Jadan Alexandre, Luke Allan, Mikayla Allore, Hailey Arn-Hettrich, Zimraan Azeem, Giana Bellody, Hillary Benitez, Abigail Blanchfield, Tyler Broad, Joshua Bruce, Hailey Campbell, Colby Carr, Kyle Castro, Devon Charron, Nikki Chung, Hezekai Cotto, Miles Coursey, Jacqueline Crenshaw, Matthew Crusha, Aadi Dey, Brayden Dill, Alexis DiMaio, Ariel Drummond, Gabriel Duarte, Ryan Ezedine, Rahid Faris, Luciana Figueiredo, Hope Fournier, Ethan Garbart, Tyler Garvey, Noah Gehris, Shelby Gerber, Jayvian Geronimo, Sarah Gordon, Luca Gramuglia, Ram Gundapwar, Arjun Gupta, Hannah Halligan, Mohamad Hamad, Lucas Hummel, Kenneth Karvonen, Samuel Kasek, Daniel Kennedy, Shalomi Koththigoda Kankanamge, Nicholas LaRosa, Ava Lawler, Xander Lecours, Jocelyn Lessard, Emma Lord, Abhijay Madanagopal, Lauren Manfredi, Samuel Marsh, Anna Matus, Shamyla Milner, Matthew Nese, Esmeralda Norzeron, Juliana Oliver, Alexa Pagani, Rishi Paluru, Elaina Pasqualini, Shruti Patel, Saoudkhan Pathan, Jessica Perkins, Natalie Petersen, Matthew Pilat, Samuel Pines, Chion Pollard, Anoushka Prabhughate, Connor Rankin, John Rentz, Maryam Rizwan, Janayah Rosa, Sage Rossetti, Joseph Russo, Lucas Salinas, Nimai Sanghani, Ares Savvides, Abigail Seabourn, Nathan Silva, Jaden Sinclair, Callie Spika, Hayden St Martin, Samuel Streeter, William Streeter, Kyle Sullivan, Shubhan Tamhane, Chayce Thompson, Arvind Tirumala, Jada Tran, Ciara Turco, Lindsey Turgeon, Jahnavi Vadavalli, Alyssa Vannasouk, Eric Veilleux, Veronica Veilleux, Owen Verzella, Wade Violette, Isabella Vongsarasinh, Shawn Waldie, Emma Wallace, Khadian Wallace, Hunter Willcox, Walter Willoughby. Jeffrey Madairy, Rahul Mahesh, Ernesto Manzanedo, Caroline Markey, Elizabeth Martinez, Emily Martinez, Julia Martocchio, Aaron Matus, Shannon McKinley, Jane Mogor, Astrid Mohr, Matthew Monteserin, Kaitlyn Mooney, Muneeka Munir, Suhas Narahari, Taylor Nourse, Ashley Obrien, Kyra Oliveras Burgos, Tyler ONeill, Samuel Otchere, Darshan Patel, Paras Patel, Allison Petkis, Noah Pichay, Ashna Prakash, Lexi Ragnat, Jasmine Ramirez, Kaavya Rathinavel, Abigail Rich, Madison Rittlinger, Jordan Roberts, Jaycie Rohde, Victoria Root, Dominic Russo. Oswego, NY (13126) Today. School staff recognize and appreciate the special needs and uniqueness of . Honor Rolls. Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. Ishayu Ray, Lukas Reba, Madison Riopel, Asher Robino, Tyler Russo. Occasional rain showers this afternoon. or anything. Ella Manning, Grace Martin, Brianna Miranda, Kelly Morson, Abhiram Motupalli, Erin Mutchek, Pranav Shrinivas Muthusubramanian, Tyler Nielsen, Kyra Oliveras Burgos, Maha Orjani, Samuel Otchere. Jillian Thibodeau, Kayla Thibodeau, Daniel Toper, Destini Troiano, Disha Verma, Shreekar Viswanatha, Sean Weathers, Sean Woods, Daniel Zhu. % South Windsor High School's student population of 1,282 students has stayed relatively flat over five school years. A few flurries or snow showers possible. MANCHESTER These students were named to the second quarter honor roll at Cornerstone Christian School. There was an error processing your request. % Posted Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 1:19 pm ET. <> Honor Roll Policy - High School. Before and after school activities, and programs are also cancelled. Seniors. Bell Schedule. Nyyah Thomas, Chayce Thompson, Arvind Tirumala, Benjamin Tortora, Ciara Turco, Rohan Valentin, Alyssa Vannasouk, Eric Veilleux, Veronica Veilleux, Wade Violette, Isabella Vongsarasinh, Khadian Wallace, Walter Willoughby, Gavin Yeich. JROTC offers valuable lessons in leadership, character-building and citizenship. Taylor Nourse, Sean OConnor, Tyler ONeill, Nicholas Passacantando, Darshan Patel, Kyle Peck, Shreya Periyasamy, Noah Pichay, Matthew Pollack, Ashna Prakash, Lexi Ragnat, Jasmine Ramirez, Abigail Rich, Madison Rittlinger, Jaycie Rohde, Savannah Rossetti. Next Next post: North High School 2021-2022 First Quarter Honor Roll. Don't knowingly lie about anyone This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. Getting It Done In The Classroom: South Windsor College Students, The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time, Sandwich Giant Again Pledging Sales Proceeds To Major Charity In March, Whos Hiring In South Windsor Area: This Weeks Newest Job Openings. All sports, all the time, plus unique coverage of UConn athletics, local high school sports, and Connecticut's pro teams, the Sun and Hartford Athletic. that is degrading to another person. PERSONALITIES: Director uses history as a starting point, Bus Routes Posted For South Windsor Public Schools, Iconic South Windsor Company Sold In $5.44 Million Deal, South Windsor High School Athletes Earn Fall Accolades, South Windsor Teacher Suspended Over Inappropriate Poem, South Windsor High School Posts 1Q Honor Roll for 2017-18, Gary Sarra Obituary (2021) - South Windsor, CT - Hartford Courant, 2022 FOX61 Student News Awards winners and nominees, Eckblom Promoted to Deputy Police Chief In South Windsor, South Windsor High School Publishes Honor Roll, Second South Windsor High School Teacher Suspended. 22-23 Calendar. Mohamad Hamad, Ava Hanson, Trinayaan Hariharan, Ethan Hart, Margaret Haswell, Gracy Henneman, Dylan Hutton, Muhammad Israr, Manan Israr, Alishba Israr, Hannah Jacob. Scarlett Alcazar, Zakaria Almohaid, Luis Alvarez Palacios, Crystal Arn-Hettrich, Phillip Ayotte, Garrett Belardi, Lauren Benson, Hamza Bhura, Joanne Biju, Kevin Bromley, Kyle Bromley, Kyle Brown, Carlyn Burba, Calya Burnham, Jennifer Burnham, Caitlyn Caldon, Emily Carbone, Gianna Cardinale, Cooper Castellone, Alan Cavagnaro, Jacob Chaimovitch, Nicole Charron, Sarah Cloutier, Molly Cole, Andrea Correia, Erica Croxford, Ethan Cruz, Victoria DelRosso, Katrina Doherty, Lucie Dombroski, Jackson Faraci, Justin Faragosa, Annie Filingeri, Lindsay Fishman, Peyton Fletcher, Sydney Fournier, Melina Freeman, Victoria Gagain, Lucas Gilbert, Jonathan Gordon, Samay Govani, Maya Griffin, Abhiram Gunti, Emma Hapkiewicz, Dhespina Hatika, Olivia Hewitt, Nicole Hunter, Riley Hutton, Cameron Isherwood, Jennette Jacobs, Karen Joy, Samuel Kamm, William Kasek, Erin Katzbek, Charles Keen, Kinga Kempisty, Rebecca Kenefick, Samuel Kim, Dhanush Kotumraju, Kevin Laplante, Megan LeMay, Jared Levesque, Serena Lopez, Aicha Ly, Rachel Maher, Elizabeth Malone, Amala Mammayil, Zachary Manfredi, Maxwell Mansfield, John Marchesseault, Jillian Marzella, Alanna Mawhinney, Sarah Mazzaro, Noah McArthur, Mason McCarter, Dylan Miele, Megan Miller, Emmanuel Mokel, Jailyn Murphy, Asha Nahar, Paige Nochisaki, William Nostin, Lindsey Osit, Samantha Ostrowski, Wilfred Otchere, Daniel Paliulis, Michael Pandiscia, Sattvik Papanasam, Leah Parkyn, Raquel Paz Zavala, Corinna Plefka, Elizabeth Poulin, Saif Quraishi, Rohan Rajagopalan, Evan Rapp, Varsha Rathore, Cristina Rivera, Francheska Rivera, Kylie Robinshaw, Gabriella Rodriguez, Jonathan Rossetti, Nicolas Rossiter, Muhammad Saeed, Laura Saenz Holguin, Allison Samsel, Jack Samsel, Isabella Sanchez, Amy Sapowadia, Daniel Savidge, Richard Scola, Neal Shah, Shikhar Shah, Nemat Shaikh, Jeeva Shunmugaraja, Brianna Skaff, Joshua Smith, Ananya Srivatsav, Brooke Stickles, Andrew Streeter, Karly Suppicich, Evelyn Thibodeau, Van Anh Tran, Liliana Valente, Jessica Vieira, Sara Wills, Melody Wisneski, Jia Yazon, Nikitha Zachariah. EAST WINDSOR These students were named to the second quarter honor roll at East Windsor High School. SOMERS These students were named to the first-trimester honor roll at Mabelle B. Avery Middle School. SOUTH WINDSOR The following students were named to the first-quarter honor roll at South Windsor High School. The teacher population of 125 teachers has grown by 6% over five school years. Second Honors: Daniel Abu, Jaree Adams, Charles Allison, Marlian Alvarado, Elizabeth Amartey, Akosua Apraku, Ahmad Aria, Frankson Arthur, Fidelia Asongwed, Brendan Bacon, Nevaeh Baillargeon, Aliza Barnes, Jamillah Barro, Keyshawn Beckles, Eden Bergstrom, Katherine Scarlett Blair, Jordan Borrero, Crystal Brackett, Emilio Burgos, Connor Carrigan, Shelsea Castro Zenon, Carolina Cavalcanti, Oliver Chase Norris, Saphire Chau, Maria Clarke, Kyara Contes Gutierrez, Kethllen De Souza Silva, Cody DiBonaventura, Hanson Domotey, Phu Duong, Hannah Duszak, Marcos Echevarria, Alexi Estrada, Anna Freitas Matos, Nadia Frempong, John Grady, Leandro Graterol Rojas, Nawar Hamadi, Paige Hogan Leblanc, Joshlyn Jarrett, Alex Johnson, Raquelle Ketter, Deron Kusi, Diana Landaverde-Axume, Alexander Lanzo, Damian Le, Alexander Leon Smith, Sophie Lesure, Anthony Madison, Rosi Magana Romero, Yeraisi Martes Guerrero, Ainsley McKenney, D Andre McLeod, Tevontae Mendes Dennison, Emil Mihai, Lorenzo Mojica, Aidan Morrow, Benedict Morrow, Anejia Moten, Lily Motil, Wa-Mulenda Mulenda, Salam Najjar, Mehreen Naqvi, Adriana Nava Zuniga, Nhi Nguyen, Gregory Noroian, Mary Nzoka, Mark Okyere, Steve Owusu-Ansah, Jarette Pastor, Gustavo Pena Orellana, Ayden Pugliese, Yariel Rivera, Santos Rosa, Jose Rosario, Kendyal Rutling, Gabrielle Ryan, Nooralshams Sbeih, Mark Shulten, Gracie Suprenant, CarlieRose Tarr, Luis Texidor, Thanh Tran, Dariel Vega, Rachel Vuong, Aidan Yauckoes, and Alianna Young. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. 1100 WEST MAIN ST. WINDSOR, CO . 4-Year Recipients are those stu- 60% of South Windsor High School students are White, 20% of students are Asian, 9% of students are Hispanic, 7% of students are Black, and 4% of students are Two or more races. To register for free South Windsor breaking news alerts and more, click here. BOE Calendar. The most important daily headlines from News, Sports, Business, Living, and Opinion. SWHSBobcats. All Administrative Offices are closed to the public but open to employees. David Adams, Angelica Alvarado, Lillian . Minority enrollment is 40% of the student body (majority Asian), which is lower than the Connecticut state average of 50% (majority Hispanic). Kathy Moriority There was an error processing your request. Invalid password or account does not exist. Reading/Language Arts Test Scores (% Proficient), Source: 2020-2021 (latest school year available) National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), CT Dept. ENFIELD These students were named to the second quarter honor roll at John F. Kennedy Middle School. Caitlyn Caldon, Gianna Cardinale, Cooper Castellone, Aiden Castle, Alan Cavagnaro, Sarah Cloutier, Molly Cole, Andrea Correia, Amanda Crispim, Ethan Cruz. The school is a place where children are inspired to grow and learn in a caring atmosphere of respect, exploration, and discovery. 0. Abhinav Bachu, Paige Bauer, Anthony Bellizzi, Gregory Bidwell, Sean Bies, Dominic Bonanno, William Bonazelli, Matthew Brouwer, Owen Brown, Joshua Brozowski, Collin Bullock, Moorea Butler. In addition to these news headlines, you may also want to join the South Windsor High alumni directory and check out the yearbook listings. Second Honors: Lloydia Agyemang, Miles Appleton, Phillippine Asamany, Donatus Azusiyine, Juana Baez, Nancy Boateng, Jeanelyz Bonilla Ventura, Aldana Carvallo, Owen Chase, Lily Chisholm, Jalil Collazo Gonzalez, Viana Colon, Hersy Contreras Quezada, Jonathan Cruz, Sheryl Domingo, Selena Dong, Davante Dunn, Katyana Echevarria, Jimmy Feliciano, Brigitte Feliz Rodriguez, Owen Foskett, Jordan Foy, Laura Garcia Ramirez, Juan Garcia Reyes, Ivory Gillison, Lena Goins, Lexani Gonzalez, Janyia Hampton Hutchins, Hannah Hanson, Kemely Hernandez, Yadriel Hernandez Vazquez, Kathleen Huynh, John Huynh, Ahmed Ibrahim, Faith Jackson, Kyle Jerszyk, John Paul L Esperance, Cindy Lam, Thanh Le, Bryce Maloney, Katherine Mendez, Janice Mensah, Luis Morales Delgado, Alberto Morales Mena, Frida Mupiri, Zenab Najjar, Kiara Negron Rivera, Khoa Nguyen, Amalio Nieves, Cynthia Njenga, Ava Nunes, Tamia Nunes, Julia Nyarko, Grace O Gara, Justin Phan, Athena Pratt, Sunita Rai, Israel Regus Hierro, Jaylin Rijos, Ella Rivera, Isauleyshka Rodriguez, Jonathan Salmonsen, Elvin Sanchez, Brandon Sanders, Izaiah Santiago, Derek Santiago, Brayan Sierra, Daeshawn Strozier, Emily Synan, Nicholas To, Linh Tran, Emily Trieu, Kassandra Valentin, and Trinh Vo. 80550 (970) 686-8100 (970) 686-8101. whs@weldre4.org. Read moreEast Catholic High School, VERNON These students were named to the second quarter honor roll at Rockville High School. How Does Bullying Affect a Students Academic Performance? A major subject is defined as a course that yields a minimum of 1.00 unit of credit. #@+ r@qy~:;i-a5 D^P ^8SU$ik^Q*YHI%4&%XGuTVgR@^EgI m|?rk Laura Saenz Holguin, Allison Samsel, Amy Sapowadia, Daniel Savidge, Neal Shah, Shikhar Shah, Nemat Shaikh, Jeeva Shunmugaraja, Brianna Skaff, Joshua Smith, Brett Smurra, Brooke Stickles, Andrew Streeter, Karly Suppicich. In this article, well take a closer look at the financial impact of COVID-19 on public schools and what to expect in the future. Be Truthful. May 1, 2021. Mikayla Allore, Hailey Arn-Hettrich, Zimraan Azeem, Benjamin Balducci, Hillary Benitez, Kimberly Bentley, Benjamin Bernstein, Joseph Biju, Shawn Blocker, Chase Bonin, Tyler Broad, Cameron Brown, Joshua Bruce, Jamie Brunelle. Grace Birch. Aug 4, 2021. Advertisement. HIGH HONORS. Honor Roll Posted At South Windsor High School. Schools Closed - Professional Development Day for Staff, The nearest high school to South Windsor High School is. The graduation rate of South Windsor High School is 98%, which is higher than the Connecticut state average of 90%. Award Year: 2020. . dauphin county property search (919) 830-6478 nombres para gatos en chino y su significado Let us know what's going on! 988 is the suicide and crisis lifeline. How Diet and Nutrition Impact a Child's Learning Ability, Quality of academic programs, teachers, and facilities, Availability of music, art, sports and other extracurricular activities, Highest reading/language arts proficiency (Top 20%), See more public schools near to South Windsor High School, Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps or JROTC, What Public School Students Should Expect After COVID-19, Police investigate theft, burning of Pride Flag at South Windsor high school (2022), Congratulations, South Windsor High School Grad Jack Waterman (2021), CIAC Scholar-Athletes Named From South Windsor High School (2020). 1 0 obj View the South Windsor High School yearly calendar below. South Windsor High School serves 1,282 students in grades 9-12. Due to the inclement weather, Worcester Public Schools and Head Start will be closed. Tim Jensen 5/10/2022. South Windsor Students Named National Merit Scholarship U.S. News High School Rankings: How Did South Windsor Fare? September 28, 2022 Denver South High School Counselor Receives 2022 Award for Government Relations at the National Association of College Admissions Counselors. Kadian Taylor, Joseph Theroux, Lindsey Tortora, Nirali Vachhani, Samantha Vannasouk, Alexander Viar, Nawfa Wahed, Jack Waterman, Abigail Weiner, Elijah Wood, Nathan Yamoah, Kieran Yanaway, Arsalan Zaki. 8Js:@[)$s{o1s. Distinguished Honor Roll recognizes students who score in (approximately) the top 1% of the country. Jaylen Alcazar, Brian Allard, Jason Alwang, Anna Armstrong, Anastasia Assenso, Abhinav Bachu, Anthony Bellizzi, Emily Bergstrom, Katie Bergstrom, Craig Bilelis, Dorian Bilelis, Julie Brady, Joshua Brozowski, Juliet Burdick, Jenieke Calloway, Anindita Chakravarty, Gautam Chasmawala, Ivan Chen, Rebecca Chernik, Mokshitha Chimbili, Lauren Cobb, Quinn Cotton, Leah Craig, Sophie Crane, Jack Dempsky, Adria Dias, Riley Donahue, Ryan Dunia, Erin Dunn, Aleena Fiazuddin, Benjamin Fiori, Erin Garvey, Trent Gehris, Giulianna Gionfriddo, Hannah Godsill, Nolan Goodale, Emily Gore, Andrew Gough, Lily Greenblott, Blake Greiner, Neave Hackett, Nyah Henry, Dominic Imondi, Christine Kang, Devon Kevetos, Rayan Khan, Shani Kibara, Aidan Kieft, Alex Kim, Maria Klosowski, Colin Kniffen, Riley Lariviere, Jordan Layaw, Fayre Li, Justin Li, Alexander Lombardo, Lindsey Lucia, Frank Lugo, Ella Manning, Grace Martin, Meghna Mazumdar, Brianna Miranda, Kelly Morson, Abhiram Motupalli, Muneeka Munir, Erin Mutchek, Pranav Shrinivas Muthusubramanian, Tyler Nielsen, Maha Orjani, Samuel Otchere, Darshan Patel, Paras Patel, Matthew Pollack, Ashna Prakash, Harish Prasad, Keshav Ramesh, Kaavya Rathinavel, Abigail Rich, Jordan Roberts, Aitza Rodriguez Concepcion, John Rood, Nathan Russell, Angelina Salvatore, Emma Sansom, Caitlin Sauer, Rehmat Shaikh, Faris Sheriff, Fehem-ul-Haq Siddiqui, Kaylee Singh, Emma Smith, Emma Soloperto, Krishna Srinivasan, Joseph Stahr, Manav Surti, Hannah Sweet, David Szymanczyk, Kadian Taylor, Joseph Theroux, Lindsey Tortora, Nirali Vachhani, Samantha Vannasouk, Alexander Viar, Nawfa Wahed, Jack Waterman, Abigail Weiner, Qawiyyah Wiggs, Elijah Wood, Kieran Yanaway, Arsalan Zaki. Theatre Guild of Simsbury "The Wizard of Oz" Creative Team A South Windsor High School student sent letters to leaders in 186 countries. High Honors All Four Years; Honors All Four Years; High Honors 2020-2021 Honor Roll Recognition In order to be on the Honor Roll at South Windsor High School, students must: (1) carry a course load of at least 5 graded courses in the current marking period; and (2) maintain a quarterly GPA of at least 3.0 with no grade below a C-. COVENTRY These students were named to the first-quarter honor roll at Coventry High School. SAVE SCHOOL. First Honors: Al-anood Aldawasr, Marvin Alvarado, Alan Arroyo Quinones, Nexus Attiogbe, Tony Cruz-Calero, Bao Ngan Dang, Carina Diaz Perez, Duyen Dinh, Avedis Dola, Jancarlos Ferreira, Luca Frost, Eric Hang, Carisa Hochkeppel, Robert Jarvis, Gabrielle Jensen, Rana Kokaz, Eleanor Lewin, David Ly, Keira Martinez, Matthew McElroy, Sophia Ngo, Vincent Nguyen, Anthony Nguyen, Tommy Nguyen, Naomi Orcel, Luna Paez Abaunza, Ryan Quach, Emma Robeau, Luis Sanchez, Johandra Santos Rodriguez, Avery Strogoff, Mary Thach, Emmanuel Joel Torto, and Kayla Tran. Success! Hailey Campbell, Colby Carr, Kyle Castro, Nikki Chung, Wyatt Cote, Hezekai Cotto, Julia Craig, Jacqueline Crenshaw, Matthew Crusha, Bryant Cushman, Camara Darling, Joseph Della Ripa, Aadi Dey, Brayden Dill, Katelyn Drenga, Ariel Drummond. South High School 2021-2022 First Quarter Honor Roll, University Park Campus 2021-2022 First Quarter Honor Roll, North High School 2021-2022 First Quarter Honor Roll, Dr. Monrrez Welcome Message and Entry Plan. SOUTH WINDSOR These students were named to the second-quarter honor roll at South Windsor High School. 0. WINDSOR These students were named to the second quarter honor roll at Windsor High School. We are a town rich in cultural, agricultural and philosophical history. 2021-2022 District Calendar (1 page) Departments; Athletics; Food Services; Special Programs; . What does it mean to be a patriot and how can you show your South Windsor school board OKs solar panel arrays. South Windsor High School. High 46F. endobj Error! Victoria DelRosso, Kaitlyn DiBenedetto, Sarah Dinh, Katrina Doherty, Lucie Dombroski, Mackenzie Eppler, Valeria Estrada Corredor, Justin Faragosa, Annie Filingeri, Emma Finer, Peyton Fletcher, Sydney Fournier, Victoria Gagain, Jonathan Gordon, Samay Govani, Abhiram Gunti, Emma Hapkiewicz, Olivia Hewitt, Cameron Isherwood, Jennette Jacobs, Karen Joy, Lauren Joy, Samuel Kamm, William Kasek, Erin Katzbek, Charles Keen, Kinga Kempisty, Rebecca Kenefick, Samuel Kim, Dhanush Kotumraju. 508-799-3115 | 20 Irving Street, Worcester, MA 01609 | [emailprotected]. Alexis Dabrowski, Kaitlyn Dedame, Kaitlyn Dempsky, Alexa Diaz, Gabriel Duarte, Sarah Eldredge, Sophie Finer, Ryan Fiori, Sophia Flores, Avery Fournier, Megan Futtner, Julia Garofalo, Jaden Glatt, Nathan Grilli. Angelina Salvatore, Borsha Sarker, Amelia Savola, Justin Senh, Manav Sheth, Kaylee Singh, Evan Smagacz, Emma Small, Emma Smith, Miles Smith, Alexandra Smyrak, Emma Soloperto, Tanner Stimson, Riley Sullivan, David Szymanczyk. Top academic achievers for the third marking period of 2019-20 are recognized at South Windsor High School. . TOLLAND These students were named to the first-quarter honor roll at Tolland High School. . This site has been created to offer a place for Gary Shelto Mr. Toby Youngs, Principal. STAFFORD These students were named to the fourth quarter honor roll at Stafford High School. VERNON These students were named to the first-trimester honor roll at Vernon Center Middle School. Honor Roll Recognition10th, 11th, 12th Grades In order to be on the Honor Roll at South Windsor High School, students must: (1) carry a course load of at least 6 graded courses in the current marking period; and (2) maintain a quarterly GPA of at least 3.0 with no grade below a -. Periods of rain early. South Knox Elementary School. MIDDLETOWN These students were named to the first-quarter honor roll at Xavier High School. Jackson, UConn men host DePaul in home finale Wednesday, Bomb threat shortens Windsor Locks school day, Trees on Windsor green slated for removal, A new aid-in-dying bill, revised again, stirs debate at public hearing. endobj endobj Saif Quraishi, Varsha Rathore, Luke Reed, Thatcher (Julia) Richard, Carlitos Rodgers, Jonathan Rossetti, Jason Russo. 0. Honor Roll. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. BOE Calendar. Chris Dehnel, Patch Staff. 76 South Main Street, East Windsor, CT 06088 P: 860.623.3361| F: 860.623.7197 . Read moreTolland High School, SOMERS These students were named to the second quarter honor roll at Somers High School. of Education. Aila Abaza, Ava Abbruzzese, Chelsea Adjei-Frimpong, Oluwadamilare Akinsola, Yousuf Al mamoury, Madhumitha Alagappan Lalitha, Mohammad Ali, Sidharth Atluri, Ava Austin, Benjamin Balducci, Eden Bauer, Summer Bauer, Katelyn Baumgartner, Ryan Beger, Benjamin Bernstein, Joseph Biju, Christiana Bilelis, Shawn Blocker, Kashvi Bokria, Chase Bonin, Sebastian Borek, Logan Breen, Cameron Brown, Jamie Brunelle, Matthew Bullock, Shea Cardella, Bridget Carroll, Rakshan Chadha, Dhanya Chasmawala, Varsha Chilakapati, Sairakshith Chimbili, Sristhi Chowdhury, Emily Clark, Kylie Correale, Kate Costa, Wyatt Cote, Julia Craig, Xavier Crane, Bryant Cushman, Alexis Dabrowski, Kaitlyn Dedame, Joseph Della Ripa, Kaitlyn Dempsky, Alexa Diaz, Katelyn Drenga, Sarah Eldredge, Sophie Finer, Ryan Fiori, Sophia Flores, Avery Fournier, Mary Frank, Megan Futtner, Julia Garofalo, Jaden Glatt, Nathan Grilli, Kaylie Guerrera, Ava Hanson, Trinayaan Hariharan, Ethan Hart, Margaret Haswell, Barbara Huarcaya, Jack Huot, Dylan Hutton, Alishba Israr, Manan Israr, Muhammad Israr, Blossom Iweka, Hannah Jacob, Tegh Fateh Kainth, Maura Ketchum, Malyka Khan, Manha Khan, Sofia King, Saisaketh Koppu, Ryan Korah, Amanda Koziura, Vineet Kuchipudi, Cameron Lamont, Jessica Lanteri, Julianna Lapointe, Adrian Le, Emily Ledger, Angelina Lee, Jacob LePage, Ryan Li, Olivia Liegl, Alexia Lilly, Nora Lombardo, Kate Francine Luci, Karen Luo, Olivia Mack, Tanmayee Maddula, Ava Magarian, Gautam Mahajan, Laiba Malik, Rachel Malone, Aditi Malpure, Leah Manhertz, Audrey Manning, Megan Martin, Joel Mathew, Alexander Matus, Maya Mawla, Sophia McCormack, Samuel Meleshenko, Caleb Michaelson, Kailey Migneault, Annaliese Mills, Olivia Mogor, Vaishnab Nanda, Daniel Nazeri, Joseph Nielsen, Madison Oberly, William OBrien, Emily Osit, Kyle Palombizio, Alexa Parada, Arushi Patel, Shane Pederzoli, Valli Pendyala, Abigail Peruccio, Jamie Peters, Olivia Petgrave, Jessica Pollack, Abhinay Prabhuraj, Annabelle Preston, Zohaib Quraishi, Shriharran Radhakrishnan, Iniya Raja, Sneha Rath, Anamitra Rawat, Grace Rich, Zachary Richard, Julian Rodriguez, Liliana Ross, Arjun Roy, Joseph Santagata, Krish Sawant, Ria Saxena, Christopher Sealander, Sohail Shaik, Pranav Shankar, Kavin Shanmugam, Akshat Shenoi, Jason Sigler, Viraj Sikand, Mateus Silva Mendonca, Danielle Skott, Greta Slater, Darsh Soni, Alexis Sozzani, Sri Kiran Sripada, Anna Stapleton, Maya Swedock, Arnav Thakrar, Anthony That, Emma Tomeo, Benjamin Tortora, Valerie Turgeon, Sarah Turner, Neev Vachhani, Rohan Valentin, Matthew Venzie, Sophia Viar, Samin Wahed, Joshua Weiner, Peyton West, Samantha West, Jenna Wilder, Michael Wills, Sophia Wong, Winston Xu, Gavin Yeich, Amber Zeng, Yunfei Zheng. Calendars. Kabrea Akko, Scarlett Alcazar, Zakaria Almohaid . ENFIELD These students were named to the second quarter honor roll at Enfield High School. Holidays and Cultural Observances. South Windsor superintendent offers $81.8M school budget | News South Windsor High grads cross home plate into the future, Novel Based On 9/11 Published By South Windsor Native. Archived News. Janet Morse. MANCHESTER, CT The following students from South Windsor have been named to the honor roll at Cheney Tech High School in Manchester for the third marking period of the . South Windsor High School serves 1,282 students in grades 9-12. South Windsor High School is the only high school in the South Windsor School District. Borsha Sarker, Justin Senh, Faris Sheriff, Manav Sheth, Kaylee Singh, Emma Small, Miles Smith, Alexandra Smyrak, Emma Soloperto, Marissa Speranza, Avinash Sreeji, Tanner Stimson, Benjamin Synol, Emma Thibedeau, Lindsey Tortora, Sarah Tracy, Samantha Van Horn, Samantha Vannasouk, Kayla Vesco, Michael Vyshnovsky, Elijah Wood, Benjamin Wysocki, Akshitha Yelukati, Arsalan Zaki, Busher Zuheir. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. He received 20 responses back. Providing senior living solutions in the Triangle and Triad areas of North Carolina, including Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Wake Forest, Burlington, Greensboro, High Point, Winston-Salem and surrounding areas. Chance of rain 50%.. Cloudy with occasional rain late. First Honors: Ronnie Amoah, Isabella Archambault, Afua Asare, Zoe Black, Loi Bui, . Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Megan LeMay, Sohail Lokhandwalla, Serena Lopez, Elizabeth Malone, Amala Mammayil, Zachary Manfredi, Maxwell Mansfield, John Marchesseault, Alanna Mawhinney, Sarah Mazzaro, Noah McArthur, Mason McCarter, Dante Merlin, Dylan Miele, Jamie Miller, Megan Miller, Emmanuel Mokel, Paige Nochisaki, Oge Okoh, Lindsey Osit, Samantha Ostrowski, Wilfred Otchere, Daniel Paliulis, Michael Pandiscia, Corinna Plefka, Elizabeth Poulin, Evan Rapp, Luke Reed, Thatcher (Julia) Richard, Cristina Rivera, Francheska Rivera, Kylie Robinshaw, Gabriella Rodriguez, Jonathan Rossetti, Nicolas Rossiter, Kayla Ryan. Maya Lagasse, Kassandra Le, Ji Min Lee, Vishon Lee, Jack Libow, Stanley Lu, Karen Luci, Lauren Madda, Andrei Makarov, Kelli Mann, Mikayla Mansfield, Abbie Mathew, Jyothirmayee Mavillapalli, Chase Mawhinney, Luke Mawhinney, Ethan Moffitt, Adam Mulvey, Melissa Murdoch, Lauren Murphy, Jaideep Naik, Aarav Nair, Michael Ngo, Rhianna OMeara, Shaun Paschetto, Marishka Patel, Sagar Patel, Daniel Piepmeier, Tyler Power, Alexandra Raibeck, Pranav Ramesh, Kashyap Rao, Grace Reed, Quillan Reilly, Asher Robino, Juliana Robinshaw, Vishal Saminathan, Lorina Sediqi, Timothy Sigler, Dalton Silverman, Ella Suppicich, Olivia Trzaski, Alex Turco, Mara Vasil, Amanda Walsh, Candace Walsh, Matthew Waterman, Alexa Wheeler. * *Honor rolls published on this page reflect names only of those students whose parents have given permission for publication. . Windsor Charter . Chance of rain 90%. Victoria DelRosso, Katrina Doherty, Mackenzie Eppler, Justin Faragosa, Annie Filingeri, Lindsay Fishman, Peyton Fletcher, Melina Freeman, Victoria Gagain, Jonathan Gordon, Samay Govani, Abhiram Gunti. Salina High School South has announced the names of students on the spring honor roll. Arnav Thakrar, Anthony That, Emma Tomeo, Jada Tran, Valerie Turgeon, Sarah Turner, Neev Vachhani, Jahnavi Vadavalli, Matthew Venzie, Sophia Viar. Travellers have descended on a car park less than half a mile from Windsor Castle. 1,282 students attend South Windsor High School. Jackson, UConn men host DePaul in home finale Wednesday, Bomb threat shortens Windsor Locks school day, Trees on Windsor green slated for removal, A new aid-in-dying bill, revised again, stirs debate at public hearing, John Fitch Distilling Company raises money for Ukraine, Awaiting the weather forecast from Chuckles XI, Coventry Historical Society tour of Caprilands legacy at Strong-Porter House, Manchester: Cedar Street fire displaces four, East Hartford: "Santa's Village" on Oak Street, Bolton: new convenience store opens its doors, Eastern Connecticut State University graduates. <> District Events Calendar. Classes; FOLLOW US. Data are based on the 2020-2021, 2019-2020 and 2018-2019 academic years. stream EAST WINDSOR These students were named to the second quarter honor roll at East Windsor Middle School. Windsor . Getting It Done In The Classroom: South Windsor College Students, The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night-Time, Sandwich Giant Again Pledging Sales Proceeds To Major Charity In March, Whos Hiring In South Windsor Area: This Weeks Newest Job Openings. South Windsor High School ranks among the top 20% of public schools in Connecticut for: South Windsor High School ranks among the top 20% of public schools in Connecticut for: Highest reading/language arts proficiency (Top 20%), Highest graduation rate (Top 5%) and Lowest student:teacher ratio (Top 10%). MANCHESTER These students were named to the first quarter honor roll at Cornerstone Christian School. Kunal Bagga, Isha Bang, Kolon Barry, Jacob Beaulier, Alex Belardi, Samantha Belekewicz, Christina Bellizzi, Kyle Berson, Anisha Bhatnagar, Cassandra Bromley, Daniel Bullock, Nicholas Bushey, Owen Bushman. ENFIELD These students were named to the second quarter honor roll at John F. Kennedy Middle School. Reviews should be a few sentences in length. Advanced Studies; Advanced Learning Pre-K -12; Alternative Education; AVID; Co-Curricular Clubs/Offerings; Collaborative Decision Making; Global Connections South Windsor banner program seeks vets to be honored, Picture South Windsor - Then And Now | South Windsor, CT Patch. Gabriel Oliver, Emily Palmer, Julia Parlapiano, Larissa Partenio, Juliana Pasakarnis, Faizdeenkhan Pathan, Griffin Pejril, Joseph Petry, Jeffrey Pierce, Carly Pitruzzello, Jacob Porter, Ishayu Ray, Lukas Reba, James Reynolds, Madison Riopel, Jourdan Rivera, Areeba Rizwan, Tyler Russo, Sufyan Saeed, Anthony Salafia, Labeeb Samir, Brooke Sawyer, John Seder, Shaunak Shinde, Nadia Siddiqui, Suriyanarayanan Singaravelu, Michael Smith, Samuel Smith, Jesse St. Onge, Olivia Strout, Darian Styles, Taryn Suffish, Ira Sunderraj, Dhruv Tyagi, Nethra Vijayakumar, Matthew Vnuk, Alina Vongsarasinh, Emilia Willoughby, Nicholas Wong, Nicholas Worthington, Samantha Wunsch. 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