Yes, Triclopyr will control dandelion weeds in you lawn and can be applied as a spot treatment. Therefore, at a price of $345 for an entire setup, Berkey filtered water comes in at a little less than $0.06 per gallon. I'm not sure exactly. Step 2: Fill your sprayer halfway with water, then add measured amount of Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer. The violets were ingrown with my grass and it seems to have made more of an impact on killing the grass than the violets. This is a foliage spray, so you need to spray the leaves (and the trunk). Protect your home from the most common perimeter pests, Customized program based on your location and home size, Take the guesswork out of preventing weeds and disease in your lawn, Customized to your location, grass type, and lawn size. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer is safe to use around children and pets when applied according to the product label instructions. Company was efficient and fast from ordering to delivery. ;-). 0000136344 00000 n Use Triclopyr, but be prepared to go back and do it several times, which may have been due to my improperly weak mix , reflecting the only problem I have with Triclopyr as sold by Solutions: Damnably hard to figure what the correct mix is for spot spraying. Triclopyr 4 Herbicide is a herbicide for control of woody plants, annuals and perennial broadleaf weeds in forests, grass pastures, rangeland, CRP acres, rights-of-way, and in non-crop areas and ornamental turf, industrial sites and non-irrigation ditch banks. endstream endobj 2347 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[53 2253]/Length 68/Size 2306/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream Flag a calibration area (340 square feet) that is a "wall" of vegetation representative of what will be targeted with the actual application. When applying Triclopyr, it may be helpful to use a piece of cardboard or plastic to block any drift or spray from coming in contact with non-target plants.". This is your "band" width. We cut it 50/50 with diesel fuel. Personnel I like rose's except for the thorns. (Note: This level of wetting is heavier than operational to enhance the pattern for the purposes of this image.) Normally I mix it at a ratio of 1 gallon to 5 gallons of diesel. Can spray stump immediately after cutting. If you have more than one person treating, each applicator will need to calibrate. Remedy Ultra directions says 1-2 pints mixed with 10 gallons per acre for grasslands - this comes to be 0.4-0.75% strength so it appears about the same as what you use. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer Label (326.02 KB). almost 100 % effective. Mix Rate The mix rate for triclopyr is 3.2oz to 6.4oz per gallon. It is safe to use if proper procedures are followed, and doesn't require me to move livestock out of the pasture while it is being applied. Clearing Brushy Areas, Overgrown Flower Beds Around Old House. It is important to put this type of treatment in terms of "treated" acres. For foliar spray I use 1 cup per gallon of water with a soap like dawn to make it adhere. 4-8 quarts per acre forfoliage treatment ofwoody plants. If they are as invasive as my black locust, recommend cutting and drilling 1/2 holes in sap ring and filling to top. Be sure to first set the tip to the desired spray pattern. If treating invasive shrubs, then a hedgerow of shrubs with similar height, branching pattern, and leaf texture is ideal. My question is "how long before a rain will this product be effective?". We recommend Imazapyr 2SL as it has wild rose on the label. For triclopyr ester products containing 61% active ingredient, use 1 part product and 4 parts water. Applying 30 ounces to 340 square feet is the same coverage as applying 30 gallons to an acre. For spot treatments, Remedy Ultra Triclopyr Herbicide should be mixed at a 1 to 1.5% solution in water (1 to 1 1/2 gallons of product in 100 gallons total spray mixture). It is formulated with the active ingredient Triclopyr and is ideal for clearing woody plants, brush, and broadleaf weeds. I recommend this product for anyone who is fighting the battle of the weeds. I cut them all off leaving several inches more than I wanted to leave, and after removing all the cuttings, one by one I cut each stump and painted the cut edge. A Glyphosate (Roundup) application would be the best mode to eliminate the Yellow Archangel. It can kill trees and shrubs through translocation when it's used as a foliar spray. Works fantastic! Use the "subtraction" method to calculate ounces applied and gallons per treated acre. It never looks like anything is happening, but in the spring, the larger trees are all dead. Lost a dogwood tree using it. My preference is mixing with diesel to maximize effectiveness. Glyphosate is recommended as an. So we have a problem with Yellow Archangel growing throughout a 1/3 forest in our backyard. Originally in my research, I found that it supposedly wasn't harmful, but since coming across this article, I've gotten a bit deeper in the research and found that yeah, it is dangerous. Try 2-4D if this does not work for you. I used a boom sparayer on my utility vehicle to apply to trails through my woods. Spray and record the time it takes to treat the calibration area (340 square feet). Only use on cool season grasses (fescue, bluegrass, rye grass). Do not allow lactating dairy animals to graze treated areas until the next growing season following application of this product. Triclopyr is a systemic herbicide. I've found that 42% Round-up, painted unmixed on the stump where the bark meets the xylem works great. This product, mixed with kerosene, is sprayed on the trunks of even large trees and effectively kills them. Basal treatment of trees at a 75% diesel to 25% triclopyr works as well if not better than the name brand stuff but for significantly less $!! 2348 0 obj <>stream The product is for the use of eliminating woody vines, trees, brush and other broadleaf weeds and would not affect the turf. I haven't been back to the ranch but I can say this, if you mix it with diesel, it will kill most anything. Triclopyr 4 Herbicide is ideal for the selective brush and small tree control needed for fence line maintenance and pasture regeneration. I use about 1/3 of an oz. *To container or spray tank half filled with water, add all ingredients, then bring to desired volume with water. This gives you a 20 percent herbicide by volume mixture. 0000137720 00000 n It kills off the pesky mesquite trees that I deal with. Generic Roundup is now about $8 Quart for the 42% stuff at your local hardware store vs. whatever this site charges for Triclopyr. With its powerful active ingredient Triclopyr BEE- 61.6%, Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer becomes the most economical way to reclaim your pasture, ornamental turf, and more from brush and weeds. One good application of Triclopyr took care of it (although, some of my perennials took a hit). My lawn care company treated my lawn with this product to remove wild violets. A 1% concentration of Tordon 22KTM should be added to water to form the spray mix. It took all summer, but our lawn is back! It grew up a large pine tree, about 70 feet high, almost killing it. SHOWS THE EFFICANCY OF THE COMPANY, ALSO HOW IT LOOKS AFTER ITS CUSTOMERS, NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE BASED. 0000006931 00000 n It's pet-safe when used as directed and is sold in an eight-ounce bottle that's the perfect size for the average homeowner. Would definitely recommend. This will kill the grass, so you will have to apply as a spot treatment. Alligare Triclopyr 4 Herbicide - 2.5 gal. Use it with Diesel for mesquite basal spray for trees up to about 5" in diameter. 1 Gallon of Triclopyr 4 will cover 2 acres. I use a cheap spray bottle from the Dollar Store. I bought it in the fall and I'm going to try it in the spring. This did kill the Charlie and clover (as well as some of my prize perennials) but it is gone. Label says 10 to 20 gallons of triclophyr to 100 gallons so that gives one some leeway. So far, so good. How long does it take for the Triclopyr to dry? Great stuff killed saplings and bushes fast. That is easy to come back and spray with Crossbow or Clopyralid 3. 2 ounces per gallon of water for spot spraying with 1/2 ounce Alligare 90 surfactant. The amount of spray applied to an area will depend on walking speed, spray pressure, spray swath width, and the spray tip selected. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer is an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) with the active ingredient Triclopyr BEE- 61.6% that comes in an easy to use squeeze and measure bottle. Lawn Care Did my research, found your product and the violets are virtually all gone. Mix 5 tablespoons, which is 2.5 fluid ounces, of Roundup Super Concentrate per gallon of water. This method has killed every tree he has sprayed. I also use it in a water based mix of glyphosate to do foliar spraying of other invasive/intrusive plants and have good success with that use also. 0000010555 00000 n I live in Hawaii and this is not a plant that grows wild here, but Garlon 4 is a good product to kill most of the weeds and bushes on my property. For this procedure, you cannot simply time how long it takes to apply. 0000019584 00000 n startxref Customize Your Own DIY Lawn Care Program with the If you do this in the growing season, the root will sometimes throw out dwarfed kudzu leaves. If you cut the tree as close to ground as you can, you can either spray garlon on the surface of the stump or brush it on with an old paint brush. I used anywhere between 1/3 to 1/2 oz of Triclopyr per gallon of water, fall is the best time of year to apply. We used approximately 3 oz. Cut small trees and brush 1-2 inches from ground and paint cuts with the mixture. No literature I've read said whether or not it is choice for pines. Features: Contains Triclopyr and butoxyethyl ester 60.45% Triclopyr 4 does the job quickly and effectively. Working Days/Hours:Mon - Fri / 8:00AM - 6:00PMSat / 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Address:2739 Pasadena Blvd, Pasadena, TX 77502. If you saturate the bark of a tree with chemical, there is a good chance of killing the tree. Hitting larger trunks with a wedge blow from boys axe and spraying into the cut. If it takes 15 seconds to cover the calibration area, then collect spray water from your backpack in a measuring cup for 15 seconds, and measure the volume in ounces. This is the real deal! I mixed mine with diesel fuel at 2:1. Hope it works for you and me!! What if it rains within 6 hours of application? My husband has killed many trees, but not pine trees, this way: I mix triclopyr 1 to 10 with diesel fuel, as the label directs, in a sprayer. Oil will help carry the product to the roots faster than water. I recommend this for any invasive, intrusive, unwanted trees, brush, plants. The next step is to spray the calibration area using your backpack sprayer filled with just water. Photo: Kimberly Bohn. hb```b``a`c` @16)2jymxhMlBg8.72r^$ID6E^,Lw|x\GRB7I:z-/Rm] MS\L"8!]eQ@ 0!9$N'|Fd>KV#@9SHXDA%C,S 40Pry02frac"n-_?s_E'%aufa!5Pi+M@Z\%i@ Z5 I have a back pack sprayer I wear with the weed eater. When measuring the time required to treat the calibration area, operate the backpack as you would when spraying in the field. will this stuff kill them off for good? This stuff killed everything with a single treatment. I used a mixture of 20% Triclopyr and 80% Diesel to kill privet. Since this product is not labeled for cut stump applications, we cannot recommend that application with this specific product. 0000004467 00000 n Killer stuff! In our example, we started with 40 ounces of water in the graduated container and had 5 ounces left after the sprayer was refilled to the starting level. I mixed with diesel, according to directions, and in just a few weeks they are all dead/dying. Brush, trees up to 4 inches in diameter, grass, briers. The amount of water that can be lost from a leaking pipe can vary greatly depending on the type and size of the pipe, the pressure of the water supply and the severity of the leak. Not truly sure what rose hedge is, but here in WI the issue I had/have is the almost unkillable buckthorn and thorny sumac. It can if you use the product according to label directions. Therefore, our length will be 340 9 = 37.8, or 38 feet. Solutions pest and lawn has these products at the best value for money around. Applying the dose of herbicide needed to achieve control ensures (1) work actually gets done right the first time and personnel time is not spent on retreatment, and (2) material is not wasted, or even worse, unintended injury to nontarget plants does not occur. Might not be precise but it works for me. It took over our front yard over the winter, so much so that spring grasses were crowded out. There does not appear to be any selective herbicide that will control the nettle. I cut back the kudzu when it is in the dormant stage, all the way to the mother root and then I use a drill to drill the exposed root full of little holes and then I spray this solution into the holes and cuts. It is a great product! JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. I used 4:1 diesel fuel to Garlon. The brush killer (violet killer) does kill the weeds but only partially killed the violets. Triclopyr vs Glyphosate-----Triclopyr is the herbicide of choice for woody plants: shrubs, trees, black berry, Scotch Broom, and many other shrubs. 0000021721 00000 n Mix it with Sonora, a surfactant and blue dye making for foliar spray. I mix a pint with a quart of canola oil (cheaper than spray oil), then mix with water to make 1 gallon. To use Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer, you will need a skid sprayer to cover large areas. It is important to get uniform coverage while walking at a comfortable, repeatable speed. Is this product safe to use to kill the invading ground cover, but not harm the trees? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 60% Triclopyr (Remedy Ultra & Garlon 4 are 61% Triclopyr). Begin by practicing your application outside the calibration area. I have 3.5 acres and a ton of poison ivy. Will pretty much kill anything but grass. Everyone said they were impossible to control with stuff available locally. This doesn't answer my question. The steps to calibrate this application are similar to those outlined above, with a couple of important differences: Measure a test area of 340 square feet that is a "wall" of vegetation representative of what will be targeted with the actual spot application. 0000004354 00000 n The tree sucks up the poison and goes straight to the roots. We do this because 1 gallon equals 128 ounces. Lay out a calibration area equal to 340 square feet. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer can be used in forests, on permanent grass pastures, rangelands, conservation reserve programs (CRP acres) (including non-irrigation ditch banks and fence rows within these areas), right-of-ways, non-crop areas (including industrial manufacturing and storage sites), ornamental turf, fence rows, industrial sites and non-irrigation ditch banks, around farm buildings, and rights-of-way such as electrical power lines, communication lines, pipelines, roadsides, and railroads. Operate the backpack as you would when spraying in the field, getting uniform coverage while walking at a comfortable speed. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer is a post-emergent herbicide used to control thick vegetation in various areas like grass pastures, ornamental turf, and rangelands. after drying there is no hazard to the public. It is important to understand that a band application is a specific, specialized treatment with a fixed speed. Works good but slow progress when you're dealing with acres. Violets can be killed selectively with Trimec (a combination of 2,4-D, MCPP and dicamba) or triclopyr (Turflon). Perfect for treating stumps. Sign in for a personalized shopping experience and faster checkout. 3 weeks is correct. Calculate ounces of herbicide per gallon of spray solution: 2 ounces per acre 11 gallons per acre = 0.18 ounce of sulfometuron methyl herbicide per gallon. triclopyr 4 is a special use herbicide for situations where one has to spray lawns (it doesn't kill grass) or for resistant invasive plants like wintercreeper and porcelainberry. This was a strong mix, but we had an aggressive creeping Charlie problem. To convert to %: Remedy Ultra is 61% Triclopyr so 1 oz/gal is 0.5% strength. Will this kill Yellow Woodsorrel and not the grass? No. Recommendations are to use a Glyphosate product. It causes uncontrolled plant growth and plant death. Should I inform the public to stay out of the area until it dries? The 8% amine formulation works well undiluted. Approximate mix ratio, 1 quart Triclopyr 4 to 1 gallon Basal Oil for basal treatment, dormant stem treatment and cut stump treatment. I used it for large tree & brush basil treatment. 0000021615 00000 n I got this product quickly and with the best price from Solutions. Triclopyr 4 will control unwanted woody plants and annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in forests, and on non-crop areas including industrial manufacturing and storage sites, rights-of-way such as electrical power lines, communication lines, pipelines, roadsides and railroads, fence rows, non-irrigation ditch banks, and around farm buildings. Dont know creeping charly virginia creeper,, yes cut stem an dab on shaft ends also,, spray foliage on runners. How long after its application can I reseed with fescue? Ive bush hogged my field in middle Tennessee, its almost thanksgiving, can I still use triclopyr? While I have no experience with Yellow Archangel, I can tell you that it is very effective on Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac. Does the job- the result adds to the aesthetics and value of my property. If you find triclopyr effective on pines, I'd really like to know. Alligare Triclopyr 4 Quarts per 100 gallons of spray volume TRICLOPYR 4 Specimen Label. I can't imagine trying to farm/ranch with pesticides, and Triclopyr is my go-to herbicide. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer can take up to 14 days to kill vegetation. For broadcast applications, apply 1 to 2 pints of product per 10 gallons of water per acre for small weed control or up to 1 1/2 quarts of product per 10 gallons of water per . I have had some luck with it. I used just a couple drops of dishwashing soap and got good results with one gallon spray mix. Must wet entire plant to achieved desired results. 0000021544 00000 n It can be used both as a regular treatment as well as a spot treatment, meant to be applied at a rate of - oz per one gallon of water for every 1000 square feet. Spot treatments are used to treat discrete targets, such as a single shrub, as well as patches of continuous vegetation. This restriction applies to grazing during the season following treatment or hay harvested during the season following treatment. Spot treatments on ornamental turf should be done at a rate of 3/8 to 3/4 fl. I only had one small bush but it was killed by the Triclopyr. Our application volume is 40 ounces - 5 ounces = 35 ounces = 35 gallons per treated acre. 0000004175 00000 n The mixture has a yield of 14 to 20 plants per gallon. Triclopyr 4 will kill wild violets. 2306 0 obj <> endobj He recommended 1 part triclopyr with 4 parts oil, he recommended Mineral spirits, it worked great, spray leaves on small stuff up to 4 feet, cut larger and paint the stump on big stuff. Adjusted mixture to density of weeds (i.e. 4 After absorbing the herbicide, plants die slowly (within weeks). 2306 43 We add 2 oz of "Alligare Triclopyr 4" to 14 oz of water. The ester formulation can be used for either foliar or basal bark applications. Each state has a land grant college where the School of Agriculture manages a cadre of state Cooperative Extension Agents that are located in each county across each state. For foliar applications, mix one to three ounces Garlon 4 or two to four ounces Garlon 3A per three gallons of water. Don't broadcast spray it unless you want to replant your yard. I mix 13oz. Same active ingredient as Remedy Ultra and Garlon 4. A ag specialist from local University helped our church with Buck Thorn infestation in Churches woodlot. I have had great success controlling Chinese Privet with this product using the basal bark treatment method as described by the Alabama Extension Service. Now that you have determined your gallons per acre, the next step is to calculate how much herbicide to add per gallon. However, in my experience, Triclopyr is not as volatile as 2,4-D, so it can be applied closer to desired vegetation without the higher risk of drift. The stuff covers near every inch of the ground (maybe 4000-5000 sq feet). We would want to keep all pets and children of the area until the product has fully dried. Since you have already cut the tree you probably have a bunch of sucker shoots. In other words, don't use a lawn or parking lot to calibrate for a multiflora rose treatment. In all honesty I don't know yet. Healing my lawn care business with every application. Using an adjustable cone nozzle and moving the spray wand back and forth slowly will increase the band width, thus providing greater coverage. 0000042575 00000 n On orders over $2,500.00 receive a 7% discount! Use a disposable $10 walmart sprayer because this stuff will ruin the sprayer in a week or two. In this procedure, your gallons per treated acre will be estimated by spraying all vegetation in the calibration area in the same manner isolated targets would be treated in the field. But the stuff really works. The best place to get advice on such things is your local Cooperative Extension Service. Ounces of herbicide recommended per acre = ounces__________________________________________Gallons of mix applied per acre = gallons, From our example we will use the typical fern and stiltgrass recommendation of spraying 2 ounces of a sulfometuron methyl herbicide (e.g., Oust XP) per acre. Yes, when applying the product keep all pets and children off the area until it has fully dried. It may also be applied onperennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue ornamental turf (including sod farms, commercial turf, and golf courses). Most broad leaf plants that this touches get sick or die off completely. Adding a surfactant is recommended at 1/2 ounce (1 Tablespoon) per gallon or 1 quart per 100 gallon water (We offer Alligare 90 in our adjuvants section). Does a great job on mesquites. Now that you have determined your gallons per treated acre, the next step is to calculate how much herbicide to add per gallon. 0000001826 00000 n Each applicator may have a different walking speed, regulate pressure differently, and have a different idea of what adequate coverage looks like. This product worked extremely well on the existing brush and weeds. I used Triclopyr mixed with store brand vegetable oil to make it stick. So I had no way to check if it was dry or not. Reapplications may be necessary after 4 weeks to control heavy brush that are more resilient. Mixing Chart for Liquid Herbicides Solution Concentration 1 Gallon. Triclopyr 4 will provide control on the Oxalis for best results make sure to apply after maximum foliage development this can normally happen in late spring. ORDERED MY TRICLOPYR4 ON JULY 4, RECEIVED IT JULY 18, NOT BAD GOING AS IT HAD TO COME TO ENGLAND FROM AMERICA. 0000016441 00000 n To get a reliable average volume, repeat this process two or three times to get the average nozzle output. The wisteria is growing everywhere along our back property line. When trees or broadleaf weeds are obstructing the view of roads, slowing down a construction project, or crowding a residential area, applying Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer can be a useful solution. Now I realize as well that certain weeds like creeping Charlie along with others is best sprayed in fall due to them sucking nutrients deep in to there root system preparing for winter. It is oil based, and used for basal bark application, in other words, placed directly on the trees trunk, it absorbs and kills the tree. Take care in using it this way. I had been using Glyphosate products on a gravel parking lot with out much success. ), 128 ounces per gallon 4 quarts per gallon 128 4 = 32 ounces per quart 32 ounces per quart x 3 quarts = 96 ounces of glyphosate 32 ounces per quart x 1 quart = 32 ounces of triclopyr amine. 6.4 oz. Use a measuring cup to collect spray solution from your sprayer for the same time it took to spray the calibration area. Calibrating for these types of treatments allows the applicator to estimate spray coverage so the mix will be effective without over- or underapplying. It was tedious, but the privet hasn't grown back in the 3 years since I applied it. It is a less expensive version of Triclopyr-4 with a high concentration of Triclopyr. Hi-Yield Turflon Ester Ultra is labeled to eradicate wild violets. For foliar applicaions, use at rates of 1-8 quarts per acre. When using the subtraction method, mark the starting water level in your sprayer, treat the calibration area, and determine by subtraction the volume sprayed as you refill the sprayer to the starting point. Applying 30 ounces to 340 square feet is the same coverage as applying 30 gallons to an acre. An alternative is to collect the solution for a "multiple" time period. lannister80 6 yr. ago Thanks! Seriously works where other do not. agree, and use at least 4 % to 5 % concentration. I did this cause I wanted to ensure the buckthorn and locust trees once and for all eliminate, permanently. I typically use a 5 parts diesel to 1 part triclopyr. Triclopyr Overall Best Herbicide That I Use. A treated acre refers to the sum total area of plants targeted across a site. 0000004582 00000 n What do you recommend? we put up warning flags if near a trail. 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And drilling 1/2 holes in sap ring and filling to top the brush. Be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser 4 are 61 Triclopyr... Will increase the band width, thus providing greater coverage effective? `` my utility vehicle to apply `... We recommend Imazapyr 2SL as it had to come back and forth slowly how much triclopyr 4 per gallon of water the... Sucks up the poison and goes straight to the sum total area of plants targeted across a site use 5. Off the area until the next step is to calculate how much herbicide to add per gallon water... Mon - Fri / 8:00AM - 6:00PMSat / 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Address:2739 Pasadena Blvd, Pasadena TX! You lawn and can be used for either foliar or basal bark treatment method as described by the.. Concentration of Tordon 22KTM should be done at a comfortable, repeatable speed at! Hay harvested during the season following treatment and with the mixture how much triclopyr 4 per gallon of water yield. Spray bottle from the Dollar Store ( 326.02 KB ) recommend Imazapyr 2SL as it had come., Address:2739 Pasadena Blvd, Pasadena, TX 77502 as described by Triclopyr! Applied as a foliar spray a multiflora rose treatment not BAD going it. 3/4 fl the roots clearing Brushy areas, Overgrown Flower Beds around House! One some leeway turf should be done at a rate of 3/8 3/4. Foliar applications, mix one to three ounces Garlon 4 or two to four ounces Garlon 4 features: Triclopyr. Are all dead/dying got this product to remove wild violets of shrubs with similar,.