So Im recommending it to all of you. 10/10 recommended for all Spa Day fans. When you unpack the mod, a folder with the name of the mod appears. This mod reworks Aspirations to get rid of their multiple levels/goals. But thats not all. But its tons of fun once you install it, trust me! Best Faith Weapon Elden Ring (13 Top Picks for Scaling), Ultimate Realistic Minecraft Texture Pack List (15 Best, How to Have Twins in Sims 4: Best Methods, How to Write Songs in Sims 4: Requirements and Tips, Sims 4 Relationship Cheat: Romance, Friendship, Pets and, Sims 4 Skill Cheat: Complete List and Guide, How To Do Homework in Sims 4 and Improve Grades: Tips and, How to Do the Sims 4 Free Real Estate Cheat [Easiest Method], Best Gaming Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors, 7 Best PS4 Compatible External Hard Drives, The 5 best internal hard drive upgrade options for your PS4, The best 2 terabyte hard drive for the PlayStation 4. If your Sim has a guitar, then they might be able to learn the guitar skill faster by having this trait and practicing their instrument. With every year, the gamer profession rises in popularity. If you want to boost your Sim and other people who have a high level of success, this is the trait for you. This is incredible. Theyll be able to write novels faster, and theyll even get some moodlet boosts when reading books, playing chess, or writing poetry. Most Popular Sims 4 Traits (Custom Content). . Fabulous Farmer. If you happen to find yourself shopping around for some new Sim traits, Kutto's New Hobby Traits mod is an excellent place to start.. BUT I have found this fairy mod that may just satisfy your fairy wishes for the time being. First of all, since mermaids are mythical fantasy creatures, they can charm other Sims much more easily. It will allow them to earn extra money by reading books, and theyll also be able to develop their logic skill faster than other Sims. Random Occult Ley Line Lot Trait by Zafire from Mod The Sims. However, you can download a custom trait mod from that will allow you to add unlimited traits to your Sims! With 10 new misery traits for your sims, youll have to deal with an annoying quirk that greatly affects your sims moods and interactions. The trait will also make it more difficult for sims to make friends. The CC stands for custom content, meaning that these are objects created by the players. But, pyromaniac Sims are also immune to fire! This means that he wont be able to collect your soul. Your Sim can also become inspired more easily when studying fine arts, writing novels, or even listening to music. An anarchist Sim loves to cause a bit of chaos in their life and in the lives of others. The Awakened mind is a trait that enhances your Sims in every possible way. However, keep in mind that this mod will also turn your Sims into the two stereotypes of a man and a woman. The Woohoo lover trait simply boosts your Sims want to have woohoo time. Its a 5-part mod that totals 100 cc traits for sims 4. If your Sim loves to go to the movies and watch them on a regular basis, then that makes them a movie freak! In honor of the Sims 4 Cottage Living coming out VERY soon (it may already be out by the type youre reading this), heres a farmer trait for sims 4. GUARANTEE. Plus youll be helping one of the best mod and CC creators for Sims 4. Here are the 10 characteristics for your home at your disposal right from the get-go! If your Sims tend to get stressed out more easily than others, then this trait can be a useful one because it will give you an early warning if theyre about to have a meltdown over something. 3. simandys summer aikoi hair bg long straight bangs . . You will be able to make different variations of personalities for your sims. The following traits are includes in Kawaiistacies trait bundle: Kawaiistacie is often referred to as the Queen of Mods by the community. This sims 4 cc trait is special because it actually comes with an aspiration too! And give our thanks to the amazing creator KiaraSims4Mods. The file New Emotional Traits v.1122022 is a modification for The Sims 4, a (n) simulation game. The Baby Machine trait will make your Sim charismatic and trustworthy. And while we think of ways how to solve this issue in our society, we can try it out in The Sims 4 too. And with all your new trait mods, you may probably want to know how to give your sims more than 3 traits in CAS. From The Sims 2 to the Sims 4, weve got you covered! Anime is a nearly universal interest among people of all demographics, especially in Japan. And lastly, there are many many more trait mods for The Sims 4 all over the internet. I can safely say that this mod plays out very well in-game. As a result, these Sims are more flirty and they will spend more time trying to look presentable. Sims with this trait are also more likely to earn money with photography and increase their skill faster. This is a sims 4 anxiety disorder trait that makes your sim feel stressed when theyre away from home and happy when theyre at home. This is because it bundles together eight new unique traits, including . Imagine making a sim their favorite kind of cake for their birthday!! So, definitely give it a try! But unfortunately, Kawaiistacie had recently restricted access to the mod. And I totally recommend it! And custom mods like the Feminist Trait by MarlynSims only prove me right. Youll also unlock new social interactions such as asking other Sims about their favorite cakes. A lot of these cc traits seem to be remade from sims 3. If youre using Windows 10, you can simply right-click the downloaded trait mod file and extract it wherever you like. If your Sim wants to have a brilliant mind, then this trait is for them. And while thats true for the real world, it is less so in The Sims 4. Gone are the days of having to settle for EA's boring traits. That said, lets check out the top 40 must-have traits mods! But lucky for us, MarlynSims has created a very in-depth hates outdoors trait for our sims. All in all, this is a great trait mod that adds a lot of flavor to your gameplay. Yes, this trait will make your Sim an unworthy and lying individual that always gets his way. First things first. If your Sim loves to be sassy and snarky around others, then this trait is a good one for them. Among the many Sims 4 trait mods, we have found something for your pets too! Makes sense. They also love the entire nightlife scene. Go to Library, then right-click on The Sims 4 and select Repair Game. Now you can cross the aging problem off of your list and enjoy the unending pleasantries of life. For example, a Virgo sim might start cleaning up around the house since Virgos tend to be neat and organized. This trait mod pack includes the witty trait, cool trait, film buff trait, morning person trait, night owl trait, lusty trait (spicy! Click here for the best Custom Content for The Sims 4. The deaf trait is perfect if youre looking for sims 4 disability traits. They also want to learn as much about photography as possible. With this trait, your sims will learn gardening and fishing 2x faster. After downloading a .package file trait just place it in the Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder. The mod gives you a 1.25x faster skill gained, so you can use that to your advantage. Caradriel all mods. If your Sim has this trait, then they can also get special moodlet boosts from drinking coffee and listening to music on vinyl records. Part 1 focused on own stimulation and emotional response. Yes, right, so definitely download this mod and try it out! You can also use cheats to add traits to your Sims. With this trait, your sims will learn gardening and fishing 2x faster. You can give your sim new emotional traits like the drama queen trait, hobby traits like the ultra-popular gamer trait, or feminine and manly traits like the Homemaker trait or Woohoo lover trait. These traits function almost like every other trait: some give certain benefits for skills, careers etc, some disadvantages and they'll determine the whims of your Sims. Well, the best way to solve that problem is by adding the Feminine and Manly Traits mod. And the last thing that you need to take care of is to head into the game and enable Mods and Custom Content. Yeah, you read that right! This trait helps sims build handiness and rocket science skills faster. If you want to meddle with the affairs of love, then this is the trait for you. But it does have a few features that make it unique. Hes also the guy who always has a crazy story to tell or a snappy joke in his back pocket. 4) When you run the game again, a new (empty) Mods folder will generate in your Electronic Arts folder. Each of the traits comes with new buffs and social interactions. Its a great mod that frequently gets updated and works well in-game. But the reason why you should consider purchasing her Sims 4 trait mods bundle is that it is a complete extension. Because hes so skilled at making coffee and cooking chili! They love to take photos all the time and connect emotionally with their images. Theyll also be able to discover new recipes and learn cooking skills faster, as well as to make better friends with others who have this trait. Theres no official way (even with cheats) to have more than 3 traits on your sim. But, the bad side is that these Sims are also worse at relationships. Theyll also be able to master charisma skills faster, making it easier for them to succeed in life. If your Sim is attractive and has a good personality, this trait will allow them to become extremely confident in their own appearance, leading to better relationships. *I want to acknowledge that some of these cc traits talk about very sensitive topics. In my personal experience, Ive tried over 100 trait mods. . This trait will give your Sim a stronger dislike towards certain actions and Sims, but if you have another Sim with this trait in their household, then they might get some special bonuses like extra friendship points. This mod focuses on the gardening features in the base game and adds several new commands and rewards for your Sims to explore. So, are you in? Hey Fantacorns! This time the trait deals with PTSD, otherwise known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Instead, these Sims will only be happy with their close friends. Leo sims are also very ambitious and charismatic. These mods can change looks, animations, interactions, behaviors, and much more (as a lot of them includes custom coding). All of these traits deal with your sims emotions and moods, typically making them more extreme. For example, you can make it so all your children are either left-handed or right-handed. Two-Faced Trait is one of the most interesting Sims 4 trait mods to play around with! They define how you work, what kind of life you lead, and who may or may not like you. If theres one thing all of us simmers can agree on, its that we need more traits in the sims 4. Yes, the Cottage Living DLC offers a similar lifestyle, but it doesnt feature a farmer trait. For starters, Sims with the Shutterbug trait are photography addicts. In short, here you will find 8 hobbies completely new to The Sims 4. This speaks to the popularity and the quality of this mod, which isnt the case with many other Sims 4 trait mods. When your sim has the faithful trait, they will get two new social interactions: express faithful love & youre my forever. It adds 14 new interactions, 16 new buffs, and the aspiration has 4 levels to it. There are many interesting traits available for Sims 4. My 200+ Custom Traits give you many more personality traits to choose from. Ive got you covered! Your farmer sims will even have new interactions like discussing their love of homegrown vegetables or chatting about horses. This trait will also give you a special, separate Hipster-only dialogue option when talking to other Sims. It is one of those character traits that can be very prevalent in the real world, yet it is still missing in The Sims 4. But the trait is also great for spouses and Sims in relationships. It is stuffed with many character options for your Sims and pets, so you can enjoy the game even more! The official publication was made on ModTheSims by nl_alexxx. So why not improve the gameplay with mods adding new personality traits to the game? Plus they get 3 unique social interactions! Sims with this trait can create fires easily. The creator has done an amazing job. In all seriousness, Alcoholic is one of the best Sims 4 traits mods on the internet. Just be warned that adding 20 or more traits to an individual Sim often causes the game to run more sluggishly. Pastry Lovers are Sims that love to cook and eat pastry. Theyll also be able to learn their social skills faster and meet new Sims more easily. The activist trait is the perfect way to take a stance in your Sims world. early access mod review . This means that they have to live in a house first, and slowly unlock the traits that make their ideal home. Kuttoe creates really incredible sims 4 trait packs and mods, so please go check out all of their stuff on their website and show some support. Dont believe it? If you want to live the romanticized life of an artist, then this is the trait for you. Since the release of The Sims 4, many players have commented on the fact that there isnt a trait that grants the genuine wish for children. And each of them is unique in its own way. We were given a loves outdoors trait, but not a hates outdoors trait. Here I have only listed our (SnootySims crew) personal favorites and the ones that we have enjoyed the most as veteran simmers. For example, some traits get the random Confident moodlet while others the Inspired moodlet. Lot traits can give you a bigger and fancier property or a smaller and more run-down property with more building challenges to overcome. It is a really neat addition to the game, made possible by Graycurse. This sims 4 fairy trait comes with the trait, buffs, whims, and custom interactions. This is another new custom traits pack by jessienebulous. Simply select the feature and you will be able to enjoy your trait mods. And third, siren Sims are exceptionally good at love affairs and relationships! I love the warm and cozy feelings of the autumn season. Read more. Theyll get a moodlet boost from watching movies. They make great parents, too! So if you want your Sim to be immortal and never age, make sure to get both traits. This sims 4 eating disorder trait pack includes: Im not going to go into any detail about these traits, in case its triggering to any of my readers, but you can go to the download page to get all of the details. These side effects include decreased appetite, dizziness, nausea, or drowiness. It makes teaching your toddlers skills much easier and faster. Hobbies take a lot of our time. As a bonus, they build up skills faster, they have more fun with the opposite sex, and their hygiene decays slower. And the best part about the trait is that your sims will earn 4x as much money for their photographs as other non-shutterbug sims would!! It's why we love . Now, different age categories have a different number of slots. This sim really hates the outdoors. The fact that we dont get new traits with every expansion pack is wild. In any way, the mod is super fun! The only downside here is that the social need decays at the same 1.5x rate faster as well. ModTheSims is where we discovered the CC and there you can find more info too. Itll help them earn more money from writing sassy blog posts, but it will also make it easier for them to lose friendships with other Sims. 1. All Rights Reserved. Traits are special characteristics. thepancake1 and MizoreYukii's More Traits in CAS change the CAS UI to five traits per Sim: USE ChingyuCompatible.package made by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii if you use their mods together with this mod. downloads 1627 (last 7 days) 37 last update Tuesday, November 16, 2021 But why would you want Jeremy in your Simiverse? It is a creation by Spazmunki13 and you can find it for a download through the link below. This trait gives your sim more reasons to take a vacation to the wonderful worlds of Granite Falls or Selvadorada. Additionally, they will be excellently suited for taking care of children because this skill comes naturally to them! Additionally, they will engage in Woohoo or at least romantic kissing way more often than before. This mod gives you 12 traits based on the 12 zodiac signs from the real world. If your Sim is in university or has recently graduated, this trait can be very useful because theyll get special moodlet boosts when using social skills. The opposite of the Serious trait is the Silly trait. And as its name suggests, it isnt just a traits pack. Imagine being a sim that gets terrible claustrophobia but is forced to live in a tiny home. But the most important of all youll get 8 new character traits. Your Sim will start to enjoy food more when they eat a meal at home, and if they go out for dinner or are invited to an event, then theres a chance that theyll be able to learn some tips from the chef on how to make better food for themselves. Whats great about this trait is how well it actually fits in Sims 4. Happy Simming! This is another sims 4 mental illness trait. These traits come in the reward store (in addition to CAS) so they dont have to take up one of your sims trait slots. It will give you an early warning sign if they are about to burst into tears, and it will help them relax when theyre feeling stressed out. The creator of this brilliant tool is Embyr311 and you can find more of him at ModTheSims. Its so nice to see some more negative traits for our sims. They'll be scared to go out in public and will get uncomfortable moodlets. One of those mods is the SweenyTodd's Cowplant Tweeks [Updated for]. This Sim will be able to persuade others into getting what theyre asking for faster, which can lead to a promotion at work or better perks if your Sim becomes famous. Adults - 5 trait slots. Leaving home is not a good idea.". This is obviously not a satisfactory way to play the game. This will highlight their gender and make them more recognizable. They also all reward the same amount of satisfaction points (5,000). Here are all of them! Jul 8, 2021 - Looking for custom traits for the sims 4? These 40 trait extensions are exceptional in every aspect and I totally recommend them. There are 5 traits included in this. The trait is in the Lifestyle category. If you like custom traits because they are interesting, but youre worried about their stability, consider using them only on sims that are not in your main household. All these hobbies are highly realistic and they play out nicely in-game. Dont worry, we will provide direct links to all the trait mods featured in our list. However, we do like to know this fact, dont we? If your Sim loves to play video games, then the gamer trait is for them. The trait comes with 7 custom interactions and 13 new buffs too. We often joke that someone is boyfriend material or girlfriend material. Best Sims 4 Personality Mod: Slice of Life. They can still do things, but theyll have to always keep an eye on their surroundings and stay prepared at all times. Click here to pin it! If your Sim loves to moan, cry and whine, then theyll be able to get a moodlet boost by doing just that. )Continue, As a big fan of fantasy, I would absolutely adore a more in-depth look at fairy mods :>, when i click the download for the nsfw trait mod it says error 404. There is a very complicated system of buffs and benefits for this trait. There are tons of defaults like the Anxious trait or Geek trait, and while there are some very good ones on the official workshop, there are loads more CAS traits to be found on the web. 2021. This sims 4 cc traits for toddlers pack includes: I was getting so BORED with the traits we have for toddlers, so Im super happy that I was able to find a sims 4 cc trait pack for toddlers. Its part one, so I assume a part 2 will be coming soon with even more updated traits. Second, their singing, charisma, and mischief skills are gained 1.5x faster. Adult - 5 traits. Required Game Pack: City Living, Island Living, Jungle Adventure and Snowy Escape. No longer will your new Sims inherit all the traits from their parents, but only one or two. If youre looking for adult mods for the sims 4, then these cc traits are for you. Contrary to popular belief, insomnia is a serious medical condition that many people suffer from. Although The Sims 4 already features a pretty extensive list of traits that are designed to affect the way your Sims behave, modders are always looking to add more options to the game. Eight brand new traits for your sims 4 game! And honestly, some have really changed how I play the game. Seriously, this is such a fun trait to play around with in Sims 4. She was simply annoyed with the community and felt that people were pushy and ungrateful for her work. And here is the option to become a true introvert in Sims 4 too! If youre having trouble identifying the culprit CC, here are some cleanup steps you can perform: 1) Cut and paste the Mods folder to another location outside of your EA folder. It's simple. For example, with the social anxiety trait, your sim can take medication for their social anxiety but they will receive one random side effect. I know Ive overwhelmed you with new sims 4 traits today, so dont forget that you can give your sims more than three traits using the more traits mod for sims 4. If your Sim is sometimes blue or sad around others, then the melancholic trait may be a good fit. 3. If your Sim loves to garden, then this trait will be a very useful one. This mod comes with a couple of important features. Theyll also occasionally get an extra moodlet boost for being careful about what they touch. So you will be able to lie and cheat your way to success. The feminist trait is a lifestyle trait that gives your sim 7 new interactions and 13 new buffs. It might not sound like much, but trust us, if you really want to immerse yourself in the game take this mod! If you have other Sims who are evil or mean-spirited around, they might trick your Sim into doing things that will negatively affect their life in the long run. The Sims 4 doesn't offer us a lot of . This pack introduces 5 character traits Coffee Addict, Frat Boy, Sorority Girl, Studious, and Cognitively Impaired. Theyll also be able to excel at their studies without much effort, and theyll even find it easier to get a job after they graduate if they have the right skills. . Unfortunately, Sims 4 CC traits are not supported on Xbox One yet. Life teaches us that not all people are good-natured. . Modifying the files that come with the game can have some side effects on gameplay, but you should be able to use these custom traits without any major issues. They add a lot of depth which I love. The Sims 4 Career: Real Estate Career DOWNLOAD Real Estate Career - Rent, buy, or sell property for clients. Solistair Chia Top F Hibiscus December 10, 2022. However, in the case of the New Emotional Traits mod, youre looking at a completely different thing! It will also give your sim random panic and social anxiety attacks. This rainbow baby trait will add that next level of realism to your sims 4 gameplay. We present to you The Siren Trait: Reloaded a complete trait for siren lovers! If you see an addon in the package name, it means it . With it, you will be able to choose the GAD trait in-game, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The Sims 4 - 10 More Traits! Social to Coward. Between the base game and the additional Stuff Packs, Expansion Packs, and Game Packs that have been released to add even more content and more fun for players, it's basically impossible to get bored while enjoying a game of The Sims 4.. RELATED: The Sims 4: Best Pregnancy Mods While the game has a ton of content for players, there are some players . If your Sim is a troublemaker, then this trait is for them. Theyll also receive 10 custom buffs and 3 new social interactions. This trait would match well with the custom chocolatier career which can be found here. By adding way more traits in Sims 4, you essentially make your Sims more complex and more realistic characters. The Sims 4 has so much to do in the game. When your sim has this trait, they can go to therapy sessions and even possibly recover therefore losing the PTSD trait. They can define a sims behavior, physical appearance and be the reason for how they live in a world of The Sims 4. If you have other Sims with this type of personality in your household, then theyll also get special moodlet boosts. Welcome to our post on the best Sims 4 traits mods in 2021! Want to save this list? Never again will you have to watch your supposedly vegetarian . Sims with the gamer trait will be able to get a moodlet boost by playing video games, and in doing so, gamer Sims learn the gaming skill faster. The Sims 4 Trait Mods allow you to change or add new ones and let you play the way you want. Us a lot of these cc traits talk about very sensitive topics traits... Zafire from mod the Sims 4 disability traits their close friends but lucky for us, MarlynSims has a. Mods like the Feminist trait by Zafire from mod the Sims 4 and Repair! Is for them that makes them a movie freak unpack the mod is fun...: Kawaiistacie is often referred to as the Queen of mods by the community money with photography and their! 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