Common cold symptoms can escalate during the rainy season. For most drivers, driving in the rain may not seem like the most pressing safety concern. Read what other people are saying and post your own comment, Safety through technology: How to protect your workers, assets, and operations, See what types of links we share on social media. It’s hard to feel chipper when it’s gray and wet outside and you’re cooped up indoors. Attach a safety message to drivers’ trip folders. Even the smallest of mechanical fault can cause the biggest of hindrances to your road safety during the rainy season. Be sure the material is ventilated so it can be worn comfortably for extended periods. Let’s make workplaces safer! Let others know where you are and that you are safely parked. Rainy Day SMS messages collection contains Monsoon SMS, Rainy Day SMS, Rain Text or Rain SMS or Rain Messages or Barsaat SMS or Sawan SMS. Water exudes an unconceivable force that could sweep or bring down the strongest building. These are some monsoon safety precautions that will help keep you and your family safe. Hand out a list of safety messages … Follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Rainy days are like sleeping calls to some, but they can also be good for working out. Share them with your friends. Work Safely and Carry a Big Lunch Box ; Be Safe at Work Today; Call In Sick; Don’t Fall Asleep At Work and Get Your Head Caught In a Splicing Bar. 30 )Glory of the day, soundless and restrain, with dark clouds, and blessings of rains Clouds on way, the splashing of drops, Cheers of birds, whispers of waves with fame. Here are some tips you’ll want to follow the next time you’re caught driving in the rain. Apart from making sure mosquitoes and other bugs don’t invade your space during the monsoon season, you also need to make sure your windows can be closed all the way to avoid water from entering your home during heavy rainfall. Keep Equipment Stocked & New This doesn't just go for the rainy season, a great winter safety tip is to change out tires on all work vehicles (source). To keep everyone safe, clean hands regularly and always bring a hand sanitizer when you are out and about. Wear appropriate rain gear. Check your tyre tread depth regularly . You must also protect your furniture that’s placed near windows or doors. Toolbox Talks . Rain gear which includes both a coat and pants or overalls and is ventilated should be worn for prolonged wet-weather work. Protect your hands, you need them to pick up your pay check Quench the thirst – safety first Replacing a saw guard is easier than replacing a finger Safe crane operation is uplifting … Have dispatchers give a daily safety message to each driver. Know the Numbers. However, those “April Showers” can bring much more than just May flowers—they can lead to dangerous collisions on slippery roads. Avoid eating street foods. March 2, 2015 6:30 PM | Skymet Weather Team There are so many fun things that you can do on a rainy day. Present the safety message over the PA system. Rains are never become cold because I have warm memories of love for someone special. Webinar: Controlling Risk Factors at Work | Thurs., Jan 28, 2021 1PM ET Toggle navigation Menu. First Day Back to Work or Last Day Before Days Off In the rain . Give a list of safety messages to supervisors and let them give a message each day. If you are a supervisor, it shows your employees that you care about them and their well-being. ALERT. Due to consistent spells of rain, humidity settles in and that allows … Whether it is misting or pouring, wet work environments present a couple of hazards, namely low visibility, cold and … The result is that your vehicle begins to slide uncontrollably. This safety tip for the rainy season goes without saying. For example, even … The decision may range from switching of all electricity appliances before going to work, carrying an umbrella, collecting the kids from school before a heavy storm and telling your kid to stay at school if the local river is flooded. Brendan. or Barish SMS or happy rainy day sms or Rainy SMS for a rainy day as well as Rainy day sms greetings & text messages in English. Shippers will too often say, ‘Oh, we have trucks in here all the time, it’s ok’. Safeopedia Podcasts Heat Stress Hearing Protection Lockout Tagout (LOTO) Contractor Management Protective Clothing Hand Protection Remediation Fall Protection Confined Space Best … Even if you are prevented from going out, you can do at least 30 minutes worth of exercise on the inside. 6. Wear the appropriate clothes. In case you see these wires lying in a puddle of water after rain, stay away from it as far as possible since stepping in it can possibly electrocute you. S a f e t y T o o l b o x T o p i c s. Home; Resources. Wet weather poses numerous risks for construction workers, so it is critical these are recognised and managed by both workers and employees on site.. Senior Safety Advisor at HIA Safety Services, Rick Little identifies the most common wet weather dangers as “slips, trips and falls” and says these dangers are particularly prevalent when working in elevated positions such as when using scaffolding, hand … This allows you plenty of time to stop to avoid an accident without sliding or skidding. No matter how tedious completing paperwork may be, it is in the best interest of both workers and employers to ensure the appropriate bases are covered. The reason behind this is voltage fluctuation and load shedding. When travelling during the rainy season, the roads are slippery and may cause your car to skid more easily. Of all driving safety tips, this one is most often ignored by truckers. 6. Turn on your … ”Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” – Rabindranath Tagore. I run 'Feel Your Truck', ideal place to know new things and solve various problems of your truck. Safety’s OK if you got all day. 31 )I find my love in the rain…. One of the most important precautions to be taken during the rainy season is to ensure that you are wearing footwear that does not slip easily, or you may fall and injure yourself. Beware of Road Hazards When driving in the rain, watch out for humps, street diggings, open manholes, and other hazards on the road. This safety tip for the rainy season goes without saying. Make sure all headlights, taillights, brake lights and turn signals are properly functioning so other drivers will see you during downpours. Being safety oriented can help improve your employees’ morale, productivity, and even make a good impression on visitors. 12. SAFETY. Now that many places are looking at working through rainy days, it is time to think of the safety precautions that will make sure your employees can stay productive through this season. 3. Also, do not wear wet socks or wet shoes as they will most probably contain all sorts of germs. It’s easy to love sunshine, but it takes a special person to love rainy days. See the Injury Facts page on Weather-Related Deaths and Injuries. (Meaning of Rain = barish / monsoon / sawan in urdu / hindi) Electrical incidents happen daily, putting lives and operational continuity at risk. When working in the rain, California OSHA recommends: Move cautiously. Please follow weather forecasts during the rainy seasons as they inform your day to day decisions. You can also walk around the house. It is up to you to make sure that your employees have all the equipment they need to be safe no mater the season. Truck driving in heavy rain: 15 safety tips you need to know. 4. Extremely high or low voltage can potentially damage your expensive appliances. One of the most important precautions to be taken during the rainy season is to ensure that you are wearing footwear that does not slip easily, or you may fall and injure yourself. The 105 Get Well Soon Messages for your Boyfriend, Girlfriend Husband or Wife; The 100 Funny Happy Birthday Quotes. You must follow these safety precautions during the rainy season to avoid any car crashes. 7. Although a lot of people don’t realize it, these wires are mostly still live and touching them could potentially be fatal. Keep safety in mind, It will save your behind; Use safety as a vital … Employees working in the rain face additional hazards, such as poor visibility and wet, slippery surfaces. Always remember to dry their hair straight away, sitting around with wet hair, especially if inside an air conditioned apartment is a sure way to bring on a head cold. You can also consider getting your house insured since most insurance policies cover damages caused by natural disasters. However, there are ways companies can reduce the occurrence of these incidents and protect everyone concerned from the physical, financial, and statutory consequences. We reserve the right to determine which comments violate our comment policy. 8. This week, I have prepared 10 health and safety tips to take you through this rainy season. One bad day at the grinder could ruin your whole life Only You can prevent forest fires! Safety+Health magazine, published by the National Safety Council, offers comprehensive national coverage of occupational safety news and analysis of industry trends to 86,000 subscribers. The approach of spring and rainy weather go hand in hand. However, very few know that he was blessed with music abilities as well. These decisions may bring safety to you and your family. The rainy season is the time to be a smooth driver at all times. On average, they are in the range of 5 or 10 minutes long in duration at most companies when conducted often. Using This Site; Support This Site; Search; Home. Comments that contain personal attacks, profanity or abusive language – or those aggressively promoting products or services – will be removed. Replace windshield wiper inserts that leave streaks or don’t clear the glass in a single swipe. The potential hazards present on a worksite can be exacerbated during inclement conditions such as rain. Do you believe the COVID-19 situation will have a lasting impact on the field of occupational safety and health? An exchange for safety professionals on solving their safety issues. The prospect of walking in the rain or jumping in a puddle may seem fun, especially if you live towards the south of the country and don’t get a chance to enjoy this weather too often. Use the following safety precautions to help drive safely in the rain: Only travel in heavy rain when necessary, and always leave extra time to safely reach your destination; When getting into the car during rainy conditions, wet shoes may slide from pedals. Let it shine. At speeds as low as 35 miles per hour, tires can lose contact with the roadway during a rainstorm. I try hard to bring you the necessary info and best reviews about … 3. One of the top electrical safety tips during the rainy season, apart from not touching electrical wires, is to unplug electronic appliances during heavy rainfall. Save lives, from the workplace to anyplace. It is imperative that we keep safe this rainy season by heeding to these health and safety tips. Apart from making sure mosquitoes and other bugs don’t invade your space during the monsoon season, you also need to make sure your windows can be closed all the way to avoid water from entering your home during heavy rainfall. However, steps can be taken to mitigate such hazards. “ Here are work practices that will help prevent accidents and injuries when working in the rain. Driving in the rain, however, is only enjoyable if one exercises extreme caution. Below are some small things you can keep at work for those rainy days, to make the day less horrid: Spare pair of socks and shoes. Superman has his cape and construction workers have their protective gear. Tucking your pants into footwear can cause water to enter. Dry soles of shoes on vehicle carpeting or rubber matting if possible One of the biggest dangers in wet weather is posed by slips, trips and falls, with those working at height perhaps most at risk – 15% of all deaths from slips, trips and falls are from roofers alone. Curl up with a good book and the collection of wise and insightful rainy days quotes below. Happy Rainy Day. Needless to say, repairing them would definitely put a strain on your wallet. In the rain, be sure your pant leg lies over your boot or shoe. You don’t want any employees getting electricuted. If you are concerned about your furniture getting wet, the easiest way is to cover it with big plastic sheets to minimize the damage. It’s important to steer, accelerate, and brake gently when driving along slippery roads and through poor visibility condition. 1. Slow down to avoid hydroplaning. 40+ Beautiful Rain Messages. Since these wires tend to break during heavy rainfall, keep an eye on the electric poles in your area and alert concerned authorities if needed. By Dan Drella. An email address is required but will not be included with your comment.). This is the kind of outlook that we all ought to have when it comes to rainy days. All the colors of the rainbows are never shine like my love for you. It’s also advisable to carry your belongings in small plastic pouches during the rainy season so that even if you are caught in a shower, you won’t have to worry about water getting into your handbag or backpack and ruining your things. Above-average rain projections mean even more truck driving in heavy rain. When safety is a factor, call in a contractor. Hand out a list of safety messages that employees can sign off on as they read. NOAA (the … Use a calendar with a different safety message posted each day. In case you have no other option but to step in a puddle to get to your home or workplace, make sure to thoroughly wash your foot with soap and clean water. Waterproof Gear. Below are the 42 Catchy Food Safety Slogans. It is also recommended to avoid ringing people’s doorbells while it’s pouring, particularly if the bell isn’t covered by some sort of shade and is exposed to water. Never over-drive your ability or the ability of your vehicle. By Carolyn Boston, Lead Contributor. “ We focus on eliminating the leading causes of preventable injuries and deaths. On a sunny day, we can go out and experience the world, while at the same time getting some great exercise to improve our bodies. Tucking your pants into footwear can cause water to enter. For more information on ways to stay safe this monsoon season, visit Zameen Blog – the leading lifestyle blog in Pakistan. Use the following safety precautions to help drive safely in the rain: As temperatures rise, stay safety wise. Put a Yoga DVD on; stretching is a perfect rainy day exercise. – Mehmet Murat ildan. Rain is a fact of life – particularly for SHEilds UK – but as the seasons turn and colder, darker nights close in the risk factor presented can creep up on us, only becoming fully apparent after an incident has occurred.. Find The Best, Catchy, Competition Winning Health and Safety Slogans and Safety Messages for Your Workplace – 2020 quotable quote: “The use of silly and meaningless safety slogans matters, it creates a distraction and delusion that safety and risk are being addressed.We may feel good about speaking such words but they dumb down culture and distract people from taking safety seriously”. But a rainy day can be extremely dangerous for you, speaking health wise. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies in accordance with our. It's easy to hydroplane: all you need is one-twelfth of an inch of rain on the road and a speed of more than 35 miles per hours. Safety is the key to life – don’t get locked out. The cast and crew of that production might have felt like the rain had wasted a lot of time, but it was the rain that brought the group together, it was the rain that allowed the group to have an intimate, bonding time and it was the rain that helped create special relationships within the group. But according to the United States Department of Transportation, wet pavement contributes to nearly 950,000 automobile crashes each year.From the above statistics, it is clear that driving in the rain can considerably increase the risk of a dangerous situation for you, your family and other road users. Safety slogans are nifty – Give me my fifty. It might not be as cool as a cape, but protective items such as raincoats and waterproof footwear are essential on rainy days. If your tires have extensive wear and tear, you are more highly likely to hydroplane. My Name is Brendan Norman. For artistic and sentimental types, it means inspiration. On a sunny clear day, you can improve your body; on a rainy foggy day, you can improve your mind! This will depend on your office and if you have your own storage space, but having wet feet all day is not good for you. Check for yourself. 5. Safety isn’t just a slogan, it’s a way of life. To ensure your truck doesn’t hydroplane, you should reduce your speed to correspond with the amount of water on the roadway. When it comes to safety tips for the rainy season, taking precautions against mosquitoes and other bugs certainly top the list. You May Be Check Top 10+ Anniversary Wishes To Brother And Sister In Law. 8. Working in the rain can cause slippery surfaces and limited visibility. 2. 3 days ago. A comprehensive online resource for safety professionals and decision makers. Happy Rainy Day. 7 Safe Driving Tips for Rainy Days Blog; Scott D. Fitzgerald; The approach of spring and rainy weather go hand in hand. The days are getting shorter, and the weather is suddenly a lot cooler. Read what other people are saying and post your own comment. Frequent power breakdowns and flash flooding are the most troublesome part of the monsoon season. 7. Severe weather demands your undivided attention, so be sure to reduce driving distractions by … Use a calendar with a different safety message posted each day. Save Yourself from Slipups . I hope that day is just as amazing as you are my love. One of the simplest measures to prevent this kind of accident is to choose appropriate clothing. We use cookies to provide you with a better experience. Our aim is to keep the toilets clean – your aim will help! If you are an employee, following safety protocols are in your and your … Below are the 17 safety slogans that rhyme. So, take time to remember these safety tips for you and your loved ones. Here are the 8 safety tips for the rainy season. Moreover, don’t forget to check out our tips on how to prepare your home for monsoon. 22 )Aaj barish me tumhare sang nahana hai, Sapna ye mera kitna … You should be in full control of your car when the rain falls. If you have kids, educate them about the importance of staying away from fallen electric wires and poles as well. Curl up with a good book and the collection of wise and insightful rainy days quotes below. Resources. If the vehicle behind you is tailgating, make sure to put some distance between the two. (Anonymous comments are welcome; merely skip the “name” field in the comment box. Add to that the fact that rain can reduce or impair a driver’s view of the road, and it’s easy to see that driving in the rain needs to be treated with extra caution. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) offers the following advice for those working in the … Attach a safety message to drivers’ trip folders. Although the weather may make you inclined to work more quickly to get out of the rain, this is dangerous. 1. Therefore, if you really want to enjoy this time of the year without facing any unfortunate incidents, here are some simple yet effective safety tips for the rainy season that you must follow. However, those "April Showers" can bring much more than just May flowers—they can lead to dangerous collisions on slippery roads. Without the rain, there would be no … Read this week’s blog for tips to keep you and your employees safe from rainy wet conditions. Happy Rainy Day. The above-mentioned safety messages for truck drivers will allow you to return home every day safely and happily after long hours of driving. A study of automobile crashes between 2005 and 2014 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicated that 22% of all vehicle crashes were “weather … Post safety meeting messages by time clocks. Flash Flood Safety Many governmental agencies are dedicated to alerting the community to road closures during our thunderstorm season. If you are cold and wet, you are likely concentrating more on how miserable you are than the work at hand. Lightning can strike up to 10 miles away from a thunderstorm, which means it can strike you before the rain even begins or long after the rain stops. Prevent a jam, don’t open spam Protect only the fingers you want to keep. Not only that, but water can also enter your wiring, which can be disastrous. 5. Deep-tread, waterproof and nonslip shoes, raincoats, nonslip gloves, and specifically-designed rain gear will protect employees from slipping or freezing. This data is hardly surprising, as driving conditions during the monsoon season are difficult because of wet roads and low […]The post 6 Safety Tips When Driving This Rainy Season appeared first on … A truck can easily get trapped and unable to turn around or the docking facility just isn’t suitable for big … Jan 17, 2017 - A collection of vintage and modern road safety messages that we think are worth shouting about. However, one of the top precautions to be taken during the rainy season includes staying away from the water that’s standing on the road. 20 )Happy Rainy Day Dua hai Barish k Jitnay Qatre giren utni hi dafa aap slip ho kar giren. EPA, OSHA to coordinate on chemical reviews, OMB issues guidance on Executive Order aimed at protecting federal workers from COVID-19, FRA proposes changes to Positive Train Control regulations, “Faces of Fire”: New NFPA campaign promotes awareness of electrical safety, COVID-19 pandemic: Biden signs Executive Order directing OSHA, MSHA to consider emergency temporary standards, Biden taps Jim Frederick for acting head of OSHA, deputy assistant secretary, Dry ice and liquid nitrogen: Alert warns of serious health risks to workers, OSHA offers tips to limit COVID-19 exposure among ag workers in employer-provided vehicles, FACE Report: Truck driver fatally struck during flatbed trailer unloading, FACE Report: Worker electrocuted while replacing light fixture, COVID-19 at work: Help out the health department, Prevent overexposure to welding fumes and gases, Training supervisors to be safety conscious, A proactive approach to monitoring COVID-19, White paper: The Ins and Outs of HazCom Training, White paper: OSHA Workplace Injury and Illness Recordkeeping: Your Questions Answered, On the Safe Side podcast Episode 10: Working in the cold and OSHA's Top 10, On the Safe Side podcast Episode 9: Powered industrial trucks, New video for tower workers: Suspension trauma, COVID-19 pandemic: OSHA, FDA create safety and health checklist for food manufacturers, Cleaning & Maintenance Materials and Devices, Motor Transportation & Traffic Control Devices, The National Safety Council Safety Congress & Expo, Women and safety leadership: ‘A cultural shift’, Survey shows many remote workers concerned about their mental health, Recognizing hidden dangers: 25 steps to a safer office. “A rainy day is like a lovely gift -- you can sleep late and not feel guilty.” ― Elizabeth Jane Howard, Mr. Wrong Wearing covered shoes or rubber boots is also one of the top tips for staying safe in monsoon. Pencils have erasers–mishaps don’t! Moreover, don’t forget to subscribe to the Zameen Newsletter and Facebook page. Use electrical tools and equipment that is rated for outside use. tips on how to prepare your home for monsoon, Get to Know Everything about the Open Balloting in DHA Lahore, Make Your Home Feel Warm and Cosy on a Budget. Rain Safety Tips. Now the weather in Malaysia decided to completely change its moods, and it has been raining continuously for the past few days. When summer is about to end, the rainy season is just around the corner. These talks can be as short as a few minutes or longer than 20 minutes. One of the most important road safety tips during the rainy season is to stay away from heavy vehicles and turn on your headlights so that your car is visible despite the heavy downpour. The National Safety Council is … Even as little as 1/12 inch of water on the road forces your tires to displace a gallon of water per second to maintain contact with the road. — Keep pets inside at night and during chilly and rainy days as their fur coats won’t always keep them warm. Keep in mind, safety is the first, no matter what’s your job! Pet Safety Tips For Cold, Rainy Weather. Not only will this habit keep you from falling sick but also help you protect your valuable items such as mobile phone, wallet and cards from getting wet during the downpour. Of course, there are a lot of reasons to love the monsoon season—the most important one being that it indicates the end of scorching summer heat and provides some much-needed relief from the sweltering sun. Here is a checklist of items you must include in your emergency kit for the rainy season in case things get out of hand. Installing mosquito screens on windows and using mosquito nets around your bed are among major safety precautions during the rainy season that will keep you and your family healthy. A warm drink is always another good idea to help heat them up and it’s also a cosy rainy … City of Tucson's Operation Splash and Pima County Department of Transportation pre-deploy barricades and emergency flashers to locations where they know water will be running across roadways, causing major problems for motorists. Night and during chilly and rainy weather go hand in hand types, it means inspiration to beginning! Agriculture industry, it means a bountiful harvest they can also enter wiring. Roads and through poor visibility condition wet shoes as they will most probably contain all of! Which includes both pants and a coat are like sleeping calls to some, but can... As you are agreeing to our use of cookies in accordance with.... 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