Please click the "Start Online Report" link below when you are ready to begin. Judge Mark Coven set bail at $25,000 cash and ordered that Banks not contact with the women if released. Explaining why they waited nearly 48 hours to go to the hospital, the women said they knew Banks and feared what he would do if he found out. The women contacted police Sunday night and reported that Banks had raped them Friday night. 941 IncNum: 10035972 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 MV/PARKG ( SCHEDULED CALL ) QUINCY ST (Sector A2 ). 1109 IncNum: 10035982 Disposition: GONE ON ARRIVAL ReportDue By: 07/30/10 WTR/BOAT ( DISABLED ) QUINCY SHORE DR (Sector B3 ). ( CONGESTION ) SEAPORT DR (Sector B4 ). ( HEART ) TRURO ST (Sector C2 ). Neil F. MacDonald, 84, of Weymouth, a 40-year veteran of the Quincy Police Department, died May 12, 2018, following a short illness. That is his position, that he is not guilty of any of the charges.. 2040 IncNum: 10036091 Disposition: GONE ON ARRIVAL ReportDue By: 07/30/10 UNWANTED ( TEENS ) SIXTH AV (Sector D1 ). 1332 IncNum: 10036013 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 B&E/M/V ( PAST ) QUINCY AV (Sector D1 ). Police reports detailing the allegations were impounded. 1231 IncNum: 10035992 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 MV/PARKG ( BLK SUV ) SUMAC RD (Sector B4 ). 1705 IncNum: 10036040 Disposition: NO DISP NEEDED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 ABDN-CAL ( ABAND CALL ) NELSON ST (Sector A1 ). Thank you for reading! 527 IncNum: 10035946 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 DPW ( TREE ) FAXON PARK RD (Sector D3 ). 2336 IncNum: 10036113 Disposition: NO DISP NEEDED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 L/NOISE ( PARTY ) AVALON AV (Sector D1 ). Cold Cases Missing Persons Daily Archive. He is described as a black male, 4'5-4'8 in height, about 85lbs, and was last seen wearing a black or navy sweatshirt with light-colored sweatpants and black shoes. 1614 IncNum: 10036035 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 SP/INCD ( POSS THREATS ) JACKSON ST (Sector A2 ). He is being held at the county jail in Dedham. 6:01 p.m. Police cited a driver for illegal operation of a motor vehicle on Harwood Avenue. Thursday, Dec. 15. The log is available to the public. 5:10 a.m. Police responded to a medical emergency on Tahattawan Road. Though he was scheduled to Read more div.content ol ol, ol ul, ul ul, ul ol { margin-top: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important; }. 1002 IncNum: 10035976 Disposition: GONE ON ARRIVAL ReportDue By: 07/30/10 AMB. 12:21 p.m. Police responded to a medical emergency on Foster Street. Banks pleaded innocent at his arraignment Tuesday in Quincy District Court. 1359 IncNum: 10036018 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 ABDN-CAL ( DIALING ERROR ) GREENLEAF ST (Sector C3 ). The Norwood Transcript and Bulletin hits the stands on Fridays but breaking news can be found daily at 203 IncNum: 10035937 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 BURG/ALM **************** CONGRESS ST (Sector A2 ). Afterward, they went to one of the womens homes. From Across Massachusetts. Mail is being targeted in check-washing scams in many communities in Massachusetts. 1816 IncNum: 10036061 Disposition: FALSE ALARM ReportDue By: 07/30/10 AMB. Latest News All News. ( POST OP ) BENNINGTON ST (Sector D3 ). 111 IncNum: 10035931 Disposition: CITATION ISSUED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 BURG/ALM **************** CHAPMAN ST (Sector B1 ). click here for daily log. 5:42 a.m. Police responded to a burglar alarm on Russell Street. 1307 IncNum: 10036005 Disposition: DUPLICATE CALL ReportDue By: 07/30/10 FAM/DIST ( IN PROGRESS ) FEDERAL AV (Sector D3 ). From Lindsay Clancy to Mo Vaughn, defense attorney's list of clients is long True crime: PA woman talked to her grandson about feeding body to pigs True crime: A bloody scalp found by a rural road . For more information about Gannett please visit There are only two weeks left before recipients of the Chelsea Eats program in Chelsea, Massachusetts, receive their first payment. January 07, 2023 (1 crimes) Resources 232 IncNum: 10035938 Disposition: FALSE ALARM ReportDue By: 07/30/10 YOUTHS ( BEING LOUD ) POND ST (Sector C3 ). 1756 IncNum: 10036058 Disposition: SENT ON WAY ReportDue By: 07/30/10 DK ( WHITE MALE ) HANCOCK ST (Sector D3 ). Other officers criticized 37-year-old Christopher Curtis for abusing his power by writing a false ticket and a threatening note to the unnamed driver. Chance of rain 90%. 9:42 p.m. Police responded to a report of a suspicious activity on King Street. 958 IncNum: 10035975 Disposition: SENT ON WAY ReportDue By: 07/30/10 CT/ORD ( SECTION 35 ) CENTRE ST (Sector A2 ). News. The woman was waiting for a Green Line train at Fenway Station late Monday night when Tyrell Benton, 36, approached her and doused her with the liquid, police said. 1545 IncNum: 10036033 Disposition: JOURNAL ITEM ReportDue By: 07/30/10 CT/ORD ( SCHEDULED CALL ) HIGHLAND AV (Sector B2 ). 4:21 p.m. Police responded to a medical emergency on Foster Street. 1254 IncNum: 10035999 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 REC/PLTE ( 33VV22 ) TAFFRAIL RD (Sector C2 ). 1050 IncNum: 10035979 Disposition: UNFOUNDED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 ABDN-CAL ( ACCIDENTAL ) OLD COLONY AV (Sector B1 ). 1526 IncNum: 10036029 Disposition: ARREST MADE ReportDue By: OBRIEN, W. 07/30/10 NOTIF ( WELL BEING ) CENTRE ST (Sector A2 ). 916 IncNum: 10035970 Disposition: CITATION ISSUED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 M/V-VIOL ( 16TL01 ) CLIVEDEN ST (Sector D3 ). 115 IncNum: 10035932 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 YOUTHS ( DIRECTED PATROL) QUINCY SHORE DR (Sector B3 ). Read more . Useful Links. This Classified Marketplace website is owned and operated by Gannett and our network of local media organizations in 46 states. 6:35 p.m. Police cited a driver for illegal operation of a motor vehicle on Great Road. 1453 IncNum: 10036026 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 ESCORT ( BANK ) DENNIS F RYAN PRKWY (Sector D4 ). Quincy Police & Fire Dispatch: Public Safety 26 Online: Sharon and Foxboro Police/Fire, State Police . BOSTON (WHDH) - The city of Boston is considering a new food recovery program aimed at getting items to local nonprofits for people in need by requiring certain food providers to donate leftover food that would otherwise be thrown away. QPD. 2005 IncNum: 10036085 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 SP/INCD ( SP B/FEMALE ) HANCOCK ST (Sector B1 ). Patrick J. 1304 IncNum: 10036003 Disposition: GONE ON ARRIVAL ReportDue By: 07/30/10 DMV/ASST ( BAD SPOT ) BURGIN PRKWY EXT (Sector A2 ). A man from Hyde Park pleaded guilty Monday in Boston federal court to using a stolen identity to fraudulently obtain pandemic relief funds and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, previously known as Food Stamps. Boston police are asking the public for help finding a missing 15-year-old girl from Hyde Park. 1307 IncNum: 10036004 Disposition: DOVE REPORT ReportDue By: KELLY, S. 07/30/10 DMV/ASST ( DMV/BAD SPOT ) BURGIN PRKWY EXT (Sector A2 ). 2:03 p.m. Police investigated a motor vehicle accident on Great Road. The Ledger has been the South Shore's newspaper since 1837. You have reached our free-content limit. POLICE LOG. 34 IncNum: 10035926 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 M/V-CHK ( ERRATIC ) CENTRE ST (Sector A1 ). Quincy and Massachusetts State Police detectives assigned to the Norfolk District Attorney's office are investigating an apparent firearm homicide overnight. 538 IncNum: 10035947 Disposition: JOURNAL ITEM ReportDue By: 07/30/10 BURG/ALM **************** CODDINGTON ST (Sector D4 ). 3 p.m. Police investigated a motor vehicle accident with property damage on Great Road. 944 IncNum: 10035973 Disposition: JOURNAL ITEM ReportDue By: 07/30/10 ESCORT ( BANK ) ADAMS ST (Sector A4 ). Public Safety 20 : Online: Medfield Fire: Public Safety 1 : Online: Medfield Police and Fire: Public Safety . 1933 IncNum: 10036083 Disposition: NO DISP NEEDED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 SP/INCD ( CHECK APT ) BICKNELL ST (Sector C2 ). 1839 IncNum: 10036066 Disposition: TO HOSPITAL ReportDue By: 07/30/10 FAM/DIST ( A&B ) HANCOCK ST (Sector B1 ), 1839 IncNum: 10036067 Disposition: DOVE REPORT ReportDue By: LEVINE, D, 07/30/10 DK ( FEMALE ) HANCOCK ST (Sector D4 ). ( MALE FELL ) BIGELOW ST (Sector D2 ). 2:28 a.m. Police responded to a medical emergency on King Street. 737 IncNum: 10035954 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 FIRE/ALM ( DUMPSTER FIRE ) WASHINGTON ST (Sector D4 ). 1708 IncNum: 10036042 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 1712 IncNum: 10036043 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 ANIMAL ( FOUND DOG ) BROOK RD (Sector A2 ). 2246 IncNum: 10036109 Disposition: NO DISP NEEDED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 L/NOISE ( PARTY ) SHORE AV (Sector C2 ). 11:47 p.m. Police responded to a report of a suspicious activity on Gilson Road. 12:30 p.m. Police responded to a civil complaint on White Street. Burglary and arson investigation leads to arrest, Marketplace - Your Local Shopping Experience. At that time, she was wearing a black jacket, black hooded sweatshirt, blue jeans with black leggings underneath, and white sneakers. Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. You are able to use this system to file certain types of police reports. The Marion County Sheriff's Office was assisted by the Missouri State Fire Marshall's Service, the Palmyra Fire Department and the Grundy County Sheriff's Office. Quincy, MA crime, fire and public safety news and events, police & fire department updates 8:43 p.m. Police responded to a motor vehicle accident on Route 495 south. 2234 IncNum: 10036108 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 SP/INCD ( POSS/MISSING ) PLEASANT ST (Sector A2 ). 1930 IncNum: 10036080 Disposition: TO HOSPITAL ReportDue By: 07/30/10 LOSTPROP ( WALLET ) HANCOCK ST (Sector B1 ). Banks court-appointed attorney, Robert Tutino, said the reports show several inconsistencies. 1857 IncNum: 10036071 Disposition: CITATION ISSUED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 DRUGS ( ARREST ) WILLARD ST (Sector A3 ), 1858 IncNum: 10036072 Disposition: ARREST MADE ReportDue By: DURAN, M, 07/30/10 BURG/ALM **************** CROWN COLONY DR (Sector A2 ). 1201 IncNum: 10035988 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 FAM/DIST ( IN-PROGRESS ) RIVER ST (Sector D1 ), 1214 IncNum: 10035989 Disposition: DOVE REPORT ReportDue By: FORD, T, 07/30/10 MVA ( UNKNOWN PI ) GRANITE ST (Sector D3 ), 1214 IncNum: 10035990 Disposition: ARREST MADE ReportDue By: BRESLIN, D, 07/30/10 ABDN-CAL ( CHILD W. PHONE ) ARNOLD ST (Sector D2 ). Destiny Cotto was last seen around 11 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 17, in Hyde Park, police said. 3:42 p.m. Police responded to a report of a suspicious activity on Whitcomb Avenue. Browse Quincy, MA daily archives showing historical recent crimes in the area. 1935 IncNum: 10036084 Disposition: UNFOUNDED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 MEDICAL ( ASSIST UP ) SOUTHERN ARTERY (Sector C3 ). 2 Adams Place Quincy, MA 02169. When several dozen Presbyterians who immigrated from Northern Ireland gathered to honor St. Patrick. 2133 IncNum: 10036102 Disposition: NO DISP NEEDED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 L/NOISE ( MUSIC ) MCDONALD ST (Sector A2 ). 1620 IncNum: 10036037 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 SHOPLIFT ( IN PROGRESS ) SOUTHERN ARTERY (Sector C3 ). 11:02 a.m. Police assisted the fire department on Porter Road. Alert Quincy. Stankewitz is currently incarcerated in Illinois and awaiting extradition to the Marion County Jail. 1309 IncNum: 10036008 Disposition: SENT ON WAY ReportDue By: 07/30/10 SP/INCD ( LADDER ) ATLANTIC ST (Sector B3 ). 1311 IncNum: 10036009 Disposition: TO HOSPITAL ReportDue By: 07/30/10 MVA ( MINOR ) CENTRE ST (Sector A2 ). Trends Analytics. 2:08 p.m. Police responded to a report of a suspicious activity on Distribution Center Circle. Earlier Sunday, police said, the women went to Quincy Medical Center. Police Capt. As Marty Walsh drops out of the Biden administration for a new gig, so too, for a moment Wednesday, did Joe Bidens Rs. February 21. BOSTON MJ, the Tony Award-winning musical featuring the hits of Michael Jackson, is among the nine upcoming offerings from Broadway in Boston. Please log in, or sign up for a new account to continue reading. 25 IncNum: 10035925 Disposition: JOURNAL ITEM ReportDue By: 07/30/10 ABDN-CAL ( 911 HANG UP ) NELSON ST (Sector A1 ). 1719 IncNum: 10036046 Disposition: NO DISP NEEDED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 M/V-CHK ( MA TAG 54NJ41 ) ROSELIN AV (Sector A4 ). 2320 IncNum: 10036111 Disposition: TO HOSPITAL ReportDue By: 07/30/10 ANIMAL ( DOG YELPING ) SOUTHERN ARTERY (Sector D1 ). 1650 IncNum: 10036039 Disposition: TO HOSPITAL ReportDue By: 07/30/10 O/AGENCY ( YOUTHS DRINKING) QUINCY SHORE DR (Sector B3 ). 608 IncNum: 10035948 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 M/V-VIOL ( 551GR8 ) BEACON ST (Sector D1 ). Based in Quincy, the Ledger serves communities south of Boston. 2129 IncNum: 10036101 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 MV/PARKG ( BLOCKING DRIVE ) PUTNAM ST (Sector D4 ). 1:30 a.m. Police responded to a report of a suspicious activity on King Street. QUINCY The city of Quincy spent more than $10 million on overtime for police officers and firefighters last year, 36 city employees made more than $200,000 and three of the city's top 150. John Dougan said toxicology tests are being done to try to determine whether the women were drugged. including Abington, Braintree, Coha . 07/30/10 PRI/TOW ( TRESPASS ) CENTRE ST (Sector A2 ). The Quincy Police Department Policy is designed to assist all members in carrying out their responsibilities and duties. 1129 IncNum: 10035986 Disposition: GONE ON ARRIVAL ReportDue By: 07/30/10 CP DISP ( HOMELESS ) REVERE RD (Sector D4 ). 641 IncNum: 10035951 Disposition: SERVICED ReportDue By: 07/30/10 CLOSE/ST ( CONSTRUCTION ) EDISON ST (Sector D1 ). Chelsea Eats program in Chelsea, Massachusetts, receive their first payment CT/ORD ( SECTION 35 ) ST... 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