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A PDP helps plan and show the achievement of continuing professional development. Add the Activities : To demonstrate that your CPD activity was verifiable, you will need to retain a CPD certificate that meets the requirements of the Scheme. Professional Development Plan (PDP) Distinguished-Serves as a leader in implementing or advocating the creation of goals in the School Improvement Plan -Leads staff development -Identifies and suggests solutions for issues across and beyond grade level/team/department -Serves as a mentor or induction coordinator for new teachers A professional development plan helps you gain specific insight into how you can reach your career aspirations, such as earning a new certification or finding a mentor who can advise you. My registrant title(s) cycle period, hours. endstream
We have developed a PDP template that covers the minimum requirements. _�^� `� E�&�R.���} N�� r�E>>��T�����c�|w��a1��0uG���0��ߦ{�9��0f���C�|\�����Y����⯇�. A professional development plan is a list of actionable steps for achieving your career goals. Field of practice. endobj
RECOMMENDED SMART GOAL State the Action you will take Describe an Area of Focus for the Learning . He was able to maintain the focus of the plan’s expectations It’s the best way for you to manage your own development. (this part which is highlighted is not required for me and don’t include it on my assignment) Produce a professional development plan (PDP) plan to meet your professional development needs (No word count limit for PDP) stream
My Personal Development Plan Table of contents Introduction 2 Areas that need development 2 Your strengths 5 Your action plan 7 Key contacts 8 Resources 9 Related guidance on businesslink.gov.uk 10Created by Business Link December 16, 2005 9:53 AMIf you would like to come back and see how much you have improved,or update your current list of actions, please visit My … PDP staff will audit 10% of PD portfolios annually. I found it difficult to ascertain what &';evidence' counts for each TS & TS-sub-standard, so I have collated acceptable lists from my University training, NQT local authority guidance and mentor guidance into this handy document. <>
My Comments – This is poor PDP. PDP Examples. �|z(=�v���I)���]'��:�Z����j�G�fߑ`| ���Ї�ptr�����UW���q�����"��V�����|�e]&�;�?X~�e���:������b:k,���U]���1ȓ-+V�2��`���=���n�У�B0&?� You can choose to store your PDP evidence of activities claimed in your PD portfolio or elsewhere, but if you are selected for random audit, you will need to produce your evidence. People management - examples of action and evidence phases 4 and 5. 4. of . There is no evidence on how the you will further develop these skills from the course and then prove competence in those skills. Feedback from the working group This process is time consuming for the NQSW and the assessor. You are expected to complete it regularly and to gather evidence of your achievements, in addition to your written commentary. h�b```���|g@��9H0ܜ/�{�sZя/$ʫ,�V�20�VxM����S��uz �n9%Բ��!4��!��!����`
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Each PDP will be unique, as although you may have the same aims as another person, how you achieve them may be different. PDP has three stages as follows: a. required: This list is not exhaustive and other categories and evidence types may be used to demonstrate the achievement of the Standards. Include the Rationale . You will no longer need to wait for PDP staff to review your entries and add points. PDPs should aim to be: 1. Sample PDP Goal Statements 2013-2014 Statements without “…as measured by…” I will learn about and implement differentiated formative and summative assessment techniques to enhance my knowledge of my students, to evaluate student progress and performance, and to modify my teaching strategies, so Teachers in Wisconsin develop Professional Development Plans (PDP) to renew their teaching license(s). We suggest that every educator include at least one broad SMART goal on their IPDP similar to the one below. hޜS�n�0�>�Z�w(�i�vh.��e@����������H�q�=�,Д��CҔ#���s �P���j�p�ڇ��; ���ݱ��ɫT��E]�暭�{��){iD!�D5.�Nj�����"�탦�1�ߢl�8c�މ��pn9[,;�b9�e �� Y6�;B�lӍ?�43�H�W�۸���m����+I|��ɱK�6!���T��@��^���
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The PDP portfolio may contain: Personal developmental goals (medical and non-medical). It should be about you and your needs as a GP and the practice where you work 2. CPD activity Suggested evidence to retain Individual/Participatory Structured learning (direct or distance learning style) Certificate of completion, notes, learning outcomes Individual/Participatory Accredited college or university-level education or training Certificate of completion, notes, learning outcomes Individual/Participatory Example 1 - dental nurse. annex 1 examPLes oF standaRds oF evidence schemes 28 annex 2 standaRds oF evidence deveLoPed By the sociaL ReseaRch unit at daRtington 31 annex 3 incLuding Five tyPes oF knoWLedge in systematic ReseaRch RevieWs in sociaL caRe (extRact FRom RutteR et aL., 2010, PP 17–19) 36. Supervision - examples of action and evidence phases 1 and 2. Examples of this can be found in the separate appendix booklet. Evidence shows that the more time you take to identify, prioritise and plan your … Stage 1 – Personal Analysis. ��1 � Jf8�
This account will identify practical needs that I must improve with supportive evidence based research, and evaluate the impact of this need for my personal development as a future qualified nurse. We have also produced PDP examples to show how to utilise your PDP depending on your title, roles and the patients you see. Evidence-based information on pdp and reflective writing from hundreds of trustworthy sources for health and social care. > Examples of evidence > How do I engage in classroom observation? > Tips for collecting and documenting feedback. The GMC states that continuing professional development activities should maintain and improve the quality of care doctors give patients and the public and the standards of the teams and the services in which you work.9 Doing a range of different continuing professional development activities … %PDF-1.7
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E. Evidence of Progress toward Specific Standards or Elements to be Addressed/Enhanced Goal 1: Mr. New’s discipline referrals have dropped by 60% since the implementation of his classroom management plan. endobj
Below are some examples of poor PDP , and how it could be improved. This will not only make learning easier but it will also be more fun! PDP. If you're really stuck, do drop me an email. goal setting. NESA Examples of Practice at Proficient Teacher 2 of 39 Teachers and supervisors should also refer to the Evidence Guide for Proficient Teacher for further advice in selecting and annotating the evidence to accompany the Proficient Teacher Accreditation Report. ;>��Pj�鎷���ɀ��������Y]}ݻl�G���p�����~4���ݢY����t9���uu*�W�o���N���!7�>f�V�./Ż�]_5JY5���q�� ZD`��
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The PDP is yours to track your learning with your line manager and agree on how you will develop yourself. RCVS will only be able to approve completion of the PDP where the participant’s record contains details of skills and accompanying notes that provide evidence of their development from their first day in practice to their acquisition of ‘Year One’ skills. 720 0 obj
(You should upload with your assignment the HR summary report from your chosen areas as supporting evidence). %PDF-1.6
Measurable - this means you can demonstrate that you have evidence that your objective has been achieved; for example, by a reflection in your learning log or CbD on that area 3. Attending a course could mean sleeping at the back with no learning. h�bbd``b`z$�9 ��3l�D�J ��H��0012�Y�X���Y �x �
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Reflection and. The examples are grouped into common evidence types. Specific - this means clear and possible to demonstrate; for example, ‘learning all about women’s health’ is not specific, but ‘improving knowledge of contraception options’ is. 6 Criterion Element Example Artifacts/ Evidence Criterion 6: Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning
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You will be able to draw heavily upon your career and the outcomes of courses that you may have attended. 0
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Author: Naomi Browne Created Date: 03/30/2017 06:39:00 Title: Evidence template number 1 PDP Last modified by: Naomi Browne Company: Skills for Care Teacher Generated Examples of Artifacts and Evidence. These should be supplemented by Professional practice and learning. updated 12/17/2013 Page . endobj
This document provides examples of evidence that may be used to provide insight into the effectiveness of teacher practice and inform growth. Find your natural learning style and use learning methods which are more comfortable for you. Otherwise it could have been located in a teaching file or under a separate tab in the standards folder. 4 0 obj
Please note these examples are not intended to demonstrate a full PDP, but to give examples of how professionals may plan their activity. This assignment is a critical analysis and reflection of my continuing personal and professional development (CPPD) needs in practice. Supervision - examples of action and evidence phases 4 and 5. You are responsible for the completion of your PDP. Just to clarify, for the evidence location, 'see over&' means that it&';s actually located behind that particular page. Examples of SMART goals are provided below. Ongoing feedback, reflection Search results. As a minimum, there should be one piece of evidence to demonstrate progress towards or achievement of each goal articulated in the PDP. A good personal development plan (PDP) will set out how a trainee assessed their learning needs, how they plan to address these needs and the evidence they will provide to demonstrate their learning. Evidence of progress is required at the end of the year. Learning Styles in personal development planning. depending on their title, roles and patients. Useful for NQT&'s, mentors, student teachers and others. Although the method for collecting data and evidence to support goal attainment and professional development is a local decision, collecting and maintaining 1. Pdp sample 1. data/evidence to track goal attainment and participation in professional development activities detailed in the approved plan. Hopefully what I have put in each evidence block will give you sufficient ideas. x���Mk1����"kF��r�GC People management - examples of action and evidence phase 2. *** Added a condensed, cleaner version in Nov 2014 *** Mike. The examples below are provided as a guide for new graduates using the PDP database: Summative Review of PDP Progress (required) For each area identified for development of professional practice, indicate if PDP expectations were met or not met as well as the sources of evidence that were reviewed. Team working - examples of action and evidence phases 4 and 5. What to write if going on a Course as PDP. It could be seen as a second assessment running alongside the original PCF assessment. Evidence of personal self-analysis - eg, reflective diary (can include planned educational activities in the future). Reflection and. The template requires learning needs to be linked to the PDP and is reviewed at three, six and nine months. The first stage is designed to analyse your strengths and weaknesses. endstream
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Achievable - for example, doing an e-learning modul… *��Ӕe8!�����Ώ��_ �("�
This evidence should be placed behind the relevant Standard and annotated where necessary. The quantity of evidence required to substantiate progress towards each goal is a professional judgement, determined in collaboration with the supervisor. Ongoing feedback, reflection and review. (TAC, Chapter 150.1003). Here you can see the Honey and Mumford learning cycle. This is then used to prioritise and direct the next PDP, and to provide evidence that the PDP is being addressed. A PDP is based on planned professional growth and evidence of the effect of that growth on student learning. Jump to search results. Achieving a goal. Keep it up to date, it’s a live document so record your learning and any new skills you’ve acquired and use it to evidence that you have achieved or are achieving your learning goals. In addition, enter the sources of evidence that were reviewed and the date of each review. 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