Lawn Starter Fertilizer vs. Then gradually wean the grass to longer intervals between waterings. If bugs have been bothering your lawn, pest control that kills bugs might be a good idea. Table of Contents show Most lawn care companies recommend that you apply lawn fertilizer in the spring, between February and April. Fertilize your Bermuda sod 34 weeks after installation. However- youll want to avoid over-fertilizing your soil, as this will most likely lead to sod damage. Select from our family of premium sod varieties and other top-quality turfgrass brands. According to Clemson University, Bermuda grass has a yearly maintenance program that contains mowing, thatch removal, aerification, weed, and insect control. As previously mentioned, fertilizers that include more phosphorus content are your best option. Take rainfall into account and avoid standing water. Also, you can have your lawn soils phosphorus levels tested before sod installation, as you dont want to apply a phosphorus-laden starter fertilizer on soil thats already rich in the same nutrient. Apply fertilizer once between June and August, around six to eight weeks after the late spring feeding. Usually, depending on time of year, we recommend that you wait about one month from the time that it's been laid down, four to six weeks, and then we recommend that you put out a balanced fertilizer such as a triple 15, or a 15-5-10, or something like that. [How to Use It], Best Crabgrass Killer that Wont Kill Grass [Top 8 + Reviews], How to Revive St. Augustine Grass and Get it to Grow Back. When Should You Not Fertilize Your Field? Each of the guides lay out maintenance tips for spring, summer and fall. High in nitrogen. The best time for Bermuda green to grow and thrive is in late spring. The first step is to test the lawn soil and know the nutrient content or deficiencies. Then water in the fertilizer. Do not worry! You will use the rest during days 25. Late spring (March to April) and early summer (June to July) are perfect seasons for fertilizing because of the warm temperatures. These components will quickly release and spread into your soil. If you do not have experience with fertilizers for grass lawns and you dont want to risk your beautiful garden, a professional fertilization service will do you no harm. This combination is also known to be most beneficial for cool season turf, so depending on your variety of Bermuda, this fertilizer may be more or less beneficial. Finally, you should fertilize your new sod one last . Scotts Turf Builder Southern Triple Action has 1.352% Atrazine to kill the weeds and 0.139% Bifenthrin that kills and keeps away ants. You have to know whats best to use. Adjusting the pH level is a preferable method to improve the soil quality and avoid damage to the meadows growth. Take rainfall into consideration. The lawn is supposed to be kept perpetually wet and walking may leave behind depressions besides damaging the still-sensitive grass. Please note that the table below includes Amazon Affiliate links. The important thing here is that you DONT want to use a fertilizer thats heavy with nitrogen. This is actually cheaper than purchasing each seasonal box individually. In terms of year seasons, the best time for fertilizing newly-installed sod is late spring through early fall. There is the idea of too much of a good thing, and that definitely applies when it comes to fertilizing your lawn! It will look like rotted pieces. With the right fertilizer, your TifTuf Bermudagrass will look spectacular. Your new sod will have to grow roots to connect with . There are a number of reasons. Amend the existing soil, and either reseed or lay new sod. Scotts Fall Lawn Food is a great granular fertilizer for fall lawn care. Seriously. One of the most important things you can do for a new sod is to fertilize it. To ensure optimal lawn health, fertilize heavily in the fall and lightly in early spring. This comes in really small particles, and you can get more per square foot of them down. Phosphorous levels can easily build up too much in soil, resulting in runoff that ends up in surface waters. You will use the rest during days 25. Be sure to use a lawn fertilizer that has a high nitrogen content in order to promote growth. You should, therefore, install your St. Augustine sod in early spring to align with this recommended fertilization season. Bermuda grass thrives in soil pH between 6-6.5. From our perspectives, read the instructions carefully first and then select the appropriate application based on the type of turf you have. It is essential to increase the level of vitamins in soil by using nitrogen fertilizer, encouraging your turfgrass to spread out faster. A good rule of thumb is to wait to fertilize your warm-season grass until nighttime temperatures are around 70 F. Both humic and fulvic acid appears in the list of ingredients. A fertilizer label with 8-0-24 written indicates that the fertilizer product contains eight parts nitrogen (N), zero parts phosphorus (P) and 24 parts potassium (K). Prolific little white roots should be coming out now, and you will have some difficulty pulling up individual pieces of sod. Applying too much fertilizer to your lawn will cause the nitrogen and salt levels in the soil to increase rapidly, which can damage or even kill the grass. Finally, spread more by criss-crossing across your lawn. Because you know that babies have special needs. Weed and Feed fertilizers- on the other hand- arent recommended. The need for phosphorus is determined by the soil test. Why fertilize in the fall? The southern states like Texas, Florida, California, and Georgia have a longer timeframe. Namely, nutrients. Bermuda - Planting Sod Kill all weeds by spraying the area with a non-selective weed killer two weeks before planting. Most individual sod pieces will dry out along exposed edges or edges that are not tightly placed together. Make sure its actually grass that needs mowing, tooweeds may need to be cut well before this, but they dont count. The best time to feed new sod with fertilizer is about four-six weeks post-installation. Continue to keep the soil moist, reducing watering to once every other day. This is equivalent to putting in the first of many applications in late spring through early summer and when the grass is at least 50 percent green. Clear out dandelion, chickweed, common broadleaf weeds & clover as well. If the soil is compacted to a depth of over 2.5 inches, work it loose and deeply. The sad truth is that the soil in large parts of Texas and other parts of the south isnt all that nutrient-rich, and theres probably not enough naturally-occurring organic matter to make up the difference in most cases. Why? The soil should be moist 34 inches deep. Water 3 to 4 times daily to keep the seed and soil surface moist. Lightly rake the seed into the soil surface, then firm the soil with a tamper, roller, or garden tractor tires. However, following the general tips below will help you decide when to fertilize the lawn: Applying fertilizer outside of the period stated on the instructions as well as the guide above will run the risk of damaging your lawn so it is important to pay attention to this. Once you know the makeup of your soil, you can determine which fertilizer ratio is best for your lawn. If you dont have a sprinkler system, you can wait an additional two weeks between applications. Generally speaking, the first time you fertilize in the spring will likely be sometime between the beginning of March and the middle of April. ), Disadvantages of Mulching Grass (Best Way to Mulch). Whats even cooler is that all Lawnifi fertilizer products are powered by Catalyst TechnologyTM, which nano-sizes the nutrients so that the grass blades and roots dont have to spend a lot of time breaking the nutrients down in the soil in order to absorb them. Fertilizing in the morning allows the soil to take in the most nutrients, soak in the morning dew and take advantage of cooler temperatures. This is because you know what seasons are harsh and what are comparatively calmer. Using Bermuda grass seed to fill in your garden also results in the thickness of your turf. Finally, youll want to avoid fertilizing your new Bermuda grass lawn in early spring, as theres still the possibility of frosting, resulting in turf damage. Lawnifi has made it easy to purchase an entire subscription for all three seasonal Lawnifi boxes that you can makeannualormonthlypayments on. In this guide, we will discuss the different times that you should fertilize your new sod, as well as how to go about doing it. Most lawns do not need to undergo fertilization more than 2 times a year. Now that your grass has been seeded and you have your new regular fertilizer, how soon should you use it? If this is present, apply a systemic fungicide likeHeritage G. This will be the first mow on your newly sodded bermuda grass lawn. In week 4, transition to watering your Bermuda sod like an established lawn. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. To find out whether youve overfed your new sod with nutrients, check for the crusting of the fertilizer on the ground surface. In week 3, gradually reduce the frequency of sod watering. Well, lets talk about what lawns need in order to grow and stay healthy and green. When winter begins to yield to springtime and ground temperatures hit 55 degrees Fahrenheit for a run of 4 or . Bermuda : 1 to 2 inches: 1 to 1 inch : Buffalograss : 3 to 4 inches: 2 to 3 inches . Avoid using starter fertilizers for these subsequent applications, as their high phosphorus content significantly contributes to groundwater pollution. This timing is optimal because it is after the lawn has greened up and is beginning to grow. Have you wondered how do people keep their lawns green and thick throughout the year? In a newly establishing lawn, phosphorus serves to help with root growth so that your sod connects with the soil underneath it and deepens, causing the sod to stick to the ground. Fertilizing too soon is unnecessary and wasteful since the sod can't access it. Because it can actually damage your lawn if you use it later. Basics About New Sod You can generally transition from an establishment fertilizer schedule to a regular fertilizer schedule after the first 30 days of establishment are up. It will also enhance the color of your new lawn by providing iron and nitrogen. What differentiates this lawn food from others is the high nitrogen content that ensures deep green Bermuda grass. Potassium affects drought tolerance, cold hardiness and disease resistance. 2. Sod Solutions works with private breeders and university researchers across the globe to find and bring to market the best grasses with the best genetics on the planet. However, you may want to use weed and feed for St. Augustine Grass to feed your sod and control weeds. How to Mow Your Bermuda Grass Lawn During the Fall Season. By choosing a slow-release fertilizer, you encourage root growth and lower the risk of . Both can provide plants with valuable nutrients, but they are not interchangeable. See Also: Best fertilizers for Zoysia grass. Soak upon installation as water is needed to keep your grass from drying out. Do not worry! For new lawns, the fertilizer of choice should be similar to a 6-20-20 analysis (6% nitrogen, 20% phosphorus, 20% potassium) or a 15-15-15 (15% nitrogen, 15% phosphorus, 15% potassium). Apply the second bottle of Lawnifi Grow at a full rate. andLiquid Lawnifis Most FAQs. Bermuda grass benefits greatly from fertilization, as this will give it the proper nutrients it needs to grow. In most areas, fall is the best time of year to add amendments and lime. You can use the same complete fertilizer as you have been using, or switch to a fertilizer with little or no phosphorus but a higher rate of potassium. More insects. The best times to fertilize are in spring and late summer. Your email address will not be published. Follow the directions on the label for application rates. After this, you can adhere to the following regular annual fertilization schedule: Technically late spring and early summer fertilization is mostly for new and neglected lawns, but if youre reading this, your lawn likely falls into one or both of those categories. ft.) so that it doesnt leach or carry over. After your grass starts to grow, you can swap the starter fertilizer with regular fertilizer and apply a second dose roughly four to six weeks later or when the grass is 1 to 1 inches tall. For more information about Lawnifi, be sure to check out our related Sod University articles,Why Use Lawnifi Fertilizer? Also, be sure to carefully read the fertilizer label to learn whether you should water the lawn before or after applying the product. Bermuda pasture uses nutrients from the soil and transfers them into energy to keep growing. The First Few Weeks. Grow it diduntil it started dying off. But in case you notice that your grass is dying, turning brown, or growing in patches, then you may want to add more fertilizer. It's true that this grass, also known as Barbados Bermuda grass, is fast growing, but it needs a lot of sunlight to stay healthy. Its a common misconception, especially among those who are new to lawn care. Avoid these problems by letting ABC Home & Commercial Services do the hard work for you. Do not continue to use starter fertilizer for this second application. All plants including grass, trees, ornamentals or even crops need nutrients for growth and overall health. All in one place, When Should I Fertilize My Lawn? Due to its three main functions, I find Scotts Turf Builder fertilizer is excellent for zoysia grass. To learn more, readWhen to Fertilize Newly Installed Sod. If your lawn reaches at least 50 percent green, it is best to use a slow-release fertilizer. Choose a liquid, high nitrogen, slow-release fertilizer. If you don't use Total Lawn Food, be sure to check to ensure the fertilizer is approved for use on Bermuda, Zoysia or Fescue. Mowing the grass will remove any dead, dormant grass and promote new spring growth. During the first few weeks, particularly the first two weeks, chemicals and your sod won't mix. What is my purpose of maintaining my lawn? This lawn fertilizer by Miracle-Gro is a good choice for Bermuda grass because it is high in nitrogen and iron, therefore putting focus on achieving a dark green color. Learn how to care for new sod below. When lawn fertilizers to new Bermuda grass. Lawnifi also offers individual seasonal boxes and bottles. If this document didn't answer your . The impact of these types of soil on your lawn? By choosing a slow-release fertilizer, you encourage root growth and lower the risk of burning your lawn in hot months with an excess of nitrogen. As mentioned in our step-by-stepsod installation guide, its essential that new sod is watered thoroughly. If you have more food on the grass, that means its better to spread and used. Additionally, youll want to make sure you apply your last batch of fertilizer well before the first frost of the season. The first application of fertilizer to bermudagrass should be made in spring when the grass is 50% green OR when soil temperatures are above 65 degrees F. Visit to determine local soil temperature. How much fertilizer you need is directly impacted by your watering schedule. How Often Should I Fertilize My Bermuda Lawn, Scotts Turf Builder Starter Food for New Grass, Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Bermuda Grass, How To Know What Fertilizer To Use On Lawn, How Often Should I Water My Lawn In Colorado, Whats The Best Time Of Day To Water Your Lawn, Who Makes The Best Small Riding Lawn Mower, How To Use Bioadvanced Fungus Control For Lawns, What Is The Best Lawn Weed Killer On The Market. Apply the last bottle in yourLawnifi New Lawn Starter Box,Maintain. How long? Fertilize bermudagrass every six weeks thereafter until mid-September. Once applied, work the product 4 to 6 inches into the soil. Why not give it nutrients that will help it successfully establish? If the lawn looks lumpy after you have planted the sod, consider rolling it one time with a half-filled lawn roller. This fertilizer box consists of a state-of-the-art liquid fertilizer specifically designed to help your lawn establish a sustainable root system. Aerate compacted soils to encourage deep root growth and reduce thatch accumulation. package can easily feed 7200 sq ft. For fast results, the application should be repeated every 4 to 6 weeks. Avoid fertilizing before heavy rain, which can wash away the fertilizer before it has a chance to be absorbed by the roots. That attitude is terrific because the manner in which you nurture your new bermuda sod during its first six weeks is critical to its future health and appearance. The formula for slow release is perfect, as it ensures that you only have to apply the drug once every two months. Hand water these areas thoroughly. . Required fields are marked *. Do not plant Bermuda seed in the early spring or fall. If your turf is developing slower than its natural progress, the reason could be the soils pH level. In most areas, there are a number of options available to you. At this point, the roots of the sod will have had a chance to grow and establish themselves, and they will be able to better absorb the fertilizer. When fertilizing new sod, you want to wait until the root system has been established and grown down into the topsoil before feeding it with a specially-formulated started fertilizer. Some homeowners are also looking for advice on choosing an eco-friendly fertilizer for your lawn. Apply the second bottle of Lawnifi Grow at a full rate. Stop immediately and wait a few more days. The document includes a month-by-month lawn care calendar indexed to in-depth explanations of each topic within the document. Its time for you to get to work and build an evergreen, thick terrace. Specifically, the grass should start to turn green and require mowing at least twice before its time to fertilize for the spring. Use nitrogen-based fertilizers sparingly. Insect Identification You can read more about overall care after installation inHow to Care for New Sod. You May Like: What Is The Smallest Riding Lawn Mower. But it will be soon damaged by the freezing temperatures, and you will end up with no grass in the coming spring. A second application of Grow will accelerate root growth so that the newly installed lawn tacks down properly. Apply about inch of water each time. In the fall, grass roots are going down into the soil and need fertilizer to stay healthy. and how to grow a healthy lawn. You can use lawn fertilizer for this application. At least four weeks, and possibly as many as eight. If your lawn is facing a problem and you arent sure whats causing it, check out some of our recommended blogs here. You can give your grass a bit of extra help by applying slow-release nitrogen fertilizer in 45- to 60-day intervals throughout the season. Suppose youre working on a budget and cant get your soil phosphorus levels tested, or maybe your region lacks a local agricultural extension office to help you with the same. Fertilize sod a minimum of two times per year, once in spring and again in early fall. Miracle-Gro produces among the best fertilizers for plants and vegetables, but did you know that they have designed fertilizers for grass and lawn as well? At this moment, turf starts to germinate when the soil test temperature stays around 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit. Overwatering for an extended period of time, however, will severely damage the sod, inducing disease and rotting roots. Then fertilize every six to eight weeks, making the last application four weeks before the first frost. Choose the best time of year to start a new lawn from seed. Finally, if growth suddenly stunts post-fertilization, it indicates over-fertilization. Also, watering in the morning limits water evaporation situations that will burn your green. Besides, it is not recommended to fertilize in direct hot sunlight since it can burn the pasture. Having a soil test done may sound complicated, scary, expensive or all three, but its actually really easy. Youll suffer patchiness and increased runoff. Also Check: How To Get Rid Of Anthills On My Lawn. Quick answer It's recommended that you fertilize your Bermuda lawn come late June to early July, and again in the middle of August in North Carolina. With NPK of 30-0-6, it is designed for all types of lawn grass, including Bermuda grass. Too much fertility will result in a thatchy and unhealthy lawn. And you dont need that amount if your yard is less than 4000 square feet. Choose a balanced fertilizer that has slow nitrogen release such as 13-13-13. High phosphorus content for strong roots. The best time of the year to plant the grass in northern states is late March and early April. Selecting a suitable time for planting plays a key role in creating a fuller and healthier lawn. Mid-summer: Depending on the soil type, fertilize with to 1 pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet in June or July using a fertilizer that is also high in potassium, such as a 15-0-15. So, fertilizing Bermuda grass is a necessary stage in the grassland care routine to keep your meadow full and green. The same can be said if you follow the New Lawn Starter Box schedule above. Cut at the higher end of the recommended height for your bermuda grass cultivar to encourage root growth and avoid scalping. That your grass from drying out add amendments and lime before it has a high content! 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