicide probe, Maybe now Mr. Benoit's and his wife's families can get some closure. MAJOR prayers headed your way! Before the start of the 1975 season, Oakland Athletics General Manager Carl Finley determined the girls had to go in the interests of the players marital harmony., Next: Trade Deadline Looming, A's Fans Deserve More. I've found some of these folks on myspace as well. (, By the way, Kathy, you and yours have my prayers and love. Oakland Athletics ball girl Mary Barry sitting along the foul line at the Oakland Alameda County Coliseum during A's game. Love you. How wonderful! (, Please pray for Rollin Hard -- Indy wrestler, That should be rollinhizard@hotmail.com (, From me: please pray for Jeff, Jesse, and Kim (info inside), Prayers of course, as always. (, Added a bit of holiday color - Missy-Jo, if you don't like it, go ahead and change it. (, I'm sorry to hear how things are. Mercedes actually IS real?? He made me cry in "Little Children." (, Thank you, Ms. Kathy. (. WEH2 author F. Scott Fitzgeralds daughter Scottie? (, Happy 94th Birthday to Erna Dee Dove Smith. We have even fought hard to defend your privacy in legal cases; however, we've done it with almost no financial support -- paying out of pocket to continue providing the service. Yes, that is her name! "If all roads lead to Rome, I know I'm going to Rome" is what Barbara said about the troll. Love y'all bunches. VoyForums Announcement: Programming and providing support for this service has been a labor of love since 1997. Finley hired then 14-year-old Barry and her best friend, Debbi Sivyer, a fellow Bishop ODowd student to generate publicity. Danny, thanks for posting all this great info. Whatever became of her? Miss Manners: I shouldn't call because the phone scares people? She Whatever became of actor Sean Garrison? (. Pam, did you by chance mean Pamelyn Ferdin, who played Felix Unger's daughter on "The Odd Couple" and was in tons of teen stuff? Other costly mistakes involved scapegoating second baseman Mike Anders for a team loss, refusing to comply with contract terms for Catfish Hunter a mess that ultimately set the stage for todays free agency and opening only one ticket booth, resulting in long lines for fans. Thank you for the information on Cynthia Rhodes! Don't worry about it. I saw him on the Best of World Class video. Flash forward to 2017, the Pleasant Hill professional massage therapist dresses more conservatively, but is no less enamored by her favorite Bay Area team. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. That really cost him.. I'll leave this message here so she can see your apology (, Thanks, Kathy. (, Don't have anything on-topic, but I'm touching base on all the boards, so Hi everybody! I'm so sorry about Barbara. It doesn't bother me, David. Sivyer had a habit of serving cookies to the umpires between innings that led to her opening a small cookie shop in Palo Alto in 1977. (. I have NO idea why he suddenly came to mind. Love the 'Birds also. (, Sorry you lost your dad, Missy-Jo. I was born and raised in Oakland I just know I was part of an era when it was exciting to be paid by Finley, to get free tickets for our families.. Welcome, Phoenix Michael Gene Reichardt, my nephew. All picks and predictions are suggestions only. (, Barbara has started a new obits board (link inside), And trust me on this Chronicler was NOT the problem at the old now defunct obits board. Which made one member of the audience ask during a Q&A why as a teen born in 1961 and growing up in the Bay Area, he was the only one of his friends who followed the As. Margaret Lee "Thumper's mom in Bambi. Feedback: Since no one has been using it for its intended purpose, I am closing the board, at least temporarily. Her ex hubby died last year. Get Morning Report and other email newsletters. Also, thank you to everyone who once participated in the board, making it as popular as it was back in the day. (, You're welcome! That didnt hurt either.. (. The Getty Images design is a trademark of Getty Images. Since 1997 today that Mary Brodel Russom passed away on June 3 2015. Mule mascot, Charlie O., won fans oddly fervent devotion that Barry still feels, but Happy Birthday!... N'T call because the phone scares people n't like it, but health! Making it as popular as it was because he never integrated with team. 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