Be on time to meetings and events. As Appointments Chair, I want to bring in more students instead of having the same half-dozen or so people on several committees. You can say something like "I really want to run for student council Vice President, but I won't be able to do it alone. All the boys bring If elected Student Events Advisor, I would like to make the Student Affairs Committee a friendlier, less ambiguous, and less intimidating group so that a broad range of students feel comfortable interacting with us and requesting funds for their events. Nate Erskine 10: My name is Nathaniel (Nate) Erskine 10 and I am asking to be your Appointments Chair. By going to the conferences yes, even in the middle of Summer/weekends I found college roommates, best friends, and got to see new parts of the country. One of the most important positions on the student council is the secretary. Plain and simple, you will not win your campaign if only tenpeople know who you are. Check out our top-rated graduate blogs here: PrepScholar 2013-2018. I have already taken an active role in campus life in many different ways. (RELATED: Georgia Senate Education WebMy top five strengths are: I am a learner. Around the first corner of the track a Beyond dotting the is and crossing the ts of meeting minutes, I see the position of Student Council Secretary as a position of facilitation. I also understand that you experience college life only once in your life and Im here to make sure that its the most rewarding and unforgettable four years in your life for learning and self-development. Treasurer:Responsible for budgeting and managing money (i.e. It is a very respectable post along with helping the career down the line. Remind council members to adhere to the budget when considering new ideas. These weekly meetings include all members of the council as well as the faculty adviser. .. You should also think about the impression youre making in class. Do you have great organizational and writing skills? Webstudent lending, mortgages, and credit cards. Campus Life Representative: Here are my bullet points for a good campaign speech: These should be the main points you hit, but also, try to inject some humor into your speech to make it more entertaining. If you find yourself needing to write a speech, following a few simple steps may lead you to success. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. WebAn election campaign platform is the promise a candidate makes and strives to maintain once they are elected. The structure of student council varies by school. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. However, you don't want to annoy other students (if you do, you definitely won't get elected), so try to cap yourself at 2-3 minutes of chatting, and then move on to another group. Also, comments containing personal attacks or threats of harming another person will not be tolerated. So, I want to run for the Student Body President, this will give me the power required to implement all the changes needed. This year, my first priority will be helping EIU students become as socially active as possible. Begin your speech by welcoming your fellow classmates. The duties outlined basically consist of taking attendance and maintaining a small milk and cookies budget. Resultantly, four students from Pashtun Council and two from Punjabi Council suffered injuries. To continue to build trust, you need to show your competence in the classroom. This is the most important part of the poster and should both stand out immediately and be visible from a distance. Try to make real positive changes at your school! I'll answer these questions and more below! You can start new events and fundraisers. I have had experience in several jobs dealing with a large flow of paperwork and e-mails and that require the ability to coordinate schedules for many different people. Photo Credit: Chandler Searcy. Appointments Chair Candidates As a young buck my freshman year I enthusiastically attended various on-campus events, and continue to do so. I want to just be that person who is there for them, to help them promote, a useful tool that can help with things like connections. How to Get Into The George Washington University, Passion Projects for High School Students: The Ultimate Guide, How To Get Into San Diego State University. If you like to lead and speak in front of others, being the student council president or vice president might suit you. Suzi Kutcher,a publicist at Ramsey Solutions and marketing all-star, loved her time during her tenure on student council. But first, here are some general tips for effective public speaking: Your campaign speech should be brief. Jazz Lab Band allows friends, family to comesupport, Podcasting workshop gives students and faculty a hands-onopportunity, Jeannie Ludlow: Being a feminist while teaching womenshistory, Prestigious Pantherettes can be an outlet for growth,expression, EIU professor says womens history needs to beunderstood, Emery Johnson: A woman in the LGBTQ+community, Si-Si Sweetz: A sweet store for a sweettooth. Student council is a group of students elected by their classmates to organize activities and address student concerns and interests. I love Swarthmore, and if elected Vice President, I would put that love to good use. As Secretary, I will work to make sure that Student Council proceedings are as transparent as possible. Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines. Resultantly, four students from Pashtun Council and two from Punjabi Council suffered injuries. While I have a number of things I am committed to like actively pushing the idea of Thanksgiving in the Spring and extending the hours of Sharples and Tarble, for example, many of my goals are more long term: One of the jobs of Vice President is to serve on the College Planning Committee for 2025. Additionally, as Secretary I will work to hold our administration to the same standard of transparency. WebGreen Giant FM. Be aware that there are potential drawbacks to joining student council. Typically (though this may vary slightly by high school/region), each grade level has itsown grade-level council (i.e. Web[Leadership 101 2023 "The Forging"] General Secretary Student Council Universitas Ciputra Agu 2022 - Saat ini 8 bulan [Rektor Cup 2022] Liaison Officer Coordinator awareness regarding the negative stigma that surrounds mental health issues in the eyes of society through an online platform, which is Instagram. Why do you want to be on student council? 2. I also want to challenge myself and my fellow student leaders to talk with people more, learn about them, and do everything that we can to make sure they feel represented and included. As EVP the physical and mental health of all students will be a priority of mine should I serve as our Student Trustee. eing in the position of VPSA would mean that I would have to lead a group of diversity, being someone who is not diverse. as need on behalf of thecouncil and executive committee, Take concise and accurate meeting notes on all relevant decisions made by the council or executive committee. creating meeting itineraries, facilitating discussions), delegating tasks (i.e. Think about what would make you vote one of your classmates onto the student council. You want to make sure that it is not another lost e-mail in someones inbox. As Co-President of Ruach, I am responsible for providing strong leadership under which an entire organization can flourish. Taking part in making these events happen as a member of the Student Affairs Committee has been a fulfilling experience thus far, and I now hope to expand my participation in enhancing the social schedule of my fellow Swatties as the Student Events Advisor. It is my job to talk with students on my hall and to do what I can, not only right-here-and-now to make them more content, but also to strategize about tomorrow. Continue to make EIU and its surrounding community a safe place for students of all race, ethnicity, and gender. These branches work together to ensure balance of power within By 2011 I ended up being elected Student Body President of the largest high school in South Carolina (Wando High School) and was also elected (the first woman in over 10 years) as the State Student Council President which meant I planned the state conference that year at my high school. 1st / 2nd Vice President:Responsible for assisting the president (i.e. How will the school and student body benefit from your participation in student council? Whichever approach you take, make sure your poster contains a few key elements including: your name, logo, slogan, and an image of yourself. Have familiarity with using Microsoft Office suite platforms such as Microsoft Word and Excel. Webhi soo this is my first time running for student council as president and ang hirap mag-isip ng platforms kasi online pls drop suggestions!! According to the Student Council constitution, the function of the secretary is to ensure that important documentation pertaining to Student Council is archived, Have a clear, catchy headline. My personality is analogous to my upbringing, in that I am diverse, hard-working, determined and eclectic. As I said above, every member is responsible for attending meetings and helping make school events happen. I want to make this as easy and the least daunting as possible. Students gather to listen to the platforms of the candidates running for the offices of student body president and vice president and well as Mr. and Ms. UTA. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Additionally, while these positions are considered smaller, you have the same responsibility as the president or VP,to help plan and execute great events. Have them cook the entire meal with a main dish, drinks, desserts, and table decorations. Back then, it was a club that I treated like a religion and is still credited with some of my favorite memories. What I found was very boring hours of sitting in meetings talking about legislation and student election violations. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography. Ask them what events theyd like to see planned this year or what ideas they have. The PU administration approached the scene and dispersed the students from the ground. I first got involved in 2004 as a sixth grader in middle school. For instance, during Class Awareness Month, (month long activities to raise awareness on class issues) several overlooked or unaddressed issues have materialized, such as stringy resources for incoming lower class students, that I have been planning on bringing to the attention of administration. How to Make a Great Student Council Campaign: 14 Steps Leadership School Leadership How to Make a Great Student Council Campaign Download Article parts 1 Being Consistent and Relevant 2 Keeping Your Slogans Catchy 3 Making the Posters Exciting + Show 3 more Other Sections Questions & Answers Tips and I would also like to begin a dialogue with Linda McDougall about improving the quality of the produce in Sharples and Essie Maes. As a governing body, we need to stop assuming the needs and wants of students. The school-wide council typically has itsown faculty adviser but still gets assistance with itsevents from the grade-level councils. I look forward to hearing from you, thank you for your time, and have a great tomorrow! I also want to work with the Educational Policy Representative to expand curriculum options that reflect the interest of the entire student body. I want less talking and more action to be the motto of EIU. Learn more about job shadowing, community service, and volunteer abroad programs. Shoot me an email. I will insure that your application is not lost, that your application is given a fair review and that you will be promptly notified of the status of your application. I am motivated to excel. It is hard to find a place where the administration listens to the students as much as ours does, and our small size makes any minor issues fixed with a few meetings, or even just some emails to the right place. (Be sure to Other schools will expect you to make a speech either at a live assembly or via video broadcast. Vote Jennifer Yi! After being rejected (yep, rejected) from the Freshman Student Gov program, I found myself in the very boring role of deputy chief of staff. You would probably want to vote for someone you like, trust, and believe will make a positive difference in your school. Around the first corner of the track a The school council secretarys role is more than just taking minutes and posting the meeting agenda. This semester I worked as a Swarthmore phonathon caller, calling alumni and parents of current and past students. We also send out a monthly e-newsletter filled with tons of articles with advice and tips to help your parent council to be more engaging. Student Council consists of six members who earn their placement through a democratic student voting system. Are you a dependable student who turns work in on time, treats others with respect, and performs well academically? To be in student government, you need to be elected. Ill go down the hierarchy. The school council secretarys role is one of the most important for keeping the business of the school council running well, and for communicating all of the groups important work to its members. I want to help ensure that our diverse groups on campus feel as secure and welcomed. I am not speaking of massive changes like overhauling the financial aid system, but changes that allow students to become more aware of some of the resources open to them, and the ease of accessing those resources. I recognize that Swatties feel they are extremely busy and dont have the time to become more in tune with what student council is doing. What is your platform? To mine for ideas for school secretary posters, consider all that the position entails. The other day, my friend was saying how great it would be if there were just some randomly fun thingsLike what if there were suddenly a band playing in the fragrance garden on Friday afternoon?that happened here on campus? Facebook stalk me. Take charge of event planning. Sign up for the The Admissions Strategist newsletter to get the latest information on college and career success, Connect us with your school principal! This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, Swarthmore Mock Trial Reaches Opening Round Championships for the First Time Since 2011, Faculty Say Resource Constraints Led to Demise of Public Policy Minor. Get the latest articles and test prep tips! Whether its a proposal for a new green initiative, concerns about budgeting or even a request for a new foosball table, Student Council is one of the only forums on campus where each of these can be given full attention. I genuinely believe that every persons voice is highly valuable. We will elect information officers per block to ensure that the By talking to student groups and individuals, I will see what issues need to be brought to attention, use my council position to present it to appropriate Deans and/or administration, and work with both students and administration to find the best way to approach student body issues. Studying a language in which a small line can change the meaning of a word has made me extremely thorough and focused. Application Information and Deadline: Applications are due on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST (Washington D.C. time). Choosing a main campaign message: What would you like to accomplish while on student council? These student governments are made up of three branches: Executive, legislative and judicial. One thing we did on council as part of a push for appointments was have a study break last semester with members from each committee there, and the eagerness they showed to talk about their committees was admirable. It was also these times that some great memories with principles, coaches and of course my student council advisor. This means that anything that is discussed while the student meetings are taking place should be noted accordingly. Have familiarity with using Microsoft Office suite platforms such as Microsoft Word and Excel. Why me? How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, by a Harvard Alum. Such borrowers are only eligible if their 2020 or 2021 tax year income is less than $125,000 (or Spreading the word by talking to your friends and classmates about why youd like to be elected, Handing out buttons, pencils, or stickers with your name on it (depending on the rules of your school). The secretary maintains minutes of the organization's meetings, keeps committee reports on file, and keeps track of student council membership. I want to have training sessions for SAT members on how to speak with our elected representatives, orientation on how to research and read legislation, and to build regular contact with our elected officials in order to bring much-needed resources to EIU. Better access and service: Have you ever felt like you couldnt approach a member of student council? Colleges like to see leadership experience and involvement on your resume. The secretary notifies officers, committee members and others of their successful election or appointment to office. I would also make a further commitment to explore social, cultural, and even financial issues more in depth. ACT Writing: 15 Tips to Raise Your Essay Score, How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy League, Is the ACT easier than the SAT? This is amore difficult task. Have you taken a women's history/studies course? This will be a step to change EIUs environment into a safer yet free place for all the diverse communities. Your speech should NOT be too long (Id recommend 2-3 minutes maximum). Student Council will first and foremost work to create a comprehensive path for students to interact with faculty. I'll then go on to discuss the duties of specific officers (President vs. Secretary, etc.). If you hated the Homecoming dance last year, you could plan a better event. First and foremost, I care about Swarthmore. Do you want to have a wider variety of school lunch options? (Copy And Steal Everything) ideas from other schools across the world is SUCH a unique experience. For example, I was the Spanish Club treasurer for two years and have never made below an A in math class. Ask below and we'll reply! Additionally, Ive listed the typical positions available on each council. To win the campaign, you need to make sure people know you and trust you. Bilgen proposed the idea of changing the Student Travel Award permanently to the Student Conference Award and Council agreed. Set a Budget: There are expenses involved with But school council secretaries are often assigned additional responsibilities that make the job more interesting, more creative, and more challenging. Youll represent the student voice in communication with administration and faculty, plan and host major events, and be a leader among your peers. I have decided to run as Appointments Chair, not only because I believe I can do a good job, but because I believe that I can use the job to expand student engagement. I started as my freshman treasurer, then became sophomore VP, then junior class president, and I becameStudent Government President my senior year. Vote for me so that I can continue to bring new and innovative ideas, services, and facilities to this campus! I will work towards better facilities so that we can do what we love. Andrea Cornejo 10: The first couple of weeks on campus, I looked around and couldnt see how there could be anything to complain about here at Swarthmore, everything seemed to run so smoothly. This means informing students of any and all meeting times and communicating to the student body what occurs during these meetings by making use of the Student Council board and working with StuCos Outreach Coordinator as well as drumming up some more creative ideas for sharing Student Council agendas. Because networking is a huge part of college experience. COVID-19 has impacted everyones social life, so I want to make sure that all EIU students get to experience, live, and form a community of panthers. Plan to join student council . I would like to extend this concrete connection with my hall to the community at large. Create a class field trip? And as EVP I will do my best to make sure that EIU students can get the most out of their experience here on campus. You might get blamed or criticized if people dont enjoy your events. Words by Jessica Rowe Well, the Timekeepers were ready as The Starter called Council members to the starting line and declared the meeting open. Your student council experience can also help you develop a variety of career skills, including: In short, student council is an interesting and rewarding experience that helps you build skills youll need in college, the workforce, and life. Are you unsure about where to start or if you should even run? I was appointed to the Student Affairs Committee last spring, and began serving my term this fall. A Comprehensive Guide. As an RA, I have worked with the Deans Office and generally know the goings-on around campus. I am focused and disciplined. Peb 2021 - Nob 202110 buwan. 20: HiddenFigures, Two Dudes Talk Movies Ep. Student Council elections will run from this Sunday 12/3 until Thursday 12/6. Lastly, I want to take efforts to make EIU student body a united body. These factors can indicate that the school is in good hands with you. The grade-level councils typically plan and execute grade level specific programs (such as creatinga class t-shirt, organizing a class fundraiser, planning the class float for the Homecoming parade, etc.). WebStudent Council Bonding Events 33) Lunch Box Social: On Valentines Day, have a Stuco lunch party and alternate girls cooking for guys and guys cooking for girls. In addition, members of grade-specific councils are responsible for assisting the school-wide council in planning and running major school-wide events such as the Homecoming parade, Homecoming dance, and pep rallies. 3. From turning around the ban on late Thursday nights to supporting Swarthmores living wage campaign, at lot of positive change has occurred on Swarthmores campus with the help of Student Council, and as Secretary I can promise you that I will work tirelessly to continue this trend. Better facilities: Have you ever not been content with the dismal lighting in McCabe or our meager gym facilities? Below, well look at the various positions and what you can expect from each. Find new and fun ways to create unity as a university. I know this will not be an easy job, but I believe that I am, with the help and support of the other Executive Board and Student Government members, our graduate advisor, our organizations advisor, and the members of the Eastern Illinois University Student Body, I am more than capable of doing the job.. See the about page to read more about the DG. By joining the student government, youre able to influence your high school. It was through a gradual process that hidden discrepancies and oddities about social, financial structures per se, came to light. I would love to chat. Colleges look quite favorably on student council, so its in your best interest to participate or run for a position if you have a passion for it. The community at large simple, you could plan a better event received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to of. To create a comprehensive path for students to interact with faculty up of three branches Executive... 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