We're owners of the peace, not military.Count Dooku: Bold, but, unreasonable, my previous Jedi buddy. However, Sidious revealed that the fear Windu was sensing was not his own (revealing that Windu was actually sensing Skywalker's fear). [1], Sidious would later discover Yoda's survival when the latter arrived at his office in the senate, resulting in a climactic duel between the Sith Master and the Jedi Grandmaster, concurrently to similar duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and the newly-christened Darth Vader. Operation: Knightfall[1]Skirmish on Shinarcan Bridge Extension[2]Order 66[1] Instead of Palpatine's jaw, Windu kicked the right palm of the Sith Lord and knocked away the Sith's lightsaber himself, and Skywalker ignited his blade right after Palpatine applied Force lightning. Dark Side users often have a lust for power, usually to satisfy some emptiness or rage within them. The theory culminates by stating that, following the Clone Wars, Windu intended on restructuring the Senate to function under Jedi control in order to maintain peace on Windu's terms. His actions result in Quinlon Vos, the Jedi sent to kill Dooku, falling to the dark side. This duel explains some—until then—unknown aspects of the Star Wars Universe. Accusing the Jedi of treason, Sidious activated his lightsaber and lunged at the group. Cette apparence est due à son utilisation du côté Obscur de la Force, qui a le don de modifier physiquement ses utilisateurs. If Windu were trying to conquer the Senate, he might have acted more directly rather than languish and discuss while the Sith rose to power. In fact, one of Windu's biggest flaws throughout the series is how little he acts when he needs to. Now, the man was merely a necessary evil worth tolerating until the time was right to take his place. All in all, this theory is surprisingly robust. 1 Dark Lord of the Sith[1]Darth Sidious[1]1 Jedi Knight[1]Anakin Skywalker[1] For, having just experienced first hand the true, terrifying depth of Sidious's power, Windu now saw him as too great a threat to the Republic to be kept alive. The Chancellor began begging for mercy, and claimed he was too weak to continue fighting. [1] In the comic version, Skywalker arrived right at the moment the office window was broken. It explains how Darth Vader, an antagonist from the original trilogy, joined the Sith and why Palpatine's face is deformed in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. Loves different varieties of coffee. [13] Her uncle later taught it to her.[12]. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. We see this in every Sith in the series. As such, he commanded incredible influence over the Jedi Council and subsequently the Jedi Order itself. Skywalker was torn between his desire to learn Sidious's power and his duty as a Jedi to turn him in. Mace Windu est un personnage de la saga cinématographique Star Wars. All but Windu and Fisto quickly fell to the Dark Lord of the Sith and the three masters of the Force clashed. After the lightning faded, Windu raised his blade to strike a killing blow and Skywalker panicked, cutting off Windu's sword hand with his lightsaber. Creamy Sheev is technically stronger than Mace, but Mace has type advantage thanks to Vaapad. Windu contacted Grand Master Yoda before and after receiving the truth from Skywalker: both the members of the arrest team and their action were approved by the Grand Master. Date Nouveau sujet Liste des sujets. Both Palpatine and Windu state that their adversaries are "too dangerous to be kept alive." Skywalker pleaded with him to spare Sidious, stating that the best course of action was for Sidious to stand trial, but Windu refused, believing that Sidious's influence would sway the Court's decision in the Sith Lord's favor. Played with a pomp solemness by Samuel Jackson, Mace had a few key moments the prequel films. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. [4], With Windu's death, some, such as the Jedi Jaina Solo, believed the shatterpoint Force technique was lost. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Skywalker's lightsaber hilt remains visible in some shots of the finished film though, making this one of many lightsaber bloopers found throughout the Revenge of the Sith movie. Within a minute, will have got assigned you your shiny new sparkle.All articles must be flaired. Among other visions, Yoda saw a hooded figure slay Jedi Masters Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto in quick succession. In the novelization, there was a thunderstorm outside during the duel. Greatly disturbed by these dreams, he sought the advice of Grand Master Yoda, but Yoda, ever the consummate Jedi, simply told Anakin to "let go of everything he feared to lose." Even the knowledge of Palpatine's true identity depended solely on the words of an emotionally unstable Anakin Skywalker. Mace Windu: This celebration's over.PaIpatine: I will not really let this Republic, which has was for a thousand decades, be divided in two. [1], At that moment, Skywalker appeared,[4] convinced that only the powers of the Sith could save his wife's life from the events of his visions. Palpatine plays the scene carefully — as. 4 Jedi Masters[1]Kit Fisto†[1]Agen Kolar†[1]Saesee Tiin†[1]Mace Windu†[1] Skywalker pleaded with Windu not to kill the Chancellor. The first is that Windu and the Jedi are on the same page about Palpatine: Windu is far from the only person who thinks that he has too much power and needs to surrender. Did Palpatine foresee this? This lightsaber duel appeared in the film version of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and it remained nameless until Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide identified the duel as the "Showdown on Coruscant" in one of its captions. [1] This may not have been strictly true, as Sidious had used midichlorians to re-invigorate the gravely injured or dying in the past. The Jedi, Windu included, tried to use diplomacy and espionage to uncover Palpatine's true agenda before taking any dangerous action. [3], Four Jedi Masters attempting to arrest a Dark Lord, Shortly after the Battle of Coruscant, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker had begun experiencing prophetic visions of his wife, Padmé Amidala, dying in pain during the birth of their child. Not to mention you could say the same for Mace's feat against Palpatine. Order of the Sith Lords[1] But if Palpatine had killed Mace Windu right away, as he killed the other Jedi, Anakin would not have been motivated to protect him. A one-stop shop for all things video games. In the canon novel Dark Disciple, Windu suggests assassinating Dooku, which Obi-Wan and Yoda oppose out of fear that such an act would draw them far closer to the Dark Side. Windu then took a squad of Masters—the nervous Nautolan Kit Fisto, Zabrak Agen Kolar, and the Iktotchi Saesee Tiin—to arrest Palpatine in his own office. During the engagement, Windu sent Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar to the Chancellor's desk to block the way to the door. Which leads to Pitting Anakin against the Jedi. Skywalker further pressed that killing Sidious in cold blood was not the Jedi way. Palpatine invited Skywalker to a show at the Galaxies Opera House under the pretense of providing him with intelligence on the location of Ge… The Jedi burst into Sidious's private office, where Master Windu declared the Chancellor under arrest. [6], With the Dark Lord disarmed, Windu again declared that Sidious was under Jedi custody. Sujet : [HS] Windu vs Palpatine, quelle issue "alternative" ? Concurrent Fisto managed to fend off Sidious's initial strikes[4] due to his mastery[5] of a more defensive style of lightsaber combat, but he was cut down mere seconds after the fall of his two compatriots. The showdown on Coruscant was a confrontation that took place in the Supreme Chancellor's Suite of the Galactic Senate in 19 BBY. Great Jedi Purge[1] [7], In the novelization of Episode III, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, and Shaak Ti all claimed that the arrest team consisted of "four of the greatest swordsmen the Jedi Order has ever produced"—a fact less obvious in the movie since Kolar, Tiin, and Fisto all died within a few seconds of the duel's start. [9], Though horrified at what he had done, and what he was becoming, Skywalker knew there was no turning back from his dark path, so he pledged to Sidious that he would do whatever Sidious asked in return for his assistance in saving Amidala. This theory suggests that Mace Windu might have been corrupted by power during the Clone Wars. Not long after the Battle of Coruscant, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker began experiencing visions of his wife, Padmé Amidala, dying in childbirth. The electric currents flowing through Sidious exposed the almost reptilian features of his true form. This was untrue, however. the Sith who killed him. In the Revenge of the Sith novel, Palpatine spun the duel to prove Jedi were rebelling against the Republic, which was further expanded upon in the 2008 reference book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, in which Palpatine called this duel the "Jedi Rebellion." Mace Windu was a Human Jedi Master and arguably the Jedi Order's greatest warrior during the Clone Wars. In particular, he told Anakin that Plageuis had discovered way to use the dark side to influence midi-chlorians, an ability which could be used to both create life and cheat death. So in a straight fight mace wins yes due to vaypad, but mainly shatter point as there will be plenty of flaw in the technique of a man who prefers to speed blitz rather than win on skill. He was defeated until Anakin turned to the dark side and saved him. Nute_Chethray. Sidious named his new apprentice Darth Vader and tasked him with the sterilization of the Jedi Temple. Sidious later labeled this action a Jedi Rebellion, alternatively a Jedi Revolt, with the ultimate goal of taking over the galaxy. [1] Windu guided the battle across the office towards the bay window, which was quickly shattered by their missed attacks. Eventually, the lightning subsided to leave Palpatine[1][4] pretending[7] to be exhausted and frail, lying on the floor. Elle lui permet de gagner pratiquement à chaque fois car c'est la plus meurtrière des forme de combat. Using Sidious's own power against him, Windu proved able to match the Dark Lord blow for blow, but realized that even his mastery of Vaapad would result only in an indefinite stalemate. Palpatine, who retained absolute power over the Senate, served as the biggest obstacle to Windu's agenda, which was made all the worse when Windu realized Palpatine was a Sith Lord. Either way mace has simply got more experience and has been able to train far longer than palp due to him going into hiding and then just not caring to train after his victory. Windu alone cornered Darth Sidious, Palpatine's true identity, as Skywalker arrived in the room. [1] In The Making of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, George Lucas, the creator and ultimate authority regarding the Star Wars universe, responded to the question of whether Mace Windu brought a weak group of Jedi with him for the confrontation with Palpatine by replying that "one would have to be either Windu or Yoda to compete with Palpatine," and that if Anakin had suffered none of his injuries, he could have beaten the Emperor. They had a brief skirmirsh in Son of Dathomir (canon comic). Palpatine reveals he learned from Plagueis and talks to Anakin about the dark side. Krayt isn't simply Plagueis tier, he perishes. Saesee Tiin, despite his surprise, attempted to strike the Dark Lord from behind as Kolar fell, but was cut down as Sidious swung around to slash him across the torso. [4] The novel altered the scene to Palpatine attempting to push Windu out of the office after the Jedi Master had broken the window. [4] Ian McDiarmid, the actor who portrayed Palpatine, did not enjoy filming these scenes. Windu also failed to explain why the "philosophical difference" between the Jedi and the Sith would lead to the arrest of Palpatine, which played to the Sith Lord's plan in the secret audio recording, thus undermining the support of the Jedi in the Senate.[1]. Ironically, when explaining this, Mace used the exact same argument for killing Sidious that Sidious himself gave to Anakin for why Dooku needed to be killed earlier–that Sidious was far too great of a threat to be kept alive. [4], Sidious drove Windu back along the corridor to his public office, where Windu rallied and pulled Sidious into a bladelock. [1] In the comic version, his private chamber contained a holoprojector instead of a desk. It began after Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker informed Master Mace Windu that Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had revealed his identity as a Sith Lord to him. While Windu is presented as a Jedi Master, it's undeniable that he has contempt for the political system, believes that the Jedi should run the political show for the good of the people and undeniably has strong ties to the Dark Side. Outcome Its reputation as a lost art spawned from the rarity of individuals able to perform it, but some like her brother, Jacen Solo, and uncle, Luke Skywalker, learned it by[12] 41 ABY. Here's some of Windu's best quotes from the Star Wars prequels. Perhaps the dark side did influence Windu's thought process, but it is more likely that Windu was motivated more by wrath than power-lust. [16], According to the screenplay of Episode III, Dar Wac, the Chancellor's Rodian aide, originally had a cameo appearance before the Jedi entered Palpatine's office. Due to his natural affinity to the Force, Windu was sent to the Jedi Order—a monastic order of protectors, sworn to defend the Galactic Republic, and known as the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy—to learn the Jedi arts. RELATED: Star Wars: Why Rey Couldn't Sense the Jedi Before Rise of Skywalker. [1][4], After Sidious ceased his attack, Windu announced that he had no choice but to eliminate the Dark Lord once and for all. Arguably, this makes Windu even MORE dangerous than Palpatine, because Windu is willing to defy law and order out of irrational anger rather than calculated power-lust. Did Palpatine purposely lose to Mace Windu, to ensure that Anakin would turn … [4] However, having arrived too late to see the Sith Lord's intent, Skywalker saw only a helpless Chancellor cowering before Mace Windu. This is a fact, and we can all clearly see in the movie that Mace Windu beat Palpatine in a duel. [1] He then angrily reminded Windu when the latter mentioned the Senate will decide his fate that he was the Senate, to which Windu was quick to remind him that he isn't yet.[4]. While the theory doesn't elaborate beyond describing how Windu's purple lightsaber represents the darkness and light within Windu, there are in-canon expansions on Windu's Dark Side experience. We see this rejection of power in every Light Side user, including the majority of the Jedi Order. Skywalker was scripted to be present throughout the duel at first, but the battle was re-choreographed at the last minute and Skywalker was instead scripted to arrive at the exact moment Palpatine lost his weapon. After Windu watched multiple Jedi being felled by Palpatine's lightsaber, he undeniably saw him as a dangerous threat. Conflict Chancellor's Suite, Coruscant[1] [1], Mace Windu defending himself against Darth Sidious's Force lightning, In response, Sidious hurled a torrent of Force lightning at the Jedi Master. En tant qu'aîné du Conseil Jedi, Mace Windu dirigeait l'effort de guerre de la République depuis le Temple Jedi de Coruscant, s'entretenant régulièrement avec le Grand Maître Yoda et le Chancelier Suprême Palpatine sur la stratégie et la diplomatie. RELATED: Star Wars: Force Ghosts Reveal Why Dead Jedi Bodies Are So Complicated. Also, Anakin Skywalker arrived much earlier, and was able to watch almost half of the epic lightsaber duel between Windu and Palpatine,[1] instead of just after when the Jedi Master knocked down Sidious, as shown in the movie. The showdown was parodied in Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III, in which Palpatine rants about his deformed face. Windu then gathered a team of Jedi Masters consisting of Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin, and attempted to arrest Palpatine in his own Suite. However, Mace Windu os a major wartime figure for the Jedi, and he orchestrates the Republic's actions during the war, not unlike Palpatine. on December 21st 2020, 7:16 am . After torturing him for a few moments, Sidious used the Force to push Windu out of the broken window, whereupon he met his death on impact with the streets below. The parallels between Windu and Palpatine continue into the two's duel. Windu is a master of Form VII lightsaber combat. In a moment of distraction, Agen Kolar was impaled by Palpatine through the abdomen. My discussions will not fall short.Mace Windu: If they perform, you must understand there aren't plenty of Jedi to guard the Republic. Windu isn't alarmed by Palpatine since he's strong in the Force, only that he's in control of the political system. All these people are extremely skilled and powerful. After that, the remaining two Jedi fought Sidious. Asadora! [4], Vader stormed the Temple, leading the 501st Legion,[10] and proceeded to kill nearly every Jedi within its walls. [7][18], In the novelization of Episode III, there were a few differences from the film's interpretation. RELATED: ReedPOP Launches Online Star Wars Convention. Sensing Sidious's incredible power, Windu realized that he had to give himself completely over to Vaapad, his personal Juyo varient, in order to survive. Re: Darth Krayt vs Mace Windu. He called out to Skywalker for help while Windu pleaded with him not to trust the Sith Lord. Ever! Krayt wins but dies to Fay after. [4], Mace Windu being slammed into a wall by Palpatine's Force push, The comic version of Episode III kept the idea of Palpatine slamming Windu into a wall with a powerful Force push,[19] which was stated in the screenplay,[17] but absent from the movie. The Temple was set ablaze and reduced to ruins while all of Galactic City watched. [17], George Lucas watching the earlier version of the scene, In the novel, a debate between Palpatine and Windu before the duel reflected that even though the audience knew that Palpatine, as a Sith Lord, was behind everything and was ultimately responsible for the war, the Jedi never had any hard evidence of Palpatine's crime to legitimize their arrest attempt. Later, in the Supreme Chancellor's office, after Skywalker informed the Supreme Chancellor about Obi-Wan currently fighting General Grievous, Palpatine finally revealed himself to be Darth Sidious, Plagueis's former apprentice and the current Dark Lord of the Sith. This set a precedent for Windu's actions leading people down dark paths. A recent fan theory posted by ImpulsiveBeetle on the r/FanTheories subreddit proposes that whoever won that fight would've become a galactic conqueror and that Mace Windu could've been as tyrannical as Palpatine. Another component of the theory is that Windu is the only Jedi other than Anakin who is strong in both the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. HellfireUnit. While historically there have been wars in the galaxy, the Jedi don't exist as generals -- at least, not regularly. A cautious and wary individual, he was opposed to Anakin Skywalker's acceptance into the Jedi Order and was doubtful of th… Furthermore, to every clone trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic, Sidious issued Order 66; the clones were ordered to eliminate their Jedi Commanders and Generals, and marked all Jedi as enemies of the Republic. Re: Darth Krayt vs Mace Windu. He had only about five days to learn the choreography[14] his stunt double would not perform[7] from the stunt coordinator, Nick Gillard. Previous In fact, it could have worked against Palpatine: seeing someone you trust standing over the bodies of Jedi is much different than seeing him helpless on the ground, threatened by a Jedi weapon. Battle of Coruscant[1] Mace Windu Vs Palpatine - How It Should Have Been - YouTube When the Masters scattered the Chancellor's private guards beyond the office's outer doors, the Sith Lord triggered a concealed recording device—audio only. All four Jedi Masters slain[1] Chancellor Palpatine Vs Mace Windu Gif; Windu Vs Palpatine; Discover a flair you like, click on it, and send out the information it provides you to specifically as-is. The writhing Sidious then blasted Windu with another torrent of lightning and sent him through the window—to his death—into the streets of Galactic City. Among other visions, Yoda saw a hooded figure slay Jedi Masters Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto in quick succession. As an older man, he was not as dexterous as his opponents and, occasionally, he would be hit over the day's filming. [Source]. This entire scene was omitted from LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, although it was originally going to become a level. Supprimer Restaurer. But of coarse if they were both looking for a purly efficient quick kill palpatine has quite the advantage here, Mace … While historically there have been wars in the galaxy, the Jedi don't exist as generals -- at least, not regularly. [20], The junior novelization omitted the entire fighting sequence between Palpatine and the Jedi. Si Anakin était pas arrivé, il l'aurait sûrement battu, mais la jsutice n'est pas de ce monde. [4], Skywalker had not realized that Sidious was going to kill Windu[7] and fell to his knees in shock at his unwitting participation in the Jedi Master's murder. [1][19] Tiin wielded a green lightsaber in the movie,[4] but a blue lightsaber in the comic. Furthermore, though Sidious had admitted to not knowing how to cheat death, he believed that joining the Dark Lord was still his best chance to save Amidala. Throughout all three cinematic trilogies, he's the reason that pretty much everything horrible happens. Il est en effet le créateur d'une technique particulière de combat au sabre laser : le Vaapad, technique de combat très dangereuse car très proche des mouvements Sith, qui fait appel aux sentiments dans un combat et rapproche dangereusement son utilisateur du Côté Obscur, si celui-ci ne peut maîtriser suffisamment ses sentime… Strength Level Six. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Mace Windu vs. Wallace Palpatine is an image macro featuring an image edit of a scene from the I Am the Senate film Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith in which the character Mace Windu confronts the character Wallace from the Wallace & Gromit series, who replaces Senator Palpatine. Mace Windu est un excellent bretteur. While it is possible that Windu's actions were motivated from some sense of power-lust, it's more likely that he was motivated by a desire for self-preservation. Form VII combat channels rage and anger as a weapon. Soul of the Dragon Makes Batman a Weaker Fighter - And That's OK, How Batman: Soul of the Dragon Sets Up a Sequel, Russo Brothers Will Use the Marvel Model for Extraction 2, How Tall King Kong Is in Each of His Films, Godzilla vs. Kong: Where to Stream Every MonsterVerse Movie Before the Crossover Releases, Bloody Hell Is a Stylish Horror Genre Mashup for the Midnight Movie Crowd, Star Wars: Darth Bully Maguire Busts a Move in the Duel of the Fates, Spider-Man's Tom Holland Broke His Computer When He Was Cast for Civil War, Liam Neeson Thriller The Marksman Misses Its Mark, Godzilla vs. Kong: The Best Theories For What's Going on With Godzilla, Star Wars: The Most UNUSUAL Lightsabers in Jedi & Sith History, James Bond: Why George Lazenby Left the 007 Franchise. 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