This is a mix of seaweed, bacteria and fungi. As well as, do you have any idea what contains a lot of nitrogen? Youll quickly end up spending more than $10 for just a couple of pounds, whereas a homemade compost accelerator could be made for no more than a few dollars. Adding urine to compost is a great thing to do, and it will also help you get the best decomposition. Take note that urine is considered a green in composting, since it is high in nitrogen. This additional layer of garden soil will also ensure that your compost heap stays dark and moist at all times, and it is recommended to keep the top of your compost heap covered with a layer of soil at all times or even better, get a compost bin that retains moisture and keeps light out at the same time. Hot composting makes compost fast. She is a firm believer in working with the forces of nature, and not against them, by creating healthy ecosystems within the garden patch. Power Rake Vs Dethatcher, How to lift riding mower to change blades, 1 can of flat, room-temperature beer (open the can and leave for 24 hours), 1 can of regular cola that isnt sugar free. Your compost should never dry out completely, but feel slightly similar to a wrung-out sponge. An excellent natural fertilizer and compost activator, the urine of all animals contributes significantly to the nitrogen cycle on Earth. According to Ecology Action, hair will slowly release nitrogen over time as it breaks down. If youre making a lot of compost, youre looking at a major saving. With store bought accelerators you dont have the choice of ingredients, and you may have to settle with a product that contains unwanted additives. Keep your pile or the contents of your bin or tumbler at no less than three cubic feet to ensure it generates enough heat to function and is damp, not wet. Affiliate Disclaimer: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, A homemade compost accelerator usually works by supporting these microbes as they hasten the decomposition process or by correcting an imbalance in your piles carbon to nitrogen ratio, whether you are. Many gardeners swear that adding urine to their gardens or trees has made them more robust and productive. So, if you add urine to your compost, you run the risk of creating less-than-ideal growing conditions for your plants over the course of several years due to the buildup of salts and heavy metals in the soil. Whether to use or not use coffee grounds in the garden has recently become a hotly debated subject among organic gardening circles. Heres our guide to using blood meal in the vegetable garden. Humans need to urinate several times a day, but this doesnt mean you should pee on your compost pile every time you go past! Vinca Sun Or Shade: Where Should You Keep It? Now that weve talked about the rosy side of adding urine to your compost, lets step back into reality (and the bathroom) and hit a few of the concerns. Compost accelerators usually contain bacteria or enzymes that help speed up decomposition. Now, a sizable pile (like the kind you need for hot composting) needs a considerable amount of moisture. Compost will break down most efficiently between 150F to 160F (65C to 71C). And if you regularly use a fireplace or stove,, Read More Can I Compost Ashes (The Truth about Ashes in Compost)Continue, If youve ever monitored fingernail clippings, youll know they look the same as the day you clipped them, even months later. Adding urine to your compost can not only balance out your ratios (fixing a slow or stinky pile), but will add nitrogen to the compost itself where it will stay until it is mixed into the soil. Its not the sort of thing I would normally bother with, as the Really Lazy Composter rarely wants to fiddle with measuring things out into watering cans. Urine is rich in nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, the chemical makeup of any commercial NPK fertilizer. You may have heard that urine is good for your plants. Approximately 5 kg of finished compost (3 percent of woodchip weight) will be added. Human urine is one of the quickest-acting and most effective sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements for plants, all of which are in an optimal form for osmosis. Another advantage with a homemade compost accelerator is that you know exactly what ingredients go into the product. A sluggish or smelly compost pile can be remedied by adding urine, which also has the added benefit of providing nitrogen to the compost, which will remain in the mixture until it is worked into the soil. Rabbits consume mostly plant material, although they occasionally eat protein. New human urine is free of microorganisms because it is sterile. However, Bio8 sent me some Envii compost accelerator tablets to review. By all means, go ahead and add pee compost to your flowers, trees, etc. Composting is a fantastic way to reuse and recycle organic waste like kitchen scraps, grass clipping material, and dry leaves. It gives you valuable insight into the soils starting point. Adding pee to a compost piletoo frequently will result in a build-up of saltsin the compost, which can lead to a toxic environment for the microbes doing the decomposing, slowing, or stopping the composting process. In Japan and China, human feces was used as a traditional fertilizer up until World War II in Japan and until the 1960s in China, though using human manure is not recommended, thankfully, ugh. (Tested & Answered), How To Compost Corn Stalks & Cobs (Easiest & Fastest Way). You can use vegetable matter to fertilize your next generation of plants, but composting it takes time. Urine is a waste product that is expelled from the human body. is a participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program it is designed to provide an aid for the websites in earning an advertisement fee by means of advertising and linking to products. Can I put dead flowers in the compost bin? Angela R. ANSWER: Yes, unbelievably, human urine is rich in nitrogen and should be added to compost regularly instead of flushing down the toilet. Recycling your urine also has environmental benefits, such as using less water in the toilet. WebAdding a few filler materials to your compost pile can help it retain the right amount of water for proper decomposition. That means we get lots of nitrogen and bacteria that like WebBIOOK 100% Compostable Trash Bags, 8 GALLON, 90 Count, 1 Mils, PLA+PBAT-Based Biodegradable Materials, Sustainable, Strong, Leak-proof, Unscented, BPI ASTM D6400 & EN13432 OK Compost Certification, Kitchen 21 $1789 ($0.20/Count) Join Prime to save $5.01 on this item FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon How To Keep Petunias From Getting Leggy? Composting is 32 times faster at 60C than composting at 10C (scientific fact based on the Q10 equation that defines the speed of bacteria reactions). What compost accelerators do is promote the decomposition process by encouraging the growth of bacteria and fungi, which will help break down organic materials in your compost heap. Microorganisms need moisture to thrive, otherwise theyll die and your compost heap becomes inactive. If this is a concern for you, you could wrap the hair in a large, finely weaved cotton sheet and rinse it in a tub. And its free, readily available, and renewable! Compost accelerators help kick-start the microbes into consuming the organic material in your compost bin. Peeing on your compost is not only good for the soil and good for the environment, but it can actually increase crop yields and replace fertilizers entirely. Urine Helps Fight Fungus In Your Garden The high nitrogen content boosts the action of the decomposition by microbes. The average NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) value of our urine is 11-1-2.5; it has considerable amounts of nitrogen. ?s important not to In fact, the urine from all mammals plays an important role in the earths nitrogen cycle. Compost Accelerator refers to any organic materials that stimulate the fertilization process. Blood meal is also the perfect foil for a lethargic compost pile. When conditions are too wet, water will fill the pore In fact, the urine from all mammals plays an important role in the earths nitrogen cycle. However, you cant go on vacation since you must stay at home and urinate on your composite. No spam! Though it might seem counterintuitive, urine is a free compost accelerator and works surprisingly well to stimulate the decomposition process. When the urine is used to make compost, it adds a lot of nutrients to the soil that plants need. Contender All Seasons Bokashi Compost Starter 2 lbs (1 Gallon) - Dry Bokashi Bran for Kitchen Compost Bin, Compost Food Pet Waste Quickly & Easily with Low Odor by SCD Probiotics 1,641 $1605 $15.25 with Subscribe & Save Do compost accelerators work (and do you actually need them)? Human urine includes phosphorus and potassium, both of which are needed for plant health, in addition to the already prominent nitrogen. Suppose you rake up the fallen leaves in your garden. More often than not the answer will be yes, as the coffee shops have no use of spent coffee grounds. As a result, itshould not be stored for longer than 24 hoursbefore being used in your compost or garden. Most products also include other nutrients, plus bacteria and fungi, that help accelerate the composting process and increase compost quality. Water is the main ingredient, which helps keep the compost pile moist and provides a suitable environment for the microbes responsible for decomposition. Though not a prerequisite for the degradation process, these products save you time and effort to get the process going. However, when your compost heap is inexplicably slow and inactive, or has been long forgotten and neglected, there are ways to wake up a sleeping compost and kick it into humus-making action. Keeping your compost moist and damp (as well as turning regularly to aerate it) is one of the most important things you can do. Birds love alfalfa too. For what its worth, many individuals use this method religiously, even going so far as to urinate on their compost pile whenever they add scraps or materials that animals could find appetizing. Ford 3000 Tractor Review: Should You Purchase It. Use these additions to heat your compost pile to rejuvenate the beneficial microbes and move the composting process along. However, nitrogen-deficient soils are increasingly widespread due to human behavior, including the consumption of plants, the use of toilets, and the planting of other plants in the exact location (this is one of the leading causes that farmers rotate their crops). Nitrogen gives the microbes working the pile the protein needed to reproduce quickly. Compost is miraculous stuff. If you have a lot of urine in your compost, it might not smell nice because of the ammonia. To use feather meal as a compost activator, add about a cup to start. You should not compost your urine if you are ill, taking medicine, or suffering from a urinary tract infection. Urea is widely used as a fertilizer in agriculture. Try These 7 Tips, Do Ants Like Coconut Oil? How To Plant an Asparagus Bed Plant Once & Harvest For 30+ Years. A DIY compost accelerator rebalances your system, supports the existing microbes, or encourages new ones to increase the rate at which finished compost is produced. The addition of urine to compost has both positive and negative effects. Though there have been some concerns raised about possible issues with hormonal or pharmaceutical residues in human urine but compost, if maintained correctly, gets hot enough to burn off any potentially harmful residues present in human urine. As a guideline, Master Gardener Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott of Washington State University recommends keeping the total volume of coffee grounds in the compost between 10% and 20%. I find this useful (and fun) because it allows me to measure the effectiveness of adding different materials. Dilute to 30-50 parts water to 1 part urine for use on potted plants as they are much more sensitive to Fertilizers of any kind. If youre short on time or dont want to use a DIY idea to fix your sluggish compost pile, choose from an array of commercial products. Information is like compost; It does no good unless you spread it around! Containing about 2% nitrogen, the by-product for your morning coffee is a very valuable green material, and composting it will keep it out of the landfill. The alternative is to urinate directly on the compost pile. Most compost starters or accelerators are used to create a workable compost pile a little more quickly than normal. If your compost heap gets too hot, some microorganisms could die. If your piles decomposition rate drops, its probably because the conditions there are no longer favorable to the bacteria and fungi that are doing the actual work. That was a new one for me. Only collect urine when you pee and use a separate container, such as a bottle with a lid. Composted coffee grounds boosted the growth and yield of beets, cabbages, and soybeans in one experiment, while in another it hindered the development of alfalfa, clover, and Chinese mustard. After youve added your homemade compost accelerator along with a few shovels full of regular garden soil, its time to toss the compost with a rake (or shovel) to distribute the accelerator through the upper layers and ensure that its properly mixed in with the pile. Urine has ahigh nitrogen content,but it also containspotassium, phosphorus, and other trace elements that are good for plants. Composting is a straightforward process requiring only a few basic parameters. As a result of the compost-boosting characteristics of human (or animal) urine, adding this wastewater to the compost will function as an accelerator and help to initiate the decomposition process. Adding coffee grounds increases the level of nitrogen which is an essential nutrient for microorganisms. This is because the high nitrogen content in urine balances perfectly with the high carbon content of paper and card. When appropriately used, compost has the potential to protect plants from a variety of diseases. This ensures optimal decomposition, as the conditions are optimal for microorganisms. It boosts the health and vitality of your plants, and will even improve the taste of your garden produce. Add part of a premade compost from an earlier batch, worm castings, garden soil, urine, or high-nitrogen teas to start the process. Too much nitrogen and the pile will start to stink; too much carbon and decomposition will slow down dramatically. When worked into the soil, blood meal gives off an odor that is practically undetectable to us but is very useful for deterring rabbits and other critters from munching on your crops. Remember to toss the pile afterwards, to distribute it evenly. Whether they are beneficial enough to encourage you to pull down your pants, thats for you to decide. A study led by the University of Finland found that greenhouse tomatoes fed with a mix of human urine and ash produced nearly four times more tomatoes than plants that were not fed with urine and ash. Most often, the reason a compost heap slows to a crawl is an improper balance between nitrogen and carbon materials in the pile. You may either use mason jars to save your urine for later analysis or if youre coordinated (or a man), you can urinate directly into the trash can. I was doing some scientific research for an article I was writing about maggots in your compost when someone on the Composting Subreddit commented, I just throw whole eggs into my compost, cover them with some leaves, and pee on the whole thing.. Exchanging raccoons for bears doesnt sound like a great game plan to me. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The over-enthusiastic worm bin owner pours gallons of water on their worms. When you see the benefits you wont be able to get enough of it! Jobe's Organics Compost Starter 2. Endlessly fascinated by the natural world and especially fond of native species, she is always on the hunt for new ideas and techniques surrounding organic gardening, permaculture, and environmental sustainability. Somewhere along the way, at least as far back as the days of the early Roman Empire, clever and impatient humans discovered how to replicate this process and speed it along considerably. )Continue, I have to admit Im a bit of a wine fan! If peeing on crops can replace the need for fertilizer, peeing on compost could do the same. Each pile will receive a different amount of urine: 80 kg (1:0.5::woodchips:urine), 160 kg (1:1), and 240 kg (1:1.5). This philosophy also spills over into lifestyle through a return to our ancestral roots by becoming more self-reliant, wasting nothing, and living simply. Urine contains significant amounts of salts as well as poisons such as heavy metals. Ensure the beer and cola are at room temperature or slightly warmer, and add them to the bucket with the other ingredients. You might be able to collect this for use in composting. Finished compost with an excessively high salt content can be detrimental when added to your plants, causing the plants to lose health or die. Leave your bucket in a warm/sunny place for 24-48 hours. This risk makes the method you collect the urine important when you intend to use it for composting. How To Compost: Everything You Need To Know To Start Composting, And Nothing You Don't. Signs of an imbalanced compost pile include slow decomposition and chunks of unprocessed waste. To hurry up the process, use a little urine! Making your own compost accelerator is easier than you think, and requires just a few basic ingredients before adding it to the compost heap. Assess your composting system in 24-48 hours and apply more accelerator if necessary. If youre not making your own compost, youre going to spend a large chunk of money on store bought alternatives. Additionally, human urine may deter rodents and other pests from disturbing your compost pile. The addition of this liquid gold is easily the quickest way to fire up a cold compost. To process a pile of leaves or woody matter, apply blood meal at a rate of 2.5 ounces for each cubic yard of carbon materials. However, due to the human tendency to consume plants, poop in a toilet, and plant more plants in the same spot, nitrogen-depleted soils have become more and more common (this is of the main reasons that farmers rotate their crops). In fact, it may be your most valuable source of free composting material! The feathers are then dried and ground up into a powder. Its simple enough to avoid this by thoroughly mixing grass clippings with brown materials before adding it to the pile. The constituents of human urine include urea, water, ammonia, creatinine, inorganic salts, and trace minerals. To hurry up the process, use a little urine! Urine is suitable for your compost, but as we know, too much of a good thing can become detrimental when used in excess. WebAlpcour Portable Toilet Compact Indoor & Outdoor Commode w/Travel Bag for Camping, RV, Boat & More Piston Pump Flush, 5.3 Gallon Waste Tank, Built-In Pour Spout & Washing Sprayer for Easy Cleaning. Good compost should be about 40-60% water. Why Do I Keep Finding Peanut Shells in My Yard? When I started composting, I remember trying to figure out the perfect ingredients for my compost heap and whether certain materials would do good or bad! However, following the guidelines above, its a great way to add nitrogen and trace minerals to your compost. Adding greens to a compost heap is a common practice because of the high nitrogen content of these materials. The goal of compost piles or a compost bin for the kitchen is to speed the decay of organic matter into finished compost with the help of microorganisms. (Answered). It stinks when the urea ferments into ammonia. Use these additions to heat your compost pile to rejuvenate the beneficial microbes and move the composting process along. Theres something for every system, from a microbial inoculant to introduce new microbes to your compost bin to supportive nitrogen and carbon mixtures to jump-start the microbes you already have. (Problem Solved! Otherwise your compost heap could develop hot spots which, according to the Cornell Waste Management Institute, could cause some of the beneficial microorganisms to die off. Biomaster Compost-It Compost This step will not only weigh them down so they dont blow away in the wind, pre-soaking feathers will also help them decompose just a little bit faster. This blog is about sharing everything that Ive learned in the hopes that it will help others discover the amazing rewards of composting More about me Legal Information: Help Me Compost is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to The answer is YES! Aim for at least a 2:1 carbon-to-grass clippings ratio. These minerals have been proven to be the primary nutrients required for healthy plant growth, resulting in their addition to commercial fertilizers. Anything above 30% increases the risk those coffee dregs could end up harming the microbes and earthworms working the pile. On the homestead, alfalfas nutritious foliage makes excellent forage and feed for chickens, ducks, goats, sheep, and many other barnyard animals. And if so, what benefits could there possibly be to justify adding urine to my compost? If you are judicious in your urine use, this typically wont be a problem, but both salt and heavy metals can build up in your soil over a period of years and make it less hospitable to plants. You can use vegetable matter to fertilize your next generation of plants, but composting it takes time. These products are easy to obtain, and you likely have some of them at home. How much water do you put in a compost bin? For compost-related products, it is known as the Activator Agent which contains a huge amount of bacteria and fungi. Adding blood meal to compost that already contains some greens will take a bit more guesswork as you dont want to throw your C:N ratios out of whack. Excess urine may cause an unpleasant odor as ammonia builds up in your compost. If the compost doesnt heat up within 24 to 48 hours, add a little more. Once your solution is ready for use, pour it slowly over your compost heap. Some animals (raccoons in particular) are deterred by human urine. Although it might come as a surprise to many, its a well known fact among the gardening community that urine can speed up the composting process! And not only do we have access to it all year round, but its also completely free. Peeing on your compost is good for both the compost you are creating, and the environment itself. According to a Nepalese study, sweet peppers fertilized with human urine and compost yield the most fruits and tallest plants in eight different fertilizer combinations. Therefore, if you are utilizing the compost for plants like flowers and trees, you might add some urine to it. 3. Alternatively, add fresh manure at one bucket for every 15cm (6in) layer of compost, fish, blood and bone fertiliser at 270g (9oz) per 15cm (6in) layer of compost, or sulphate of ammonia fertiliser at 140g (5oz) per 15cm (6in) layer of compost. One thing to keep in mind though, is that some hair couldve been treated prior to being cut and there may still be some chemical residue left on the hair strains. Effective ventilation means less mixing and more convenient composting. Human pee adds the same minerals to your compost and will enrich the final end product when the compost has matured. Turned every other day, three weeks. As long as you are not on any medications, it is perfectly okay to urinate on your compost. Hot composting relies on the perfect conditions inside your compost heap, tumbler, or bin to make an ideal environment for decomposition. A simple and rapidsoil testing kit like this oneis all you need. to two part brown scraps (dead/dried plant materials, hay, etc.). Too wet, the bin becomes stinky, and the worms might drown. Nevertheless, I strongly advise you to keep the urine-mixed compost away from your vegetables. What You Should Know, 3 Options To Put On Tomato Plants To Save From Bugs, Are Ants On Trees Good Or Bad? How to further accelerate the composting process, #4 Insulate your compost heap in cold weather, according to the Cornell Waste Management Institute, How to Decrease Water Pressure in the Garden Hose, What does a power rake do? Compost plays an integral part in replenishing nitrogen in your soil. The high nitrogen and salt levels will make the environment in the compost pile toxic, and the decomposition process will slow down or halt altogether. Posted on Published: May 24, 2021- Last updated: August 17, 2021. Heres our guide to using blood meal is also the perfect foil for a lethargic compost pile Ants. To using blood meal in the pile wont be able to collect this for use, pour it slowly your!, bacteria and fungi, that help accelerate the composting process and increase compost quality known. 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